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Last active February 12, 2023 20:39
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.collections as collections'bmh')
import numpy as np
# from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
# pitch_tracking_sine_wave
def pitch_tracking_sine_wave(f0, fs, frame_size, phase=0):
t = np.arange(frame_size) / fs
return np.sin(2.0 * np.pi * f0 * t + phase)
# pitch_tracking_harmonic_wave
def pitch_tracking_harmonic_wave(f0, fs, frame_size, n_harmonics=10):
""" creating a synthetic signal with a given fundamental """
signal = np.zeros((frame_size,))
for f in [f0 * i for i in range(1, n_harmonics + 1)]:
signal += f0 / f * pitch_tracking_sine_wave(f, fs, frame_size, phase=f)
return signal
# pitch_tracking_harmonic_wave_noisy
def pitch_tracking_harmonic_wave_noisy(noise, f0, fs, frame_size, n_harmonics=10):
signal = pitch_tracking_harmonic_wave(f0, fs, frame_size, n_harmonics=n_harmonics)
return signal + noise
# pitch_tracking_noise_generator_psd
def pitch_tracking_noise_generator_psd(frame_size, psd = lambda f: 1.0):
white = np.fft.rfft(np.random.randn(frame_size));
raw = psd(np.fft.rfftfreq(frame_size))
raw = raw / np.sqrt(np.mean(raw**2))
return np.fft.irfft(white * raw);
# pitch_tracking_noise_generator
def pitch_tracking_noise_generator(f):
return lambda frame_size: pitch_tracking_noise_generator_psd(frame_size, f)
# pitch_tracking_brownian_noise
def pitch_tracking_brownian_noise(f):
return 1.0 / np.where(f == 0, float('inf'), f)
# pitch_tracking_pink_noise
def pitch_tracking_pink_noise(f):
return 1.0 / np.where(f == 0, float('inf'), np.sqrt(f))
# pitch_tracking_white_noise
def pitch_tracking_white_noise(f):
return 1.0
# pitch_tracking_blue_noise
def pitch_tracking_blue_noise(f):
return np.sqrt(f)
# pitch_tracking_violet_noise
def pitch_tracking_violet_noise(f):
return f
# pitch_tracking_show_noise
def pitch_tracking_show_noise():
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16))
for G in [
, pitch_tracking_pink_noise
, pitch_tracking_white_noise
, pitch_tracking_blue_noise
, pitch_tracking_violet_noise
sp = G(2**8)
fq = np.fft.rfftfreq(sp.size)
plt.loglog(fq, np.abs(np.fft.rfft(sp)))
plt.legend(['Brownian', 'Pink', 'White', 'Blue', 'Violet'])
plt.ylim([1E-4, None])
# pitch_tracking_psd
def pitch_tracking_psd(signal, fs, window=True, threshold=0.0):
""" computing a noisy raw psd """
if window is True:
wx = np.hamming(signal.size) * signal
psd = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(wx))**2 / wx.size;
psd = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(signal))**2 / signal.size;
if threshold != 0.0:
""" de-noise/trim/zeroing everything under threshold """
idx = psd > threshold
psd = psd * idx
rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(psd**2))
return rms, psd
# pitch_tracking_autocorrelation_kernel
def pitch_tracking_autocorrelation_kernel(signal, threshold=0.0):
""" autocorrelating input signal via FFT """
var = numpy.var(signal)
""" centering """
y = signal - numpy.mean(signal)
y = np.fft.rfft(y)
psd = np.abs(y) ** 2
if threshold != 0.0:
""" de-noise/trim/zeroing everything under threshold """
idx = psd > threshold
psd = psd * idx
return numpy.fft.ifft(psd).real / var / psd.size
# pitch_tracking_cepstrum
def pitch_tracking_cepstrum(signal, fs, window=True, threshold=0.0):
""" computing rms, psd and cepstrum of input signal """
if window is True:
wx = np.hamming(signal.size) * signal
y = np.fft.rfft(wx)
y = np.fft.rfft(signal)
dt = 1.0 / fs
fq = np.fft.rfftfreq(signal.size, d=dt)
mag = np.abs(y)
psd = mag**2 / signal.size;
if threshold != 0.0:
""" de-noise/trim/zeroing everything under threshold """
idx = psd > threshold
mag = mag * idx
psd = psd * idx
rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(psd**2))
mel = np.log(mag)
cepstrum = np.fft.rfft(mel)
df = fq[1] - fq[0]
quefrency = np.fft.rfftfreq(mel.size, df)
return rms, psd, quefrency, cepstrum
# pitch_tracking_best_cepstrum
def pitch_tracking_best_cepstrum(x, y, z, fs, window=True, threshold=0.0):
""" selecting spectrum having the most energy and returns its cepstrum """
rms_x, _, quefrency_x, cepstrum_x = pitch_tracking_cepstrum(x, fs, window=window, threshold=threshold)
rms_y, _, quefrency_y, cepstrum_y = pitch_tracking_cepstrum(y, fs, window=window, threshold=threshold)
rms_z, _, quefrency_z, cepstrum_z = pitch_tracking_cepstrum(z, fs, window=window, threshold=threshold)
if (rms_x >= rms_y) and (rms_x >= rms_z):
return quefrency_x, cepstrum_x
elif (rms_y >= rms_x) and (rms_y >= rms_z):
return quefrency_y, cepstrum_y
return quefrency_z, cepstrum_z
# pitch_tracking_show
def pitch_tracking_show(quefrency, cepstrum, f0, freq_lo=30.0, freq_hi=80.0):
""" plotting cepstrum and best selection range for fundamental peak """
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(quefrency, np.abs(cepstrum))
ax.set_xlabel('quefrency (s)')
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.vlines(1.0 / f0, 0, np.max(np.abs(cepstrum)), alpha=0.2, lw=3, label='expected peak')
ax.plot(quefrency, np.abs(cepstrum))
band_indices = (quefrency > 1.0 / freq_hi) & (quefrency <= 1.0 / freq_lo)
collection = collections.BrokenBarHCollection.span_where(
, ymin=0
, ymax=np.abs(cepstrum).max()
, where=band_indices
, facecolor='green'
, alpha=0.5
, label='valid pitches'
ax.set_xlabel('quefrency (s)')
# pitch_tracking_f0
def pitch_tracking_f0(signal, fs, freq_lo=30.0, freq_hi=80.0, window=True, threshold=0.0):
""" extrating fundamental from input signal """
_, _, quefrency, cepstrum = pitch_tracking_cepstrum(signal, fs, window=window, threshold=threshold)
band_indices = (quefrency > 1.0 / freq_hi) & (quefrency <= 1.0 / freq_lo)
quefrency_max = np.argmax(np.abs(cepstrum)[band_indices])
f0 = 1.0 / quefrency[band_indices][quefrency_max]
return quefrency, cepstrum, f0
# pitch_tracking_best_f0
def pitch_tracking_best_f0(x, y, z, fs, freq_lo=30.0, freq_hi=80.0, window=True, threshold=0.0):
""" extrating fundamental from input axis having the most energy """
quefrency, cepstrum = pitch_tracking_best_cepstrum(x, y, z, fs, window=window, threshold=threshold)
band_indices = (quefrency > 1.0 / freq_hi) & (quefrency <= 1.0 / freq_lo)
quefrency_max = np.argmax(np.abs(cepstrum)[band_indices])
f0 = 1.0 / quefrency[band_indices][quefrency_max]
return quefrency, cepstrum, f0
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