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Created April 15, 2014 17:28
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Immutable, sorted multi map in Scala
import scala.collection._
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import scala.Iterator
* Factory singleton for creating a [[ .SortedMultiMap SortedMultiMap]].
object SortedMultiMap {
* Construct an empty [[ .SortedMultiMap SortedMultiMap]].
* @param ord the [[scala.math.Ordering ordering]] type class
* @tparam K the type of keys
* @tparam V the type of values
* @return an empty `SortedMultiMap`
def empty[K, V](implicit ord: Ordering[K]): SortedMultiMap[K, V] =
new SortedMultiMap[K,V](SortedMap.empty[K, Set[V]])
* Constructs a new [[ .SortedMultiMap SortedMultiMap]] containing
* passed elements.
* @param elements one or more `key -> value` pairs
* @param ord the [[scala.math.Ordering ordering]] type class
* @tparam K the type of keys
* @tparam V the type of values
* @return a new `SortedMultiMap` containing the elements
def apply[K,V](elements: (K, V)*)(implicit ord: Ordering[K]): SortedMultiMap[K, V] = {
val builder = new SortedMultiMapBuilder[K, V]()
builder ++= elements
* Constructs a new [[ .SortedMultiMap SortedMultiMap]] containing
* passed elements.
* @param elements one or more `key -> Set(value)` pairs
* @param ord the [[scala.math.Ordering ordering]] type class
* @param d a dummy implicit to distinguish this `apply` method from another `apply` method
* @tparam K the type of keys
* @tparam V the type of values
* @return a new `SortedMultiMap` containing the elements
def apply[K,V](elements: (K, Set[V])*)(implicit ord: Ordering[K], d: DummyImplicit): SortedMultiMap[K, V] =
new SortedMultiMap[K,V](SortedMap[K, Set[V]](elements: _*))
* Constructs a new [[ .SortedMultiMap SortedMultiMap]] containing
* the passed delegate sorted map.
* @param delegate the [[scala.collection.SortedMap SortedMap]] to delegate most of the operations to
* @param ord the [[scala.math.Ordering ordering]] type class
* @tparam K the type of keys
* @tparam V the type of values
* @return a new `SortedMultiMap` constructed from the delegate map
def apply[K,V](delegate: SortedMap[K, Set[V]])(implicit ord: Ordering[K]): SortedMultiMap[K, V] =
new SortedMultiMap[K, V](delegate)
* Implicit method that provides the means of converting any collection type containing
* `key -> Set(value)` elements to a [[ .SortedMultiMap SortedMultiMap]].
* In particular this implicit method returns a [[scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom builder factory]]
* that is able to provide the appropriate [[scala.collection.mutable.Builder Builder]] to convert
* an arbitrary collection of `key -> Set(value)` elements to `SortedMultiMap`.
* @param ord the [[scala.math.Ordering ordering]] type class
* @tparam K the type of keys
* @tparam V the type of values
* @return the mechanism to convert any collection containing `key -> Set(value)` elements
implicit def canBuildFrom[K, V](implicit ord: Ordering[K]): CanBuildFrom[GenTraversableOnce[_], (K, Set[V]), SortedMultiMap[K,V]] =
new CanBuildFrom[GenTraversableOnce[_], (K, Set[V]), SortedMultiMap[K, V]] {
override def apply(): mutable.Builder[(K, Set[V]), SortedMultiMap[K, V]] = newBuilder[K,V]
override def apply(from: GenTraversableOnce[_]): mutable.Builder[(K, Set[V]), SortedMultiMap[K, V]] = newBuilder[K,V]
* Generates a new [[scala.collection.mutable.Builder Builder]] to construct a
* [[ .SortedMultiMap SortedMultiMap]] by
* adding elements of type `K -> Set[V]`
* @param ord the [[scala.math.Ordering ordering]] type class
* @tparam K the type of keys
* @tparam V the type of values
* @return a builder which can construct a `SortedMultiMap` given
def newBuilder[K,V](implicit ord: Ordering[K]): mutable.Builder[(K, Set[V]), SortedMultiMap[K, V]] =
new mutable.MapBuilder[K, Set[V], SortedMap[K, Set[V]]](SortedMap.empty[K, Set[V]](ord)) mapResult (new SortedMultiMap[K,V](_)(ord))
* Implicit method that provides the means of converting any sequence type containing
* `key -> value` elements to a [[ .SortedMultiMap SortedMultiMap]].
