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Some explanation of main syzkaller logic, execprog, syz-repro

Explanation of execprog

All the code in the following is in the version : dce6e62ffce4b315ab41407813f0257ced29903f


First, options of syz-execprog are from three go files: exeprog.go, ipcconfig.go, log.go.

var (
	flagOS = flag.String("os", runtime.GOOS, "target os")
	flagArch = flag.String("arch", runtime.GOARCH, "target arch")
	flagCoverFile = flag.String("coverfile", "", "write coverage to the file")
	flagRepeat = flag.Int("repeat", 1, "repeat execution that many times (0 for infinite loop)")
	flagProcs = flag.Int("procs", 1, "number of parallel processes to execute programs")
	flagOutput = flag.Bool("output", false, "write programs and results to stdout")
	flagHints = flag.Bool("hints", false, "do a hints-generation run")
	flagFaultCall = flag.Int("fault_call", -1, "inject fault into this call (0-based)")
	flagFaultNth = flag.Int("fault_nth", 0, "inject fault on n-th operation (0-based)")
	flagEnable = flag.String("enable", "none", "enable only listed additional features")
	flagDisable = flag.String("disable", "none", "enable all additional features except listed")
var (
	flagExecutor = flag.String("executor", "./syz-executor", "path to executor binary")
	flagThreaded = flag.Bool("threaded", true, "use threaded mode in executor")
	flagCollide  = flag.Bool("collide", true, "collide syscalls to provoke data races")
	flagSignal   = flag.Bool("cover", false, "collect feedback signals (coverage)")
	flagSandbox  = flag.String("sandbox", "none", "sandbox for fuzzing (none/setuid/namespace/android_untrusted_app)")
	flagDebug    = flag.Bool("debug", false, "debug output from executor")
	flagTimeout  = flag.Duration("timeout", 0, "execution timeout")
var (
	flagV        = flag.Int("v", 0, "verbosity")

Then we read each go statement from main function. In L49, flag.Parse() parses all the above options. In L54, csource.ParseFeaturesFlags is implemented in pkg/csource/options.go, it interprets "-enable/-disable". In L59, GetTarget is used to get current architecture information. It does rely on import _

An import declaration declares a dependency relation between the importing and imported package. It is illegal for a package to import itself, directly or indirectly, or to directly import a package without referring to any of its exported identifiers. To import a package solely for its side-effects (initialization), use the blank identifier as explicit package name:

import _ "lib/math"

If there is no such identifier, we will get the following error:

imported and not used: ""

For GetTarget function, the key is to understand how to initialize targets and target.init.Do.

func GetTarget(OS, arch string) (*Target, error) {
	if OS == "android" {
		OS = "linux"
	key := OS + "/" + arch
	target := targets[key]
	return target, nil
  1. How to initialize targets. Answer: in sys/sys.go, it imports all the supported platforms. Here we only show the detail of linux. In linux/gen, there are six go files - 386.go amd64.go arm64.go arm.go empty.go ppc64le.go. For each file, it is automatically generated. And in init function, it uses RegisterTarget to register metadata of all the supported platforms into targets.
  2. target.init.Do target.init is with type sync.Once. From the specification of sync package, Do calls the function target.lazyInit if and only if Do is being called for the first time for this instance of Once. For the concrete initialization process, we don't detail it here.

In L63, loadPrograms loads programs from input files(flag.Args() returns the non-flag arguments). In loadPrograms, it uses target.ParseLog to interpret programs in the input files into specific formats. Here we only include the data structures from parse.go and prog.go. Details could be inferred in function ParseLog.

// LogEntry describes one program in execution log.
type LogEntry struct {
        P         *Prog
        Proc      int  // index of parallel proc
        Start     int  // start offset in log
        End       int  // end offset in log
        Fault     bool // program was executed with fault injection in FaultCall/FaultNth
        FaultCall int
        FaultNth  int
type Prog struct {
        Target   *Target
        Calls    []*Call
        Comments []string

type Call struct {
        Meta    *Syscall
        Args    []Arg
        Ret     *ResultArg
        Comment string

The following is part of syzkaller log. It is one simple program.

