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Engine achievements
Achievement Engine/Game
storing world space positions in gbuffer STALKER
uploaded texture upside down All Quake engines
fixed function pipeline on top of a single vertex buffer Tesseract
made your own texture compression format that works with the driver's decoder somehow Darkplaces (S2TC)
cleared color, depth and stencil buffers individually idTech4
line rendering with quads Various
per-vertex lighting Cube, Minecraft, Gears of War, Skyrim
used facet normals Various
manual gamma correction on sRGB textures Various
used degenerate vertices to build triangle strip Various
used separate vertex buffers for vertex attributes Various
blamed it on the driver Every engine
"fixed" shadow acne with subnormal bias Darkplaces, Cube2, Tesseract
surface area heuristic uses hyperbolic functions Irrlicht
scene graph is a linked list GL Quake, Serious Sam
mixing audio in render loop Win Quake, GL Quake
blocking on hardware occlusion queries Various
skeletal animation done in scripting language Total Annihilation, Natrual Selection 2
wrote a geometry shader Various "AAA" engines
environment mapping using different sky texture Various
block-compresssed tangent space normal maps Various
font rendering with texture per-glyph libass
wrote SIMD for unaligned data idTech3, idTech4, Darkplaces, others
integrated Scaleform Wayforward, others
shipped a debug build Skyrim
shipped with debugger because it didn't crash in debugger Unknown
compiled with -ffast-math and physics became more interesting Any engine using Bullet
issued hardware occlusion queries for the HUD Stardock (Galactic Civilizations)
render functions are virtual Unreal 4
glReadPixels without a PBO Various
destroyed render resources after deleting graphics context Various
wrote software rasterizer because driver kept crashing Epic (UT99) (Pixomatic)
level stored in XML Various tile/side-scroller games
shipped dedicated server bins for s390x only Battlefield 1942 (x86 came later)
"thread safe" heap allocator uses thread local storage as a heap Unknown
game scripting language requires a SAT solver Mono scripting (C# requires SAT)
engine depends on Qt Wayforward (arguable though)
hybrid shader language built ontop of macros targeting GLSL and HLSL Source 2 (togl), Doom 3 BFG, RAGE
implemented atomics using global mutex Oberon Media
debug build is slower than running release build in valgrind Neothyne
incremental GC is called when player takes damage Unknown
in game updater uses bittorrent WoW
in-house developed SWF renderer Doom 3 BFG, RAGE
temporal blocking artefacts caused from encoding video frames with S3TC Neothyne
added whitespace because asset hashed to the same hash as another asset Spyro: Enter the Dragon
engine (or engine components) are shared libraries Source 2
gimbal lock while using quaternions because euler angles still exist in pipeline Neothyne
issued a hardware occlusion query based on a future frame (frame independent rendering) Not disclosed
actually did something about "half pixel offset" in D3D that made things worse Unity
used both OpenGL and D3D at the same time CryEngine (Compute was GL)
Ported to OSx and Linux by writing a D3D to OpenGL "porting layer" CryEngine, Source
Physics simulation fixes T-junctions in meshes each physics step CryEngine
Syncronization primitives implemented with shared memory and files (File system sync) CryEngine
User interface is a webbrower Tabletop Simulator, Overgrowth, GTA V, others
Allocates all of system memory Various
Input event processing on audio thread Bioshock Infinite
IPC using flat files on disk XCom
Oblique frustum is actually a cylinder Starsiege: Tribes
SIMD math code using virtual functions No Man's Sky
Serialized entity state as separate files (with more open FDs than a default install supports) ARK: Survival Evolved
native Linux/MacOS OpenGL port runs slower than Windows version in Wine Source engine
shipped with assertions enabled Shovel Knight
bootstraps itself just so it can render its iconset Houdini
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