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Last active April 15, 2016 14:35
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Avro meta type

An Avro schema to describe Avro schemas.

protocol Meta {
enum ArrayType { array }
enum EnumType { enum }
enum FixedType { fixed }
enum MapType { map }
enum PrimitiveType { boolean, bytes, double, float, int, long, null, string }
enum RecordType { record }
* Meta type to represent any type.
* The logical type annotation will "unwrap" this type's `value` union field
* to match Avro schema definitions.
* It currently only represents canonical schemas, but it would be
* straightforward to add more information (e.g. field order or defaults).
record Meta {
union {
record Array {
ArrayType type;
Meta items;
record Enum {
string name;
EnumType type;
array<string> symbols;
record Fixed {
string name;
FixedType type;
int size;
record Map {
MapType type;
Meta values;
record Record {
string name;
RecordType type;
array<record Field { string name; Meta type; }> fields;
string, // Reference.
array<Meta> // Union.
} value;
/* jshint node: true */
'use strict';
* Script to compress/decompress canonical schemas.
* Usage:
* node meta.js <schema.avsc # Compression
* node meta.js <schema.bin # Decompression
* This typically achieves compression ratios of 50%-90%.
var avro = require('avsc'),
util = require('util');
avro.assemble('./meta.avdl', function (err, attrs) {
if (err) {
// Generate the type from the IDL.
var protocol = avro.parse(attrs, {logicalTypes: {meta: MetaType}});
var metaType = protocol.getType('Meta');
// Process input.
var bufs = [];
.on('data', function (buf) { bufs.push(buf); })
.on('end', function () {
var buf = Buffer.concat(bufs);
try {
var attrs = JSON.parse(buf.toString());
} catch (err) {
// If this fails, it's an encoded schema.
// Else if the above succeeded, it's a decoded ("normal") schema.
var canonicalAttrs = JSON.parse(avro.parse(attrs).getSchema());
// Helpers.
* Meta logical type, roughly equivalent to a "named union".
function MetaType(attrs, opts) {, attrs, opts);
this._symbols = undefined; // Primitive symbols.
util.inherits(MetaType, avro.types.LogicalType);
MetaType.prototype.setSymbols = function (arr) {
this._symbols = arr;
MetaType.prototype._fromValue = function (val) {
var obj = val.value;
return obj[Object.keys(obj)[0]];
MetaType.prototype._toValue = function (any) {
var obj;
if (typeof any == 'string') {
if (~this._symbols.indexOf(any)) {
// Handling primitive names separately from references lets us save a
// significant amount of bytes (1 byte per type name instead of 5-8).
obj = {PrimitiveType: any};
} else {
obj = {string: any};
} else if (any instanceof Array) {
obj = {array: any};
} else {
obj = {};
obj[capitalize(any.type)] = any;
return {value: obj};
// `enum` is a reserved keyword in JavaScript, so we capitalize the names. It's
// also more consistent to have all records be capitalized anyway.
function capitalize(s) { return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1); }
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mtth commented Jan 31, 2016

For example:

$ wc -c Coupon.avsc
703 # Uncompressed size.
$ node meta.js <Coupon.avsc >Coupon.avsc.bin # Compress.
$ wc -c Coupon.avsc.bin
239 # Compressed size (66% ratio).
$ diff Coupon.avsc <(node meta.js <Coupon.avsc.bin) # Check that we can recover the schema.

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