2017/08/16 19:44:57 executing program 1:
mmap(&(0x7f0000000000/0xf77000)=nil, 0xf77000, 0x3, 0x32, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0)
r0 = socket$netlink(0x10, 0x3, 0x0)
r1 = dup(r0)

In L67 and L76, methods of host are firstly ignored. In L79, createConfig is used to generate one ipc.Config. In createConfig, it firstly obtain the default configuration from ipcconfig. The following is the definition of ipc.Config and ipc.ExecOpts.

// Configuration flags for Config.Flags.
type EnvFlags uint64

// Note: New / changed flags should be added to parse_env_flags in
const (
	FlagDebug                      EnvFlags = 1 << iota // debug output from executor
	FlagSignal                                          // collect feedback signals (coverage)
	FlagSandboxSetuid                                   // impersonate nobody user
	FlagSandboxNamespace                                // use namespaces for sandboxing
	FlagSandboxAndroidUntrustedApp                      // use Android sandboxing for the untrusted_app domain
	FlagExtraCover                                      // collect extra coverage
	FlagEnableFault                                     // enable fault injection support
	FlagEnableTun                                       // setup and use /dev/tun for packet injection
	FlagEnableNetDev                                    // setup more network devices for testing
	FlagEnableNetReset                                  // reset network namespace between programs
	FlagEnableCgroups                                   // setup cgroups for testing
	FlagEnableBinfmtMisc                                // setup binfmt_misc for testing
	// Executor does not know about these:
	FlagUseShmem      // use shared memory instead of pipes for communication
	FlagUseForkServer // use extended protocol with handshake

// Per-exec flags for ExecOpts.Flags:
type ExecFlags uint64

const (
	FlagCollectCover ExecFlags = 1 << iota // collect coverage
	FlagDedupCover                         // deduplicate coverage in executor
	FlagInjectFault                        // inject a fault in this execution (see ExecOpts)
	FlagCollectComps                       // collect KCOV comparisons
	FlagThreaded                           // use multiple threads to mitigate blocked syscalls
	FlagCollide                            // collide syscalls to provoke data races

type ExecOpts struct {
	Flags     ExecFlags
	FaultCall int // call index for fault injection (0-based)
	FaultNth  int // fault n-th operation in the call (0-based)

// Config is the configuration for Env.
type Config struct {
	// Path to executor binary.
	Executor string

	// Flags are configuation flags, defined above.
	Flags EnvFlags

	// Timeout is the execution timeout for a single program.
	Timeout time.Duration

For those options, we are more interested in FlagSandbox*, FlagEnable*, FlagThreaded, FlagCollide, FlagInjectFault(FaultCall and FaultNth). Besides those flags, we still need to introduce how to decide the features supported by each OS&Architecture.

func Default(target *prog.Target) (*ipc.Config, *ipc.ExecOpts, error) {
	sysTarget := targets.Get(target.OS, target.Arch)
	if sysTarget.ExecutorUsesShmem {
		c.Flags |= ipc.FlagUseShmem
	if sysTarget.ExecutorUsesForkServer {
		c.Flags |= ipc.FlagUseForkServer

In ipcconfig.go:40, it uses targets.Get to fetch features supported by each OS&Arch. In targets.go, init function is used to initialize the features and the features is set in the oses.

func init() {
	for OS, archs := range List {
		for arch, target := range archs {
			initTarget(target, OS, arch)
func initTarget(target *Target, OS, arch string) {
	if common, ok := oses[OS]; ok {
		target.osCommon = common
	target.OS = OS
	target.Arch = arch
	if target.NeedSyscallDefine == nil {
		target.NeedSyscallDefine = needSyscallDefine
	target.DataOffset = 512 << 20
	target.NumPages = (16 << 20) / target.PageSize

