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Timing Attack

A timing attack is essentially using statistics and a large number of requests to determine certain pieces of information by brute force. For example, let's say you want to break into somebody elses account on happens to be susceptible to timing attacks, and we're going to abuse it.

The Attack Vector

Let's say the internal string compare method of whatever language is using does a "short circuit compare" when comparing strings. Maybe the code looks something like this:

def is_equal(source, dest):

We couldn’t find that file to show.


  1. Put poll.php somewhere on your server
  2. Include poll.js on your web page, anywhere after jQuery. Update the poll interval if you want, and update the URL on line 18 to point to your poll.php file


Viewers will start polling every 500ms (the default I set in poll.js) for updates. If an update is found, the page will refresh.


Admins can make a request to poll.js from directly in their browser (, if that was the path). They need to pass a GET parameter that matches the password defined in the file. If it matches, it will trigger an update to the timestamp file (filename defined in poll.php, and can be changed to anything). A request with the password would look like When users of the site start polling, they'll get this file and compare it to their LOAD_TIME. If the file has an updated time from after they loaded the page, it will trigger a refresh.

mtrpcic / FO.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
# I'm trying to convert a form I'm using over to use "Form Objects". I created a base
# object that all my forms can inherit from:
class FormObject
include Virtus.model
extend ActiveModel::Naming
include ActiveModel::Validations
include ActiveModel::Conversion
def initialize(attributes = {})
var UsersController = {
"index": function(){
"show": function(){
"new": function(){
var routes = {
"/users": function(){},
"/users/:id": function(){},
"/pages": function(){}
for(key in routes){[key]);
1. Use a ruby version
rvm use 1.9.2-p248
2. Create a gemset
rvm gemset create myapp
3. In the root of your app, add a file named ".rvmrc" with the following contents:
function handler(animate){
return function(path){
get_page(path, animate);
Sales Zen Javascript
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Client-Side Models
Client-Side Views (EJS)
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jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI