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Last active July 29, 2023 04:34
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import numpy as np
# WEICA: nonlinear weighted ICA
# I ported this algorithm in C with `few changes` in step 4 and 5
# to avoid terrible cancellation errors happening with single-precision
# floats e.g handling (mat_mul) Tall and Skinny matrix with float is always an issue.
class weica:
def fit(self, x):
# step 1. Whiten data
x = x - x.mean(axis = 0)
uX, sX, vhX = np.linalg.svd(x, full_matrices=False)
sXinv = np.diag(1 / sX)
# Short-hand ^-1/2 term see below.
covinvsqrt = vhX.T @ sXinv @ vhX / (x.shape[0] - 1)
# step 2. Y = COV(Y)^(-1/2) * (X - MEAN(X))
Y = x @ covinvsqrt
# step 3. MY = SUM(NORM(yi)^2 * yi * yi^T)
MY = np.zeros([Y.shape[1], Y.shape[1]])
for i in range(Y.shape[0]):
MY += (np.linalg.norm(Y[i,:]) ** 2) * np.outer(Y[i,:], Y[i,:])
# step 4. Unmixing Matrix W
# W = cov(Y)^(-1/2) * Eigenvector(MY)
wMY, vMY = np.linalg.eig(MY)
Wunmixing = vMY.T @ covinvsqrt
# step 5. unmixed data:
x_unmixed = x @ Wunmixing.T
return x_unmixed
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