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Created April 27, 2021 05:21
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CSS Tabs with CSS/JS accordian
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<!------ WEEK 1 -------->
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<h2>Week 1</h2>
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<span class="title">New Marxist Approaches to Literature and Art</span>
<span class="date">Sat May 1st, 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
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<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Christopher Nealon, Colleen Lye, Ericka Beckman, Leigh Claire La Berge, Marijeta Bozovic, Rossen Djagalov
What would art look like in a liberated world? A revolutionary one? Historically, Marxist conversations about the literature and the arts have centered on questions about art’s role building counter-ideologies to capitalism in socialist societies, or about whether art objects are commodities in capitalist society. But what about post-socialism, or the capitalism of declining profitability. Our panelists are using Marx to understand literature and art in new ways, approaching them as values, rather than commodities or expressions of ideologies per se. Their ideas are theoretical, but also grounded in real places and times — in the aftermath of state socialism in the former Soviet Union, for instance, or in what used to be called the global “periphery” of Latin America.
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<span class="title">Lukács: Praxis to the Absolute</span>
<span class="date">Sun MAY 2nd, 2021 @ 1pm PDT</span>
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<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Andrew Feenberg, Daniel Andres Lopez, Diego Arrocha Paris (mod), Esther Leslie
While Lukács's concept of praxis approaches the shape of Hegel's Absolute, it tragically fails to bear its weight. But this failure, says Daniel Andrés López was productive: it raised crucial political, methodological and philosophical questions for Marxism, offering to redeem a lost century. In his exciting new book, Lukács: Praxis and the Absolute, López radicalizes Lukács's famous return to Hegel by reassembling his 1920s philosophy as a conceptual-historical totality and offering a speculative reading that defends Lukács while proposing an unprecedented, immanent critique. Major theorist, magisterial book, essential discussion.
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<span class="title">Yesterday’s Tomorrow: On the Loneliness of Communist Specters and the Reconstruction of the Future</span>
<span class="date">Thu MAY 5th, 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
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<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Bini Adamczak, Michael Hardt
The communist project in the twentieth century grew out of utopian desires to oppose oppression and abolish class structures, to give individual lives collective meaning. The attempts to realize these ideals became a series of colossal failures. In her new book, Yesterday's Tomorrow, Bini Adamczak examines these catastrophes: the Hitler-Stalin Pact, the Great Terror of 1937, the failure of the European Left to prevent National Socialism, Stalin's rise to power, and the bloody rebellion at Kronstadt. Turning our heads away from these events, she argues, wishing to keep our utopia “free of past slaughter…lionizing only those revolutionaries who perished before they could make it far enough,” is a way of confirming that “all (we) want to do is dream, not triumph.” In contrast, she seeks traces of the future that never happened. “To bury the past’s struggles for the future means nothing more, under the ongoing conditions of defeat, than burying the future itself—that is, another future.” Michael Hardt joins the author in conversation.
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<span class="title">Real Abstraction: In the Mind but not from There</span>
<span class="date">Thu May 6th, 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
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<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Gean Moreno, Jaleh Mansoor, Johanna Gosse (mod), Sven Lütticken
“In the last decade or so,” writes Gean Moreno, the lockstep incursion of flat ontologies, notions of quasi-sentient matter, slime-lined and mushroom-sprouting vitalisms, and network-everything into contemporary art discourse and exhibitions has been hard to miss. Embraced with steady fanfare, a slushy and exhilaratingly immoderate carnival of chemistry and composting…has us querying the unfathomable inexhaustibility of objects, their capacity to pipeline unwieldy forces and transgress the tiny territory of the real available to human access.” In opposition to this trend, some artists, critics, curators, and theorists have been drawing on the critique of political economy to mobilize the concept of “real abstraction”(originally developed by Alfred Sohn-Rethel, and recently updated by Alberto Toscano) for contemporary cultural production. Let’s talk to a few of them.