And the features of linux&amd64 are as follows:

var  List = map[string]map[string]*Target{
	"linux": {
		"amd64": {
			PtrSize:          8,
			PageSize:         4 << 10,
			CFlags:           []string{"-m64"},
			CrossCFlags:      []string{"-m64", "-static"},
			CCompilerPrefix:  "x86_64-linux-gnu-",
			KernelArch:       "x86_64",
			KernelHeaderArch: "x86",
			NeedSyscallDefine: func(nr uint64) bool {
				// Only generate defines for new syscalls
				// (added after commit 8a1ab3155c2ac on 2012-10-04).
				return nr >= 313
		"386": {
			VMArch:           "amd64",
			PtrSize:          4,
			PageSize:         4 << 10,
			CFlags:           []string{"-m32"},
			CrossCFlags:      []string{"-m32", "-static"},
			CCompilerPrefix:  "x86_64-linux-gnu-",
			KernelArch:       "i386",
			KernelHeaderArch: "x86",
var oses = map[string]osCommon{
	"linux": {
		SyscallNumbers:         true,
		SyscallPrefix:          "__NR_",
		ExecutorUsesShmem:      true,
		ExecutorUsesForkServer: true,
		KernelObject:           "vmlinux",
		CPP:                    "cpp",

In L81, it directly initializes one Context object. The declaration of object is as follows:

type Context struct {
	entries   []*prog.LogEntry
	config    *ipc.Config
	execOpts  *ipc.ExecOpts
	gate      *ipc.Gate
	shutdown  chan struct{}
	logMu     sync.Mutex
	posMu     sync.Mutex
	repeat    int
	pos       int
	lastPrint time.Time

In L89, it uses sync.WaitGroup to control the execution of goroutines. We copy the explanation of WaitGroup :

A WaitGroup waits for a collection of goroutines to finish. The main goroutine calls Add to set the number of goroutines to wait for. Then each of the goroutines runs and calls Done when finished. At the same time, Wait can be used to block until all goroutines have finished.

for p := 0; p < *flagProcs; p++ {
	pid := p
	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()

First, wg.Add sets the number of gorountines with *flagProcs. Then iterate all the procs and in each loop it invokes one gorountine to run defer statement defers the execution of a function until the surrounding function returns.As we show in the beginning, the options of execprog are separate into different parts.

syz-execprog中的 先调用了ipc.MakeEnv(ctx.config,pid),初始化env对象。 env里面包含了所要使用executor的路径和当前pid等信息以及Exec方法。然后run调用ctx.execute(pid,env,entry),其中entry为某一个program的结构体。

// tools/syz-execprog/execprog.go
func (ctx *Context) run(pid int) {
	env, err := ipc.MakeEnv(ctx.config, pid)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create ipc env: %v", err)
	defer env.Close()
	for {
		select {
		case <-ctx.shutdown:
		idx := ctx.getProgramIndex()
		if ctx.repeat > 0 && idx >= len(ctx.entries)*ctx.repeat {
		entry := ctx.entries[idx%len(ctx.entries)]
		ctx.execute(pid, env, entry)

In run method, it firstly prepares environment variables with ipc.MakeEnv. The Env is defined by :

type Env struct {
	in  []byte
	out []byte

	cmd       *command
	inFile    *os.File
	outFile   *os.File
	bin       []string
	linkedBin string
	pid       int
	config    *Config

	StatExecs    uint64
	StatRestarts uint64

In MakeEnv(ipc.go:157), it utilizes CreateMemMappedFile to mmap a temp file with the requested size and maps it into memory twice, one is input, the other is output. **Note thatCreateMemMappedFile returns * os.File, []byte, anderror. And CreateMemMappedFile's return values are named. So you will see there is no explicit variable in return statement.**接下来看ctx.execute(),细节见代码内中文注释 我们可以看到ctx.execute()中调用了env.Exec(callOpts, entry.P)。


env.Exec(callOpts, entry.P)这个函数位于ipc.go的函数会经过如下调用链 env.Exec -> makeCommand 此处在起executor,设置读写管道, -> env.cmd.exec 往设置好的管道中写progData

