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Last active December 20, 2015 19:59
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Save mturnwall/6187054 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A reliable way to get the browser's language on the front-end. It uses a service at That service returns the headers which contains the browser's preferred language in the "Accept-Language" header.


A reliable way to get the browser's language on the front-end. It uses a back-end service at That service returns the headers which contains the browser's preferred language in the "Accept-Language" header.


The ML object gets added to the browser's window object as the alias "multilingual". When the page loads you can simply call multilingual.init();. This will initate an ajax call to the service and set the multilingual.language property to whatever is returned in the "Accept-Language" header. This value is whichever language is set as the browser's top preference.

multilingual.init() makes a call to multilingual.getLanguage() with the multilingual.setLanguage() method as the callback. If you want to supply your own call back you can call multilingual.getLanguage() manually and supply your own callback. Your callback will need to accept the language string as the first parameter.

You can also force a language by calling multilingual.setLanguage() and passing the language string you want to set.

If the back-end service is unreachable after 10 seconds, an error is thrown and the multilanguage.language property is set to false.


jQuery is required because it's $.ajax method is used to query the back-end service.

(/** @lends window.multilingual */function ($) {
* A reliable way to get the browser's language on the front-end. It uses a service at
* That service returns the headers which contains the browser's preferred language in the "Accept-Language" header.
* @name ML
* @namespace
* @type {Object}
var ML = {};
* Make an ajax call to to get the browser headers
* @param {setLanguage} callback Function to call on success or error of the ajax call
* @memberOf ML
ML.getLanguage = function (callback) {
var that = this;
url: "",
dataType: 'jsonp',
timeout: 10000,
success: function(headers) {
language = headers['Accept-Language'].split(',')[0];, language);
error: function () {
console.error('There was an error getting the headers from');, false);
* Set the language either from the ajax call in getLanguage() or manually
* @param {string} language A string representation of the browser's preferred language, "en-us", "es", "fr"
* If an error occurred trying to get the language from ajax call, language is set to false.
* @memberOf ML
ML.setLanguage = function (language) {
this.language = language;
* Calls getLanguage() and sends setLanguage() as the callback
* @memberOf ML
ML.init = function () {
* Callback used by getLanguage()
* @callback ML~setLanguage
* @param {string} language A string representation of the browser's preferred language, "en-us", "es", "fr".
* Assign the ML object to the window object as window.multilingual
* @var {ML} window.multilingual
* @global
window.multilingual = ML;
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