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<span class="title">Red Nation Rising: From Bordertown Violence to Native Liberation</span>
<span class="date">Thu May 6th, 2021 @ 4pm PDT</span>
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<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Chris LaTray (mod), David Correia, Jennifer Nez Denetdale
Bordertowns came into existence when the first US military forts and trading posts were strategically placed along expanding imperial frontiers to extinguish indigenous resistance and incorporate captured indigenous territories into the burgeoning nation-state. To this day, the US settler state continues to wage violence on Native life and land in these spaces out of desperation to eliminate the threat of Native presence and complete its vision of national consolidation “from sea to shining sea.” This explains why some of the most important Native-led rebellions in US history originated in bordertowns and why they are zones of ongoing confrontation between Native nations and their colonial occupier, the United States. Two of the authors of Red Nation Rising, the first book ever to investigate and explain the violent dynamics of bordertowns, talk to Chris LaTray.
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<span class="title">Survival and Resistance: Mutual Aid in Disastrous Times</span>
<span class="date">Friday, May 7th 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
adrienne maree brown, Chandan Reddy (mod), Dean Spade, Klee Benally, Naomi Klein
As we face cascading crises caused by the extractive systems that still determine the material conditions of our lives, mutual aid is proliferating and drawing more people into resistance work. The growth of mutual aid projects, alongside the worsening climate crisis, the brutal failures of government responses to COVID-19 (particularly under the US a for-profit healthcare system), and the increasing calls for border, police, and prison abolition are surfacing long-standing debates about the role of government in producing and responding to crises. This panel conversation will explore these questions using the current moment as a jumping off point.
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<span class="title">What we talk about when we talk about Marx</span>
<span class="date">Friday, May 7th 2021 @ 3pm PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Jason Smith, Paul Mattick Jr.
Red May knows what you want: a theoretically informed take on the current moment. That’s why when we hear the word ‘conjuncture’, we reach for our copy of the ‘Brooklyn Rail’ and turn to the section called ‘Field Notes,’ or check it out online. We’re happy to present the editor of that section (Paul) and one of his frequent contributors (Jason) in a wide-ranging conversation that may start or end with Marx but can go, well, anywhere.
<!------ WEEK 2 -------->
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<h2>Week 2</h2>
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<span class="title">The Political Impact of Marx’s Form Analysis</span>
<span class="date">Saturday May 8th, 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
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<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Michael Heinrich
More to be announced.
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<span class="title">A Red Deal with the Humble People of the Earth</span>
<span class="date">Saturday MAY 8th 2021 @ 5pm PDT</span>
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<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Melanie Yazzie, Orien Longknife, Elena Ortiz, Demetrius Johnson, Cheyenne Antonio, Malav Kanuga (mod)
Red May celebrates the publication of Red Media’s first book, The Red Deal: Indigenous Action to Save Our Earth. Authored by two dozen Indigenous revolutionaries, The Red Deal is a political program for liberation that emerges from the oldest class struggle in the Americas—the Indigenous fight for decolonization. Offering a profound vision for a decolonized society, The Red Deal is not simply a response to the Green New Deal nor a “bargain” with the elite and powerful. It is a deal with the humble people of the earth; an affirmation that colonialism and capitalism must be overturned for human and other-than-human life to live with dignity. It is a pact with movements for liberation, life, and land for a new world of peace and justice that must come from below and to the left. Join five authors from The Red Nation for a conversation about the book and its significance.
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<span class="title">Class Power on Zero Hours: Strategies for the Current Moment</span>
<span class="date">Tuesday MAY 11th 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
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<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Angry Workers Collective
What would a modern-day communist program look like? We all have different ideas about where to focus our finite energies: some look to trade unions; some to workers' self-organization; some to core groups of militants; others to mass organizations. Base-building tendencies beg the question: base for what? We increasingly come up against the limits of 'economic' struggles as the state goes to greater lengths to repress us. The pandemic has made these questions more urgent, but if you don't think the democratic party will save us, what are we proposing instead? AngryWorkers, a collective from the UK who work in bigger workplaces with the aim of doing workers' enquiries will talk about how to stir up shit at work, while experimenting with different models of working class organization.
