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Fast Proximity Queries for Large Game Environments

Ming C. Lin

Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina

Proximity Queries

  • A procedure to compute the geometric contact (and distance) between objects.


  • Use of coherence, locality, hierarchy and incremental computations

Applications other than Games

  • Rapid Prototyping -- tolerance verification
  • Dynamic simulation -- contact force calculation
  • Computer Animation -- motion control
  • Motion Planning -- distance computation
  • Virtual Environments -- interactive manipulation
  • Haptic Rendering -- restoring force computation
  • Simulation-Based Design -- interference detection


  • Efficiency

    • real-time (interactive) for pairwise & n-body
  • Accuracy

    • exact, not approximation
  • Practical

    • should work on "real-world" models
    • relatively easy to implement
    • general yet robust

Problem Domain Specifications

  • Model Representations

    • polyhedra (convex vs. non-convex vs. soups)
    • CSG, Implicit Rep, Parametric Rep
  • Type of Queries

    • collision detection
    • distance computation
    • penetration depth
    • estimated time to collision
  • Simulation Environments

    • pairwise vs. n-body
    • static vs. dynamic
    • rigid vs. deformable

Problem Complexity

Given an environment consisted of m objects and each has no more than n polygons, the problem has the following complexity using brute-force methods:

  • N-Body: O(m^2)
  • Pairwise: O(n^2)


  • Multi-Body Environments
    • Sweep & Prune
    • Scheduling Scheme
  • Pairwise Proximity Queries
    • Convex Objects (GJK, Lin&Canny, SWIFT)
    • General Models (OBBTree, SSV)
    • Graphics Hardware Acceleration
  • Data Management

Sweep and Prune

  • Compute the axis-aligned bounding box (fixed vs. dynamic) for each object
  • Dimension Reduction by projecting boxes onto each x, y, and z axis
  • Sort the endpoints and find overlapping intervals
  • Possible collision -- only if projected intervals overlap in all 3 dimensions

Dimension Reduction

Updating Bounding Boxes

  • Coherence (greedy walk)
  • Convexity properties (geometric properties of convex polytopes)
  • Nearly constant time, if the motion is relatively "small"

Use of Sorting Methods

  • Initial sort -- quick sort runs in O(m log m) just as in any ordinary situation
  • Updating -- insertion sort runs in O(m) due to coherence. We sort an almost sorted list from last stimulation step. In fact, we look for "swap" of positions in all 3 dimension.

Scheduling Scheme

  • When the velocity and acceleration of all objects are known, use the scheduling scheme to prioritize "critical events" to be processed (using heap)
    • Each object pair is tagged with the estimated time to next collision.
    • All object pairs are sorted accordingly.
    • The heap is updated when a collision occurs.

Deriving Bounds

Bounding Time to Collision

Basic Steps

  • Maintain a queue of all object pairs sorted by approximated time to collision
  • At each step, only update the closest feature pair at the head of priority queue (as a heap)
  • If collision occurs, handle collision
  • Re-compute time-to-collision for the affected feature pairs and reinsert them into the queue


  • Multi-Body Environments
    • Sweep & Prune
    • Scheduling Scheme
  • Pairwise Proximity Queries
    • Convex Objects (GJK, Lin&Canny, SWIFT)
    • General Models (OBBTree, SSV)
    • Graphics Hardware Acceleration
  • Data Management

GJK Method for Convex Polytopes

  • Linear time performance, based on Minkowski differences and convex optimization methods

Tracking Closest Features

Lin & Canny [1991]: expected O(1) time performance, independent of complexity

Voronoi Regions

  • Given a collection of geometric primitives, it is a subdivision of space into cells such that all points in a cell are closer to one primitive than to any other

Closest Feature Tracking Using Voronoi Regions

Basic Algorithm

  • Given one feature from each polyhedron, find the nearest points of the two features.
  • If each nearest point is in the Voronoi region of the other feature, closest features have been found.
  • Else, walk to one or both of their neighbors or some other feature.

Running Time Analysis

  • Distance strictly decreases with each change of feature pair, and no pair of features can be selected twice.
  • Convergence to closest pair typically much better for dynamic environments:
    • O(1) achievable in simulations with coherence
    • Closer to sub-linear time performance even without coherence

Accelerated Proximity Queries based on Multi-Level Marching

  • Improved closest feature-tracking based on Voronoi regions
  • Use of normal tables to jump start and avoid local minima problem
  • Take advantages of level-of-details (multi-resolution) representations

Implementation: SWIFT

  • Progressive Refinement Framework
    • Faster (2x to 10x) than any public domain packages for convex objects
    • Insensitive to level of motion coherence
    • Will be available at:

Exact Collision Detection

  • Convex polytopes
  • Penetration detection
  • Non-convex models

Penetration Detection

I-Collide Collision Detection System

  • Routines:
    • N-body overlap tests (sweep and prune)
    • Distance calculation btwn convex polytopes
  • Public domain system
  • 2500+ researchers have FTP'ed the code
  • A mailing list of many hundreds of users

I-Collide System Demonstrations

  • Architectural Walkthrough
  • Dynamic Simulator (Impulse)
  • Multi-Body Simulators

Exact Collision Detection

  • Convex polytopes
  • Penetration detection
  • Non-convex models

BVH-Based Collision Detection

  • Model Hierarchy
    • each node has a simple volume that bounds a set of triangles
    • children contain volumes that each bound a different portion of the parent's triangles
    • the leaves of the hierarchy usually contain individual triangles
  • A binary bounding volume hierarchy:

Hierarchies Based on Higher Order Bounding Volumes

  • OBBTree: Tree of Oriented Bounding-Boxes (OBBs)
  • SSV: Tree of Swept Sphere Volumes

SSV Fitting

  • Use OBBs code based upon Principle Component Analysis
  • For PSS, use the largest dimension as the radius
  • For LSS, use the two largest dimensions as the length and radius
  • For RSS, use all three dimensions

Overlap Test

  • One routine that can perform overlap tests between all possible combination of CORE primitives of SSV(s).
  • The routine is a specialized test based on Voronoi regions and OBB overlap test.
  • It is faster than GJK.

Hybrid BVHs based on SSV

  • Use a simpler BV when it prunes search equally well - benefit from lower cost of BV overlap tests
  • Overlap test (based on Lin-Canny & OBB overlap test) between all pairs of BVs in a BV family is unified
  • Complications
    • deciding which BV to use either dynamically or statically

Localized Sub-graphs

  • Reduce frequency of disk accessing
  • Runtime ordering & traversal
  • Localize region of contacts
  • Allow modification on the fly
  • Prefetch geometry

Object Bounding Boxes

Object Nodes

Overlap Graph

Computing Connected Components

  • Identify cacheable components
  • Object decomposition
  • Find high-valence nodes
  • Multi-level graph partitioning
  • Repeat on the resulting cut graph till decomposing the overlap graph into localized subgraphs, such that the weight of each subgraph < memory cache size
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