* In particular this implicit method returns a [[scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom builder factory]]
* that is able to provide the appropriate [[scala.collection.mutable.Builder Builder]] to convert
* a sequence of `key -> value` elements to `SortedMultiMap`.
* @param ord the [[scala.math.Ordering ordering]] type class
* @tparam K the type of keys
* @tparam V the type of values
* @return the mechanism to convert any sequence containing `key -> value` elements
implicit def canBuildFromSeq[K, V](implicit ord: Ordering[K]): CanBuildFrom[GenSeq[_], (K, V), SortedMultiMap[K,V]] =
new CanBuildFrom[GenSeq[_], (K, V), SortedMultiMap[K,V]] {
override def apply(): mutable.Builder[(K, V), SortedMultiMap[K, V]] =
new SortedMultiMapBuilder[K, V]()
override def apply(from: GenSeq[_]): mutable.Builder[(K, V), SortedMultiMap[K, V]] =
new SortedMultiMapBuilder[K, V]()
* Class representing a special [[scala.collection.mutable.Builder Builder]] which
* can construct a new [[ .SortedMultiMap SortedMultiMap]]
* by processing a sequence of key value pairs.
* @param ord the [[scala.math.Ordering ordering]] type class
* @tparam K the type of keys
* @tparam V the type of values
class SortedMultiMapBuilder[K, V](implicit ord: Ordering[K]) extends mutable.Builder[(K,V), SortedMultiMap[K,V]] {
private val elems = new mutable.HashMap[K, Set[V]]
override def +=(elem: (K, V)): SortedMultiMapBuilder.this.type = {
elem match {
case (key, value) =>
elems.get(key) match {
case None => elems(key) = Set(value)
case Some(set) => elems(key) = set + value
override def clear(): Unit = elems.clear()
override def result(): SortedMultiMap[K, V] = {
new SortedMultiMap[K,V](SortedMap.empty[K, Set[V]] ++ elems)
* A special immutable collection class providing sorted access to keys as well as allowing
* multiple values to be bound to a specific key. Note that you have to use the newly provided
* methods to add multiple values under one key.
* More specifically this is a wrapper around the default [[scala.collection.SortedMap SortedMap]]
* and also provides additional methods to add / remove multiple values bound to a specific key.
* Internally it is represented as a SortedMap with entries of the form `key -> Set(value)`.
* Proper, internal utility methods are provided to ensure modifying operations return this collection type again.
* Some methods are delegated to the underlying 'SortedMap' for performance reasons (incomplete list of methods !!!)
* @param delegate the underlying `SortedMap` that handles most functionality
* @param ord the [[scala.math.Ordering ordering]] type class
* @tparam K the type of keys
* @tparam V the type of values
class SortedMultiMap[K,V] private (private val delegate: SortedMap[K, Set[V]])
(implicit ord: Ordering[K])
extends SortedMap[K, Set[V]]
with SortedMapLike[K, Set[V], SortedMultiMap[K,V]] {
* Creates a new set containing the passed values.
* Can be overridden in subclasses to return a different set implementation.
* @param vs the elements to add to the newly constructed set
* @return a new set containing the passed values
protected def makeNewSet(vs: V*): Set[V] = Set(vs :_*)
* Adds a new value bound to a specific key.
* This special method is provided by the `MultiMap` functionality.
* The returned map will have the same elements as this one,
* if the binding was already present.