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<span class="title">Real Abstraction: In the Mind but not from There</span>
<span class="date">Wednesday, MAY 12, 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Gean Moreno, Jaleh Mansoor, Johanna Gosse (mod), Sven Lütticken
What would a modern-day communist program look like? We all have different ideas about where to focus our finite energies: some look to trade unions; some to workers' self-organization; some to core groups of militants; others to mass organizations. Base-building tendencies beg the question: base for what? We increasingly come up against the limits of 'economic' struggles as the state goes to greater lengths to repress us. The pandemic has made these questions more urgent, but if you don't think the democratic party will save us, what are we proposing instead? AngryWorkers, a collective from the UK who work in bigger workplaces with the aim of doing workers' enquiries will talk about how to stir up shit at work, while experimenting with different models of working class organization.
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<span class="title">Red Nation Rising: From Bordertown Violence to Native Liberation</span>
<span class="date">Thu May 6th, 2021 @ 4pm PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Chris LaTray (mod), David Correia, Jennifer Nez Denetdale
Bordertowns came into existence when the first US military forts and trading posts were strategically placed along expanding imperial frontiers to extinguish indigenous resistance and incorporate captured indigenous territories into the burgeoning nation-state. To this day, the US settler state continues to wage violence on Native life and land in these spaces out of desperation to eliminate the threat of Native presence and complete its vision of national consolidation “from sea to shining sea.” This explains why some of the most important Native-led rebellions in US history originated in bordertowns and why they are zones of ongoing confrontation between Native nations and their colonial occupier, the United States. Two of the authors of Red Nation Rising, the first book ever to investigate and explain the violent dynamics of bordertowns, talk to Chris LaTray.
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<span class="title">Survival and Resistance: Mutual Aid in Disastrous Times</span>
<span class="date">Fri May 7th, 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
adrienne maree brown, Chandan Reddy (mod), Dean Spade, Klee Benally, Naomi Klein
As we face cascading crises caused by the extractive systems that still determine the material conditions of our lives, mutual aid is proliferating and drawing more people into resistance work. The growth of mutual aid projects, alongside the worsening climate crisis, the brutal failures of government responses to COVID-19 (particularly under the US a for-profit healthcare system), and the increasing calls for border, police, and prison abolition are surfacing long-standing debates about the role of government in producing and responding to crises. This panel conversation will explore these questions using the current moment as a jumping off point.
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<span class="title">What we talk about when we talk about Marx</span>
<span class="date">Fri May 7th, 2021 @ 3pm PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Jason Smith, Paul Mattick Jr.
Red May knows what you want: a theoretically informed take on the current moment. That’s why when we hear the word ‘conjuncture’, we reach for our copy of the ‘Brooklyn Rail’ and turn to the section called ‘Field Notes,’ or check it out online. We’re happy to present the editor of that section (Paul) and one of his frequent contributors (Jason) in a wide-ranging conversation that may start or end with Marx but can go, well, anywhere.
<!------ WEEK 3 -------->
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<h2>Week 3</h2>
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<span class="title">New Marxist Approaches to Literature and Art</span>
<span class="date">Sat May 1st, 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Christopher Nealon, Colleen Lye, Ericka Beckman, Leigh Claire La Berge, Marijeta Bozovic, Rossen Djagalov
What would art look like in a liberated world? A revolutionary one? Historically, Marxist conversations about the literature and the arts have centered on questions about art’s role building counter-ideologies to capitalism in socialist societies, or about whether art objects are commodities in capitalist society. But what about post-socialism, or the capitalism of declining profitability. Our panelists are using Marx to understand literature and art in new ways, approaching them as values, rather than commodities or expressions of ideologies per se. Their ideas are theoretical, but also grounded in real places and times — in the aftermath of state socialism in the former Soviet Union, for instance, or in what used to be called the global “periphery” of Latin America.
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<span class="title">Lukács: Praxis to the Absolute</span>
<span class="date">Sun MAY 2nd, 2021 @ 1pm PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Andrew Feenberg, Daniel Andres Lopez, Diego Arrocha Paris (mod), Esther Leslie
While Lukács's concept of praxis approaches the shape of Hegel's Absolute, it tragically fails to bear its weight. But this failure, says Daniel Andrés López was productive: it raised crucial political, methodological and philosophical questions for Marxism, offering to redeem a lost century. In his exciting new book, Lukács: Praxis and the Absolute, López radicalizes Lukács's famous return to Hegel by reassembling his 1920s philosophy as a conceptual-historical totality and offering a speculative reading that defends Lukács while proposing an unprecedented, immanent critique. Major theorist, magisterial book, essential discussion.
