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Created August 23, 2016 09:26
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How to remove selected rows from elasticsearch index by query term filter #elasticsearch #admin #query
# example of removing by query from elasticsearch
# redirect the output to a file and then use curl to bulk load it to ES:
# > out.json
# curl --max-time 120000 -XPOST "$es_host:9200/_bulk" --data-binary @out.json
# change conditions in the query/term below
[ -z $1 ] && { echo "need arg: index name (eg. logstash-2016.04.16)"; exit 0; }
while read id; do
id=${id#*:} ;
id=${id//\"/} ;
id=${id// /};
echo '{ "delete" : { "_index" : "'$index'", "_type" : "livelogs", "_id" : "'$id'" } }';
done < <(curl --max-time 3000 -s -XPOST "http://$es_host:9200/'$index'/_search?pretty=1&size=9999999" \
-d '{"query": {"filtered":
{"query": { "match_all": {} },
"filter": {"bool": {"must": [
{"term" : { "source_path": "/srv/www/log/access.log" }}
] } } } } }' | grep \"_id\" )
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