func MakeEnv(config *Config, pid int) (*Env, error) {
	var inf, outf *os.File
	var inmem, outmem []byte
	if config.Flags&FlagUseShmem != 0 {
		var err error
		inf, inmem, err = osutil.CreateMemMappedFile(prog.ExecBufferSize)
		outf, outmem, err = osutil.CreateMemMappedFile(outputSize)
	} else {
		inmem = make([]byte, prog.ExecBufferSize)
		outmem = make([]byte, outputSize)
	env := &Env{
		in:      inmem,
		out:     outmem,
		inFile:  inf,
		outFile: outf,
		bin:     strings.Split(config.Executor, " "),
		pid:     pid,
		config:  config,
	// Append pid to binary name.
	// E.g. if binary is 'syz-executor' and pid=15,
	// we create a link from 'syz-executor.15' to 'syz-executor' and use 'syz-executor.15' as binary.
	// This allows to easily identify program that lead to a crash in the log.
	// Log contains pid in "executing program 15" and crashes usually contain "Comm: syz-executor.15".
	base := filepath.Base(env.bin[0])
	pidStr := fmt.Sprintf(".%v", pid)
	const maxLen = 16 // TASK_COMM_LEN is currently set to 16
	if len(base)+len(pidStr) >= maxLen {
		// Remove beginning of file name, in tests temp files have unique numbers at the end.
		base = base[len(base)+len(pidStr)-maxLen+1:]
	binCopy := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(env.bin[0]), base+pidStr)
	if err := os.Link(env.bin[0], binCopy); err == nil {
		env.bin[0] = binCopy
		env.linkedBin = binCopy
	inf = nil
	outf = nil
	return env, nil

From the comment, we could see, usually Log contains pid in "executing program 15" and crashes usually contain "Comm: syz-executor.15". This could be a good tip for reproduction. getProgramIndex obtains pos field value in Context with lock. And then fetch the corresponding entry from entries. Finally it executes the entry or single program with ctx.execute(pid, env, entry). In L136(execute), it firstly logs single program to execute with ctx.logProgram, then executes program withenv.Exec(callOpts, entry.P), and print the output of program execution finally.

func (ctx *Context) execute(pid int, env *ipc.Env, entry *prog.LogEntry) {
	......(ctx *Context) execute(pid int, env *ipc.Env, entry *prog.LogEntry) {
	// Limit concurrency window.
	ticket := ctx.gate.Enter()
	defer ctx.gate.Leave(ticket)

	callOpts := ctx.execOpts
	if *flagFaultCall == -1 && entry.Fault {
		newOpts := *ctx.execOpts
		newOpts.Flags |= ipc.FlagInjectFault
		newOpts.FaultCall = entry.FaultCall
		newOpts.FaultNth = entry.FaultNth
		callOpts = &newOpts
	if *flagOutput {
		// 此处logs single program to execute了将要执行的program,log的时候会用锁
		ctx.logProgram(pid, entry.P, callOpts)
	//env.Exec executes single program on the machine真正执行了当前program
	output, info, hanged, err := env.Exec(callOpts, entry.P)
	if ctx.config.Flags&ipc.FlagDebug != 0 || err != nil {
		log.Logf(0, "result: hanged=%v err=%v\n\n%s", hanged, err, output)
	if info != nil {
		// print execution result
		if *flagHints {
			ctx.printHints(entry.P, info)
		if *flagCoverFile != "" {
			// dump code coverage
			ctx.dumpCoverage(*flagCoverFile, info)
	} else {
		log.Logf(1, "RESULT: no calls executed")

env.Exec is defined in pkg/ipc/ipc.go:247. We will discuss about its logic flow in the following section.


env.Exec(callOpts, entry.P) is the key function that executes one single program.