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<span class="title">Yesterday’s Tomorrow: On the Loneliness of Communist Specters and the Reconstruction of the Future</span>
<span class="date">Thu MAY 5th, 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Bini Adamczak, Michael Hardt
The communist project in the twentieth century grew out of utopian desires to oppose oppression and abolish class structures, to give individual lives collective meaning. The attempts to realize these ideals became a series of colossal failures. In her new book, Yesterday's Tomorrow, Bini Adamczak examines these catastrophes: the Hitler-Stalin Pact, the Great Terror of 1937, the failure of the European Left to prevent National Socialism, Stalin's rise to power, and the bloody rebellion at Kronstadt. Turning our heads away from these events, she argues, wishing to keep our utopia “free of past slaughter…lionizing only those revolutionaries who perished before they could make it far enough,” is a way of confirming that “all (we) want to do is dream, not triumph.” In contrast, she seeks traces of the future that never happened. “To bury the past’s struggles for the future means nothing more, under the ongoing conditions of defeat, than burying the future itself—that is, another future.” Michael Hardt joins the author in conversation.
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<span class="title">Real Abstraction: In the Mind but not from There</span>
<span class="date">Thu May 6th, 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Gean Moreno, Jaleh Mansoor, Johanna Gosse (mod), Sven Lütticken
“In the last decade or so,” writes Gean Moreno, the lockstep incursion of flat ontologies, notions of quasi-sentient matter, slime-lined and mushroom-sprouting vitalisms, and network-everything into contemporary art discourse and exhibitions has been hard to miss. Embraced with steady fanfare, a slushy and exhilaratingly immoderate carnival of chemistry and composting…has us querying the unfathomable inexhaustibility of objects, their capacity to pipeline unwieldy forces and transgress the tiny territory of the real available to human access.” In opposition to this trend, some artists, critics, curators, and theorists have been drawing on the critique of political economy to mobilize the concept of “real abstraction”(originally developed by Alfred Sohn-Rethel, and recently updated by Alberto Toscano) for contemporary cultural production. Let’s talk to a few of them.
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<span class="title">Red Nation Rising: From Bordertown Violence to Native Liberation</span>
<span class="date">Thu May 6th, 2021 @ 4pm PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Chris LaTray (mod), David Correia, Jennifer Nez Denetdale
Bordertowns came into existence when the first US military forts and trading posts were strategically placed along expanding imperial frontiers to extinguish indigenous resistance and incorporate captured indigenous territories into the burgeoning nation-state. To this day, the US settler state continues to wage violence on Native life and land in these spaces out of desperation to eliminate the threat of Native presence and complete its vision of national consolidation “from sea to shining sea.” This explains why some of the most important Native-led rebellions in US history originated in bordertowns and why they are zones of ongoing confrontation between Native nations and their colonial occupier, the United States. Two of the authors of Red Nation Rising, the first book ever to investigate and explain the violent dynamics of bordertowns, talk to Chris LaTray.
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<span class="title">Survival and Resistance: Mutual Aid in Disastrous Times</span>
<span class="date">Fri May 7th, 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
adrienne maree brown, Chandan Reddy (mod), Dean Spade, Klee Benally, Naomi Klein
As we face cascading crises caused by the extractive systems that still determine the material conditions of our lives, mutual aid is proliferating and drawing more people into resistance work. The growth of mutual aid projects, alongside the worsening climate crisis, the brutal failures of government responses to COVID-19 (particularly under the US a for-profit healthcare system), and the increasing calls for border, police, and prison abolition are surfacing long-standing debates about the role of government in producing and responding to crises. This panel conversation will explore these questions using the current moment as a jumping off point.
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<span class="title">What we talk about when we talk about Marx</span>
<span class="date">Fri May 7th, 2021 @ 3pm PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Jason Smith, Paul Mattick Jr.
