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Created January 31, 2014 05:53
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My notes from the Intro to Go class held at Codefellows Jan 30 2014
# Intro to Go
Go is opinionated.
## Performance
Go is extremely fast. "100x faster than the heavily cached Ruby option"
"1% of memory footprint"
Go is best at JSON serialization
## History
1. Compiled language
2. Statically typed
3. Concurrent
4. Garbage collected
5. Simple - classically defined
Invented by Rob Pike, Ken Thompson, Robert Griesemer
~2007. OSS in Nov 2009. 464 contributors ("Not Google owned, very open")
## Problem 1 - Development Speed
"Fast to develop, fast to compile"
"Feel like dynamically typed interpreted language."
### Fast has its Tradeoffs
* No generics - may come later, no fast way to do now
* Inheritance - doesn't have traditional inheritance
Has its quirks... Manages your imports - complains if you have imports that you don't use
## Make it Modern
### Modern means multicore == Concurrency
Takes care of the routines for you. You talk to processes ("Not objects")
### Modern means Internet
* Batteries included, e.g. net/http
* std-lib has most of what you need
## Complexity
Webscale - Large programs, big teams
* Designed to be C-like for early career programmers
* Simplified syntax
### Examples of Simplicity
* 1 keyword `for` looping
* Garbage collection
* 25 keywords total (50 in Java, 48 in C++, ~42 Ruby)
* No inheritance - Composition is easier to get right, defers design decisions
* CSP concurrency
### Ask when Confused
"When Go is confusing, have to ask..."
* Is it because the language is young? Go is young, it will be missing some stuff.
* Is it because Go wants to be simple?
* Is it because Go wants to be fast?
# Code
Have to have a main()
## Functions
Lowercase functions are private (?)
Capital function names are 'exported functions' (public?)
func Divide(a, b int) (variables here are created)
## Variables
Long form
var foo string = "whatever"
Short form
var geddy, alex, neil string = "lee", "lifeson", "peart"
thing := "value" // I guess this picks up the type by value?
### Constants
const pi = 3.14
## Loops
// C-Style
for i : = 1, 1 <= 10; i++
// Compact C-style
for x < 10
// infinite
for {
## Flow Control
if i%2 == 0 { // no parans needed
} else {
if x : = math.Exp(i); x == math.E // with example
switch i%2 == 0 { // no fall through, stops when match
case true:
// stuff
// stuff 2
## Structs
type Muscian struct {
Name string
Instrument string
geddy := Musician{"Geddy Lee", "Bass"}
neil := new(Musician)
neil.Name, neil.Instrument = "Neil Peart", "Drums"
There is no `nil` in Go
## Arrays
Not that important in Go
Array is an inmuttable structure. Go beyond it, it will blow up.
// Only has 2 slots
var x [2]string
x[0] = "only"
x[1] = "two"
x[2] = "foo" // will break
## Slices
x := []string{"A", "B"}
x = append(x, "C") // space is not limited
#v in string output depicts Go type (?)
x := make([]string, 2)
x[0] = "A"
### Range over Slice
things := []int{0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8}
for i, thing := range things {
// whatever
## Maps
rush{"keytar"} = "Geddy Lee"
delete(rush, "keytar") // removes from map
_, ok := rush["keytar"] // _ suppresses error (?)
Pretend that it's there and check to see if it is
ok is bool, common language for this scenario.
## Functions as Values
prefix := "Prefixed"
customLogger := func(message, string) string {
// functions have closures
return fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", prefix, message)
Don't have to worry about pointers (except in 1 instance, explained later)
## Methods
// No real classes
type Band struct {
Name string
// methods go on the type
func (b *Band) Play() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v plays!", b.Name)
// want a pointer to this (&), pointer allows mutation of type
b := &Band{"Rush"}
Methods live outside of "classes".
## Interfaces
"This is how Go does inheritance type stuff"
Collection of methods - "Not a real thing, not concrete"
// Players play. In order to be a player, you must Play.
// Your playing must return a string
type Player interface {
Play() string
NOTE: Look into this again. Looks like we're using receivers.
Benefit here is that you can declare interfaces after you've learned more about your system. "Neat way to organize when you're smarter".
Don't have to write `implements` everywhere, faster development.
Q: Can a method be overidden?
A: Use embedding - Advanced topic, look it up. "Inbetween interface"
## Errors
Standard way of dealing with errors is inline.
"Errors get caught right where they happen"
Error() function
if err := run(); err .. // Note: Presenter flipped too fast
# Goroutines
"Go enables people to do concurrency where they wouldn't even try it in their current language"
package main
import (
func say(s string) {
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
func main() {
go say("World")
Go encourages you to use goroutines.
## Channels
Talking between goroutines
NOTE: Too much to type, look this topic up
Ping pong example. 2 players. Channel is process between players.
One player says 'ping', the other 'pong'. Communicate through "table" channel.
<- table // channels are directional, pulls `table` off
ball := <-table
table <- ball // puts "ball back on table"
"It's OK to block your goroutine, the others will keep going"
### Buffered Channel
"You probably won't use these often"
func main() {
// holds two before blocking
c := main(chan int, 2) // only 2 things
c <- 1
c <- 2
// c <- 3 would deadlock
fmt.Println(<-c) // grabs 1st thing
fmt.Println(<-c) // grabs 2nd thing
"all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!"
NOTE: Look up Dying philosopher problem
### Range over Channel
"Lazy evaluated functions"
NOTE: Example too long to jot down
### Select over multiple Channels
`select` allows you to pull across multiple channels
Will keep pulling until one channel has a message to send
NOTE: Example too long to jot down. "Very complicated example".
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