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Created December 29, 2021 19:04
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Proyecto Train
# coding=utf-8
from train import sRoute
from train import carga
print("Indique el fichero que se encuentra en el directorio de trabajo, ejemplo: \"nombrearchivo.xlsx\" ")
r = input()
TRAIN = carga(r)
print("Indique la estación inicial, (ejemplo : A, B, C, D)")
I = input()
print("Indique la estación final, (ejemplo : B, C, F, G)")
F = input()
print("Indique el color de la ruta (ejemplo V para verde, R para Rojo, S para sin color)")
C = input()
print('La/s trayectoria/s de estaciones optimas en base al algoritmo djiskrta es/son la/s siguiente/s :')
input("Press enter to exit ;)")
from train import sRoute
from train import carga
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import unittest
import os
import openpyxl
TRAIN = carga('train.xlsx')
TRAIN2 = carga('train2.xlsx')
class testsRoutes(unittest.TestCase):
def test_1(self):
resultado = sRoute(TRAIN,'A','F','S')
self.assertEqual(resultado, [['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']])
def test_2(self):
resultado = sRoute(TRAIN,'B','G','V')
self.assertEqual(resultado, [['B', 'C','G']])
def test_3(self):
resultado = sRoute(TRAIN,'A','I','V')
self.assertEqual(resultado, [['A', 'B', 'C', 'G', 'I']])
def test_5(self):
resultado = sRoute(TRAIN2,'A','H','R')
self.assertEqual(resultado, [['A', 'C', 'H']])
def test_4(self):
resultado = sRoute(TRAIN,'A','H','R')
self.assertEqual(resultado, [['A', 'B', 'C', 'H']])
def test_5(self):
resultado = sRoute(TRAIN2,'A','H','R')
self.assertEqual(resultado, [['A', 'C', 'H']])
def test_6(self):
resultado = sRoute(TRAIN2,'A','F','R')
self.assertEqual(resultado, None)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import pandas as pd
import openpyxl
import networkx as nx
from subprocess import run
import sys
def carga(a = None):
try :
df = pd.read_excel(a)
g = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df,source='origen',target='destino',edge_attr=True)
return g
print('Debe indicar un fichero valido')
run("python "+'', check=True)
def gFilter(z,c):
filter = [(u,v) for u,v,e in z.edges(data=True) if (e['color_origen'] == 'S' and e['color_destino'] == 'S') or (e['color_origen'] == c and e['color_destino'] == c) or (e['color_origen'] == 'S' and e['color_destino'] == c) or (e['color_origen'] == c and e['color_destino'] == 'S')]
graph = nx.Graph(filter)
return graph
def dPath(g,s,t,w=None):
return list(nx.all_shortest_paths(g, source=s, target=t, weight=w, method='dijkstra'))
#return nx.all_shortest_paths(g, source=s, target=t, weight=w, method='dijkstra')
def sRoute(z,s,t,c=None,w=None):
if (c == 'V' or c == 'R') :
graph = gFilter(z,c)
path = dPath(graph,s,t,w)
return list(path)
elif c == 'S':
filter = [(u,v) for u,v,e in z.edges(data=True) if (e['color_origen'] == 'S' and e['color_destino'] == 'S') or ( e['color_origen'] == 'V' and e['color_destino'] == 'R')or ( e['color_origen'] == 'R' and e['color_destino'] == 'V') or ( e['color_origen'] == c and e['color_destino'] == ('V')) or( e['color_origen'] == c and e['color_destino'] == ('R'))or ( e['color_destino'] == c and e['color_origen'] == ('V'))or ( e['color_destino'] == c and e['color_origen'] == ('R'))]
graph = nx.Graph(filter)
path = dPath(graph,s,t,w)
return list(path)
elif c is None:
graphA = gFilter(z,'V')
graphB = gFilter(z,'R')
graphC = gFilter(z,'S')
pathA = dPath(graphA,s,t,w)
pathB = dPath(graphB,s,t,w)
pathC = dPath(graphC,s,t,w)
return pathA, pathB, pathC
print('Debe ingresar un color valido (R para rojo , V para verde y S para sin color)')
except Exception:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
if e.args[0] == "Target I cannot be reachedfrom given sources":
print("No existe trayectoria")
print(e.args[0] + ' Debe ingresar una linea de metro en el formato de grafo especificado y el color de la linea de tren')
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