Red May knows what you want: a theoretically informed take on the current moment. That’s why when we hear the word ‘conjuncture’, we reach for our copy of the ‘Brooklyn Rail’ and turn to the section called ‘Field Notes,’ or check it out online. We’re happy to present the editor of that section (Paul) and one of his frequent contributors (Jason) in a wide-ranging conversation that may start or end with Marx but can go, well, anywhere.
<!------ WEEK 4 -------->
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<h2>Week 4</h2>
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<span class="title">New Marxist Approaches to Literature and Art</span>
<span class="date">Sat May 1st, 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Christopher Nealon, Colleen Lye, Ericka Beckman, Leigh Claire La Berge, Marijeta Bozovic, Rossen Djagalov
What would art look like in a liberated world? A revolutionary one? Historically, Marxist conversations about the literature and the arts have centered on questions about art’s role building counter-ideologies to capitalism in socialist societies, or about whether art objects are commodities in capitalist society. But what about post-socialism, or the capitalism of declining profitability. Our panelists are using Marx to understand literature and art in new ways, approaching them as values, rather than commodities or expressions of ideologies per se. Their ideas are theoretical, but also grounded in real places and times — in the aftermath of state socialism in the former Soviet Union, for instance, or in what used to be called the global “periphery” of Latin America.
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<span class="title">Lukács: Praxis to the Absolute</span>
<span class="date">Sun MAY 2nd, 2021 @ 1pm PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Andrew Feenberg, Daniel Andres Lopez, Diego Arrocha Paris (mod), Esther Leslie
While Lukács's concept of praxis approaches the shape of Hegel's Absolute, it tragically fails to bear its weight. But this failure, says Daniel Andrés López was productive: it raised crucial political, methodological and philosophical questions for Marxism, offering to redeem a lost century. In his exciting new book, Lukács: Praxis and the Absolute, López radicalizes Lukács's famous return to Hegel by reassembling his 1920s philosophy as a conceptual-historical totality and offering a speculative reading that defends Lukács while proposing an unprecedented, immanent critique. Major theorist, magisterial book, essential discussion.
<button class="accordion">
<span class="title">Yesterday’s Tomorrow: On the Loneliness of Communist Specters and the Reconstruction of the Future</span>
<span class="date">Thu MAY 5th, 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Bini Adamczak, Michael Hardt
The communist project in the twentieth century grew out of utopian desires to oppose oppression and abolish class structures, to give individual lives collective meaning. The attempts to realize these ideals became a series of colossal failures. In her new book, Yesterday's Tomorrow, Bini Adamczak examines these catastrophes: the Hitler-Stalin Pact, the Great Terror of 1937, the failure of the European Left to prevent National Socialism, Stalin's rise to power, and the bloody rebellion at Kronstadt. Turning our heads away from these events, she argues, wishing to keep our utopia “free of past slaughter…lionizing only those revolutionaries who perished before they could make it far enough,” is a way of confirming that “all (we) want to do is dream, not triumph.” In contrast, she seeks traces of the future that never happened. “To bury the past’s struggles for the future means nothing more, under the ongoing conditions of defeat, than burying the future itself—that is, another future.” Michael Hardt joins the author in conversation.
<button class="accordion">
<span class="title">Real Abstraction: In the Mind but not from There</span>
<span class="date">Thu May 6th, 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Gean Moreno, Jaleh Mansoor, Johanna Gosse (mod), Sven Lütticken
“In the last decade or so,” writes Gean Moreno, the lockstep incursion of flat ontologies, notions of quasi-sentient matter, slime-lined and mushroom-sprouting vitalisms, and network-everything into contemporary art discourse and exhibitions has been hard to miss. Embraced with steady fanfare, a slushy and exhilaratingly immoderate carnival of chemistry and composting…has us querying the unfathomable inexhaustibility of objects, their capacity to pipeline unwieldy forces and transgress the tiny territory of the real available to human access.” In opposition to this trend, some artists, critics, curators, and theorists have been drawing on the critique of political economy to mobilize the concept of “real abstraction”(originally developed by Alfred Sohn-Rethel, and recently updated by Alberto Toscano) for contemporary cultural production. Let’s talk to a few of them.
