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Last active October 1, 2021 12:23
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### Hitanshu Gandhi Adivce
- I am not a product guy by trade and it is just critical thinking (after years of beating recieved in the consulting profession) I bring to the table.
- No rocket science - read a lot, ask stupid questions, find learning communities and debate vigorously. Be humble to recognize when you're on the wrong track
- What's the worst that could happen? You'd be wrong - but you'd be so much richer for it. Of course, find places with folks much smarter or experienced than you.
- You learn from getting schooled badly not from coming to the right answer. Not much growth there personally.
- Lastly, ask around - esp in product - always assume you are not your own customer. Always ask how would my grand mom or Ramu kaka (stereotypical tech illterate non MBA aam aadmi) reach?
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