func (env *Env) Exec(opts *ExecOpts, p *prog.Prog) (output []byte, info *ProgInfo, hanged bool, err0 error) {
	// Copy-in serialized program.
	progSize, err := p.SerializeForExec(
	if err != nil {
		err0 = fmt.Errorf("failed to serialize: %v", err)
	var progData []byte
	if env.config.Flags&FlagUseShmem == 0 {
		progData =[:progSize]
	if env.cmd == nil {                                                                                                                                                                               
		env.cmd, err0 = makeCommand(, env.bin, env.config, env.inFile, env.outFile, env.out)
	output, hanged, err0 = env.cmd.exec(opts, progData)
	info, err0 = env.parseOutput(p)

In L272, Exec will firstly call makeCommand to prepare command data structure. and then execute the program on the virtual machine. Finally it will parse the output of this program. In L521,makeCommand opens three pipes for output, executor->ipc, ipc->executor. From godoc of Pipe,

func Pipe() (r *File, w *File, err error)
// Pipe returns a connected pair of Files;
// reads from r return bytes written to w.
// It returns the files and an error, if any.

Take the output capture pipe as example, if we write some data to wp, then we could get the data from rp. This kind of pipe is used to communicate between processes. And then those pipes fill many fields of command data structure.

func makeCommand(pid int, bin []string, config *Config, inFile, outFile *os.File, outmem []byte) (*command, error) {
	c := &command{
		pid:     pid,
		config:  config,
		timeout: sanitizeTimeout(config),
		dir:     dir,
		outmem:  outmem,
	// Output capture pipe.
	rp, wp, err := os.Pipe()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create pipe: %v", err)
	defer wp.Close()

	// executor->ipc command pipe.
	inrp, inwp, err := os.Pipe()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create pipe: %v", err)
	defer inwp.Close()
	c.inrp = inrp

	// ipc->executor command pipe.
	outrp, outwp, err := os.Pipe()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create pipe: %v", err)
	defer outrp.Close()
	c.outwp = outwp
	cmd := osutil.Command(bin[0], bin[1:]...)
	if inFile != nil && outFile != nil {
		cmd.ExtraFiles = []*os.File{inFile, outFile}
	cmd.Env = []string{}
	cmd.Dir = dir
	cmd.Stdin = outrp
	cmd.Stdout = inwp
	if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to start executor binary: %v", err)
	c.cmd = cmd
	// Note: we explicitly close inwp before calling handshake even though we defer it above.
	// If we don't do it and executor exits before writing handshake reply,
	// reading from inrp will hang since we hold another end of the pipe open.
	tmp := c
	c = nil // disable defer above
	return tmp, nil

In osutil/osutil.go:73, Command function returns exec.Cmd. Command is a simple wrapper of exec.Command. And then cmd assigns its stdin/stdout input with outrp/inwp.

// Command is similar to os/exec.Command, but also sets PDEATHSIG on linux.
func Command(bin string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
	cmd := exec.Command(bin, args...)
	return cmd
type Cmd struct {
        // Path is the path of the command to run.
        Path string

        // Args holds command line arguments, including the command as Args[0].
        // In typical use, both Path and Args are set by calling Command.
        Args []string
        // Stdin specifies the process's standard input.
        Stdin io.Reader

        // Stdout and Stderr specify the process's standard output and error.
        Stdout io.Writer
        Stderr io.Writer

        // ExtraFiles specifies additional open files to be inherited by the
        // new process. It does not include standard input, standard output, or
        // standard error. If non-nil, entry i becomes file descriptor 3+i.
        ExtraFiles []*os.File

From the specification of ExtraFiles, we know inFile and outFile are with fd 3 and fd 4, respectively. In L612, cmd.Start() starts the specified command but does not wait for it to complete. In L705, exec feeds/writes program data to the pipe (ipc->executor), then reads output of each proram from the pipe (executor->ipc). For the handshake and fork server, we could refer to afl fork server.

