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Last active October 18, 2016 14:19
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script to check ElasticSearch indexes' size and compare to their average #elasticsearch #admin #health #indexes
# script to check ElasticSearch indexes' size and compare to their average.
# send an email if current index size is lower or grater than average +20%
# averages are in the config file, for example:
#declare -A index
# read conf: avg size (nr of documents) in ES indexes
# and compare it to yesterday's indexes to catch up
# all abnormalities
. conf/healthcheck/es_index_size_avg.conf
es_host= #your ES master node
#function v { [ -z $arg ] && return; echo `date "+%c"`" $1"; }
function v { return; echo `date "+%c"`" $1"; }
function email()
local subject=$1 rcpt=$2
echo -e "$email_body\n\n\n" | mail -s "$subject" -r "$rcpt"
function emsg() { email_body="$email_body\n${1}"; }
[ -z $day ] && day=`date "+%Y.%m.%d" -d '-1 day'`
while read a ; do
[ -z ${index[$ind]} ] && continue
[ ${t[5]} -eq 0 ] && { echo "${t[2]} size is zero"; continue; }
prcnt=$(( ${t[5]} * 20/100))
abs=$(( ${t[5]} - ${index[$ind]} ))
v "${t[5]} $ind ${index[$ind]} $prcnt $abs"
[ $abs -gt $prcnt ] && emsg "$email_body ${t[2]} size problem! avg is ${index[$ind]}, cur is ${t[5]}, 20% allowed diference is $prcnt"
done < <(curl -s "$eshost/_cat/indices?v" | sort | grep $day )
[ "$email_body" != '' ] && email 'ES index health' "$email_rcpt"
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