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Created September 14, 2014 06:09
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A small snippet to select element sin JavaScript using CSS selector syntax.
function $$(xpath,root) {
2 xpath = xpath
3 .replace(/((^|\|)\s*)([^/|\s]+)/g,'$2.//$3')
4 .replace(/\.([\w-]+)(?!([^\]]*]))/g, '[@class="$1" or @class$=" $1" or @class^="$1 " or @class~=" $1 "]')
5 .replace(/#([\w-]+)/g, '[@id="$1"]')
6 .replace(/\/\[/g,'/*[');
7 str = '(@\\w+|"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\')';
8 xpath = xpath
9 .replace(new RegExp(str+'\\s*~=\\s*'+str,'g'), 'contains($1,$2)')
10 .replace(new RegExp(str+'\\s*\\^=\\s*'+str,'g'), 'starts-with($1,$2)')
11 .replace(new RegExp(str+'\\s*\\$=\\s*'+str,'g'), 'substring($1,string-length($1)-string-length($2)+1)=$2');
12 var got = document.evaluate(xpath, root||document, null, 5, null);
13 var result=[];
14 while (next = got.iterateNext())
15 result.push(next);
16 return result;
17 }
21 // Example usage:
23 $$('#title')[0].innerHTML='Greased';
25 $$('a[@href $= "user.js"]').forEach(function (a) {
26 a.innerHTML='check it out a script';
27 });
29 $$('a[@href ^= "http"]').forEach(function (a) {
30 a.innerHTML += ' (external)';
31 });
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