func (c *command) exec(opts *ExecOpts, progData []byte) (output []byte, hanged bool, err0 error) {
	req := &executeReq{
		magic:     inMagic,
		envFlags:  uint64(c.config.Flags),
		execFlags: uint64(opts.Flags),
		pid:       uint64(,
		faultCall: uint64(opts.FaultCall),
		faultNth:  uint64(opts.FaultNth),
		progSize:  uint64(len(progData)),
	reqData := (*[unsafe.Sizeof(*req)]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(req))[:]
	if _, err := c.outwp.Write(reqData); err != nil {
		output = <-c.readDone
		err0 = fmt.Errorf("executor %v: failed to write control pipe: %v",, err)
	if progData != nil {
		if _, err := c.outwp.Write(progData); err != nil {
			output = <-c.readDone
			err0 = fmt.Errorf("executor %v: failed to write control pipe: %v",, err)
	for {
		reply := &executeReply{}
		replyData := (*[unsafe.Sizeof(*reply)]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(reply))[:]
		if _, err := io.ReadFull(c.inrp, replyData); err != nil {
		callReply := &callReply{}
		callReplyData := (*[unsafe.Sizeof(*callReply)]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(callReply))[:]
		if _, err := io.ReadFull(c.inrp, callReplyData); err != nil {

For the detail of executor, we refer to the next section.

First, verify the value of some pre-defined macros - SYZ_EXECUTOR_USES_FORK_SERVER and SYZ_EXECUTOR_USES_SHMEM. The executor is architecture-dependent, but we only focus on linux/386 and linux/amd64. The following code is copied from executor/defs.h.

#if GOOS_linux
#define GOOS "linux"

#if GOARCH_386
#define GOARCH "386"
#define SYZ_REVISION "641fa484dddc5cba544715ffdc90383c136b95ae"
#define SYZ_PAGE_SIZE 4096
#define SYZ_NUM_PAGES 4096
#define SYZ_DATA_OFFSET 536870912

#if GOARCH_amd64
#define GOARCH "amd64"
#define SYZ_REVISION "6eb98f08ff8a010f389802043050ee3fe4a79a3a"
#define SYZ_PAGE_SIZE 40both 96
#define SYZ_NUM_PAGES 4096
#define SYZ_DATA_OFFSET 536870912

From the above definition, we know both linux/amd64and linux/386 enable SYZ_EXECUTOR_USES_FORK_SERVER and SYZ_EXECUTOR_USES_SHMEM. Then let's start with the main function. In L339, it maps kInFd(3), kOutFd(4) to input_data and output_data. I have described the internal reason why it maps fd 3 and fd 4 in the MakeCommand.

	if (mmap(&input_data[0], kMaxInput, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED, kInFd, 0) != &input_data[0])
		fail("mmap of input file failed");
	// The output region is the only thing in executor process for which consistency matters.
	// If it is corrupted ipc package will fail to parse its contents and panic.
	// But fuzzer constantly invents new ways of how to currupt the region,
	// so we map the region at a (hopefully) hard to guess address with random offset,
	// surrounded by unmapped pages.
	// The address chosen must also work on 32-bit kernels with 1GB user address space.
	void* preferred = (void*)(0x1b2bc20000ull + (1 << 20) * (getpid() % 128));
	output_data = (uint32*)mmap(preferred, kMaxOutput,
	if (output_data != preferred)
		fail("mmap of output file failed");

	// Prevent test programs to mess with these fds.
	// Due to races in collider mode, a program can e.g. ftruncate one of these fds,
	// which will cause fuzzer to crash.

In L361, use_temporary_dir creates temporary directory and change working directory to tmpdir.

static void use_temporary_dir(void)

	char tmpdir_template[] = "./syzkaller.XXXXXX";
	char* tmpdir = mkdtemp(tmpdir_template);
	if (!tmpdir)
		fail("failed to mkdtemp");
	if (chmod(tmpdir, 0777))
		fail("failed to chmod");
	if (chdir(tmpdir))
		fail("failed to chdir");

In L362, install_segv_handler creates segment fault handler to deal with segment fault. Question: What's the internal mechanism of install_segv_handler on linux/amd64? In L363, setup_control_pipes duplicates stdin to kInPipeFd, stdout to kOutPipeFd.