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<span class="title">Red Nation Rising: From Bordertown Violence to Native Liberation</span>
<span class="date">Thu May 6th, 2021 @ 4pm PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Chris LaTray (mod), David Correia, Jennifer Nez Denetdale
Bordertowns came into existence when the first US military forts and trading posts were strategically placed along expanding imperial frontiers to extinguish indigenous resistance and incorporate captured indigenous territories into the burgeoning nation-state. To this day, the US settler state continues to wage violence on Native life and land in these spaces out of desperation to eliminate the threat of Native presence and complete its vision of national consolidation “from sea to shining sea.” This explains why some of the most important Native-led rebellions in US history originated in bordertowns and why they are zones of ongoing confrontation between Native nations and their colonial occupier, the United States. Two of the authors of Red Nation Rising, the first book ever to investigate and explain the violent dynamics of bordertowns, talk to Chris LaTray.
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<span class="title">Survival and Resistance: Mutual Aid in Disastrous Times</span>
<span class="date">Fri May 7th, 2021 @ 11am PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
adrienne maree brown, Chandan Reddy (mod), Dean Spade, Klee Benally, Naomi Klein
As we face cascading crises caused by the extractive systems that still determine the material conditions of our lives, mutual aid is proliferating and drawing more people into resistance work. The growth of mutual aid projects, alongside the worsening climate crisis, the brutal failures of government responses to COVID-19 (particularly under the US a for-profit healthcare system), and the increasing calls for border, police, and prison abolition are surfacing long-standing debates about the role of government in producing and responding to crises. This panel conversation will explore these questions using the current moment as a jumping off point.
<button class="accordion">
<span class="title">What we talk about when we talk about Marx</span>
<span class="date">Fri May 7th, 2021 @ 3pm PDT</span>
<div class="accordion-content">
<span class="speakers">Speakers:</span>
Jason Smith, Paul Mattick Jr.
Red May knows what you want: a theoretically informed take on the current moment. That’s why when we hear the word ‘conjuncture’, we reach for our copy of the ‘Brooklyn Rail’ and turn to the section called ‘Field Notes,’ or check it out online. We’re happy to present the editor of that section (Paul) and one of his frequent contributors (Jason) in a wide-ranging conversation that may start or end with Marx but can go, well, anywhere.
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.tabset > label:hover,
.tabset > input:focus + label {
color: #DE1A2B;
.tabset > label:hover::after,
.tabset > input:focus + label::after,
.tabset > input:checked + label::after {
background: #DE1A2B;
.tabset > input:checked + label {
border-color: #ccc;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
margin-bottom: -1px;
.tab-panel {
padding: 30px 0;
border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
height: 100%;
Demo purposes only
*:after {
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
padding: 30px;
.tabset {
max-width: 65em;
/* --- Carousel --- */
/* body {
background-color: #6DC4F4;
}h1 {
} */
.container {
width: 95%;
max-width: 1000px;
margin: 2% auto;
button.accordion {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
width: 100%;
background-color: white;
border: 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid gray;
outline: none;
text-align: left;
padding: 50px 0.5em 0.5em;
font-size: 18px;
color: #333;
cursor: pointer;
transition: background-color 0.3s linear;
flex-basis: 60%;
align-items: flex-end;
button.accordion .title {
width: 50%;
font-weight: 600;
text-transform: capitalize;
color: #DE1A2B;
button.accordion .date {
color: #000;
margin: 0 auto;
font-weight: 600;
button.accordion:after {
font-family: FontAwesome;
content: "\f0d7";
font-family: "fontawesome";
font-size: 18px;
color: #DE1A2B;
} {
content: "\f0d8";
button.accordion:hover, {
background-color: #white;
.accordion-content {
background-color: light-gray;
padding: 0 20px;
max-height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
transition: max-height 0.2s ease-in-out;
text-align: justify;
.accordion-content .speakers {
display: block;
.accordion-content > p:first-child {
font-weight: bold;
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