* @param key the key to add the value to
* @param value the value to add
* @return a new map containing the newly added binding
def addBinding(key: K, value: V): SortedMultiMap[K, V] = {
get(key) match {
case None =>
val newSet = makeNewSet(value)
new SortedMultiMap(delegate.updated(key, newSet))(ord)
case Some(oldSet) =>
val newSet = oldSet + value
new SortedMultiMap(delegate.updated(key, newSet))(ord)
* Removes an existing value bound to a specific key.
* This special method is is provided by the `MultiMap` functionality.
* The returned map will be this map, if the key does not exists.
* The returned map will have the same elements as this map,
* if the binding was not present.
* @param key the key to remove the value from
* @param value the value to remove
* @return a new map not containing the newly removed binding
def removeBinding(key: K, value: V): SortedMultiMap[K, V] = {
get(key) match {
case None => this
case Some(oldSet) =>
val newSet = oldSet - value
if (newSet.nonEmpty)
new SortedMultiMap(delegate.updated(key, newSet))(ord)
new SortedMultiMap(delegate - key)(ord)
* Checks if there exists a binding to `key` such that
* it satisfies the predicate `p`.
* @param key the key of the binding
* @param p the predicate used to check if a value bound to the `key` satisfies a condition
* @return `true` if one or more values satisfied the predicate,
* `false` if the key did not exist or neither value satisfied the predicate
def bindingExists(key: K, p: V => Boolean): Boolean = get(key) match {
case None => false
case Some(set) => set exists p
override def get(key: K): Option[Set[V]] = delegate.get(key)
override def +[B1 >: Set[V]](kv: (K, B1)): SortedMap[K, B1] = delegate + kv
* Add a key/value pair to this map.
* @param kv the key/value pair to add
* @return A new map with the new binding added to this map
def +(kv: (K,Set[V])): SortedMultiMap[K, V] = new SortedMultiMap(delegate + kv)(ord)
* Add all key/value pairs to this map.
* @param xs a traversable collection which contains the pairs
* @return A new map with the new bindings added from the other collection to this map
def ++(xs: GenTraversableOnce[(K, Set[V])]): SortedMultiMap[K, V] =
new SortedMultiMap(delegate ++ xs)(ord)
override def -(key: K): SortedMultiMap[K, V] = new SortedMultiMap(delegate - key)(ord)
override def rangeImpl(from: Option[K], until: Option[K]): SortedMultiMap[K, V] =
new SortedMultiMap(delegate.rangeImpl(from, until))(ord)
override implicit def ordering: Ordering[K] = ord
override def iterator: Iterator[(K, Set[V])] = delegate.iterator
override def empty: SortedMultiMap[K, V] = SortedMultiMap.empty[K,V](ord)
override protected[this] def newBuilder: mutable.Builder[(K, Set[V]), SortedMultiMap[K, V]] =
// overridden for performance
override def addString(b: StringBuilder, start: String, sep: String, end: String): StringBuilder = delegate.addString(b, start, sep, end)
override def default(key: K): Set[V] = delegate.default(key)
override def valuesIterator: Iterator[Set[V]] = delegate.valuesIterator
override def values: Iterable[Set[V]] = delegate.values
override def keys: Iterable[K] = delegate.keys
override def keysIterator: Iterator[K] = delegate.keysIterator
override def isDefinedAt(key: K): Boolean = delegate.isDefinedAt(key)
override def contains(key: K): Boolean = delegate.contains(key)
override def apply(key: K): Set[V] = delegate.apply(key)
override def getOrElse[B1 >: Set[V]](key: K, default: => B1): B1 = delegate.getOrElse(key, default)
override def isEmpty: Boolean = delegate.isEmpty
override def nonEmpty: Boolean = delegate.nonEmpty
override def size: Int = delegate.size
override def keySet: SortedSet[K] = delegate.keySet
override def lastKey: K = delegate.lastKey
override def firstKey: K = delegate.firstKey
override def hasDefiniteSize: Boolean = delegate.hasDefiniteSize
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