void setup_control_pipes()
	if (dup2(0, kInPipeFd) < 0)
		fail("dup2(0, kInPipeFd) failed");
	if (dup2(1, kOutPipeFd) < 0)
		fail("dup2(1, kOutPipeFd) failed");
	if (dup2(2, 1) < 0)
		fail("dup2(2, 1) failed");
	// We used to close(0), but now we dup stderr to stdin to keep fd numbers
	// stable across executor and C programs generated by pkg/csource.
	if (dup2(2, 0) < 0)
		fail("dup2(2, 0) failed");

In L365, receive_handshake corresponds to handshake in ipc.go:647. They share the same data structure, but declared with different languages.

void receive_handshake()
	handshake_req req = {};
	int n = read(kInPipeFd, &req, sizeof(req));
	if (n != sizeof(req))
		fail("handshake read failed: %d", n);
	if (req.magic != kInMagic)
		fail("bad handshake magic 0x%llx", req.magic);
	procid =;


int status = 0;
switch (flag_sandbox) {
case sandbox_none:
	status = do_sandbox_none();
case sandbox_setuid:
	status = do_sandbox_setuid();
case sandbox_namespace:
	status = do_sandbox_namespace();
case sandbox_android_untrusted_app:
	status = do_sandbox_android_untrusted_app();
	fail("unknown sandbox type");

We use the do_sandbox_none as an example, fork and run a loop to keep receiving data:

static int do_sandbox_none(void)
	// CLONE_NEWPID takes effect for the first child of the current process,
	// so we do it before fork to make the loop "init" process of the namespace.
	if (unshare(CLONE_NEWPID)) {
		debug("unshare(CLONE_NEWPID): %d\n", errno);
	int pid = fork();
	if (pid != 0)
		return wait_for_loop(pid);

	if (unshare(CLONE_NEWNET)) {
		debug("unshare(CLONE_NEWNET): %d\n", errno);

Question: what's the duty of setup_common and sandbox_common? In loop(common.h:500), the core logic is to invoke execute_one to find an available thread to execute one system call.

Explanation of fuzzer logic

All the code in the following is in the version : dce6e62ffce4b315ab41407813f0257ced29903f


Next, let me show some brief introduction to the logic of fuzzer.

In the main function of fuzzer.go, it inits and calls prog.loop() according to the flagProcs (flagProcs specified by user).

	for pid := 0; pid < *flagProcs; pid++ {
		proc, err := newProc(fuzzer, pid)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to create proc: %v", err)
		fuzzer.procs = append(fuzzer.procs, proc)
		go proc.loop()

The loop() is in syz-fuzzer/proc.go. It generates or mutates syscall sequences and calls proc.execute send data to executor to run syscalls.

func (proc *Proc) loop() {
	for  i  :=  0; ; i++ {
		ct  := proc.fuzzer.choiceTable
		corpus  := proc.fuzzer.corpusSnapshot()
		if  len(corpus) ==  0  || i%generatePeriod ==  0 {
			// Generate a new prog.
			p  :=, programLength, ct)
			log.Logf(1, "#%v: generated",
			proc.execute(proc.execOpts, p, ProgNormal, StatGenerate)
		} else {
			// Mutate an existing prog.
			p  := corpus[proc.rnd.Intn(len(corpus))].Clone()
			p.Mutate(proc.rnd, programLength, ct, corpus)
			log.Logf(1, "#%v: mutated",
			proc.execute(proc.execOpts, p, ProgNormal, StatFuzz)

The proc.execute execute chain is as follows: proc.execute -> executeRaw -> env.Exec. And env.Exec is defined in the ipc.go. So the same process as syz-execproc.

Explanation of main syzkaller logic

All the code in the following is in the version : dce6e62ffce4b315ab41407813f0257ced29903f

The main logic of syzkaller is as follows, borrowed from

internal mechanism


flagConfig  = flag.String("config", "", "configuration file")
flagDebug  = flag.Bool("debug", false, "dump all VM output to console")
flagBench  = flag.String("bench", "", "write execution statistics into this file periodically")

In main function, it first prepares something and then run manager in the previous figure. In L117, I am not very sure about the meaning of maxLine - 1000. Originally I think it's the length of output log, but it seems incorrect. In L130, it calls PraseEnabledSyscalls to parse enabled syscalls from the configuration file. Then control flow comes to RunManager(manager.go:137). Next is vmLoop(manager.go:287). In L346, it calls repro.Run to reproduce the queue of crashes that need to reproduce - reproQueue. It should be noted that this is exactly the same callsite with syz-repro tool. So when fuzzer is started to fuzzing the corresponding kernel? The answer is in manager.go:L356.

go  func() {
	crash, err  := mgr.runInstance(idx)
	runDone <-  &RunResult{idx, crash, err}

The actual code of mgr.runInstance is in the manager.go:508. It would complete the following tasks:

  • create one vm
  • setup port forwarding
  • copy fuzzer and executor binary
  • start fuzzer binary and moniter its execution

Explanation of syz-repro

All the code in the following is in the version : dce6e62ffce4b315ab41407813f0257ced29903f


Repro.go has three configurable parameters - config, count, debug.

flagConfig  = flag.String("config", "", "manager configuration file (manager.cfg)")
flagCount  = flag.Int("count", 0, "number of VMs to use (overrides config count param)")
flagDebug  = flag.Bool("debug", false, "print debug output")

In L34, it loads config file from flagConfig. In L38, it fetches the first argument, e.g., the log file provided and read the data from this file. In L46 to L60, it initializes virtual machine setting based on flagDebug and vmCount. In L61, it creates one new reporter. Its implementation is in pkg/report/report.go:84. Here I don't quite understand the meaning of compileRegexps. However, the return value is reportWrapper. Its definition is as follows:

type  reporterWrapper  struct {
	suppressions []*regexp.Regexp
	typ string

And the first field in reportWrapper is one anonymous filed and it is created by ctor or ctroLinux in Linux OS. In L67, it directly call repro.Run to execute data extracting from syzkaller log.

res, stats, err  := repro.Run(data, cfg, reporter, vmPool, vmIndexes)

This function is defined in pkg/repro/repro.go:62. In L71, it first extracts the corresponding entries in the crash log. In L77, crash log is parsed by reporter created before. The concrete implementation of reporter.Parse for Linux OS is in pkg/report/linux.go:131. It should be noted that Symbolize is used to transform call trace in binary format to source code format. The magic is nothing but addr2line. In L100, it prepares one ctx with context type. Then it starts those vms in the vm pool, copies syz-executor, syz-execprog to target vm. In L174, it calls ctx.repro to reproduce the crash based on this context.

In the following, repro is defined in L200 of the same file. Next, in this function, it will sequentially call ctx.extractProg, ctx.minimizeProg, ctx.extractC, ctx.simplifyProg/ctx.simplifyC. And all those functions are all defined in the same file. We only care about the first part - ctx.extractProg(pkg/repor/repro.go:256). In L265, it first extracts the last program on every Proc. (The first loop gets the relationship between proc and entry index. The second loop adds all the indexes to one list. The third loop organizes those into another list)

// Extract last program on every proc.
procs := make(map[int]int)
for i, ent := range entries {
    procs[ent.Proc] = i
var indices []int
for _, idx := range procs {
    indices = append(indices, idx)
var lastEntries []*prog.LogEntry
for i := len(indices) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
    lastEntries = append(lastEntries, entries[indices[i]])

In L280, it leverages ctx.extractProgSingle to execute the reversed entries obtained in the previous step. In ctx.extractProgSingle(pkg/repro/repro.go:309), it traverses the entry list and tests each program with ctx.testProg in the virtual machine. In ctx.extractProgBisect(pkg/repro/repro.go:342), it selects/bisects multiple guilty programs with ctx.bisectProgs that has the corresponding detail of bisection. Finally, it will concatenate those programs into one. For the merged program, it first tries to reproduce without fault injection. If it does not work, then fault injection will be facilitated to reproduce this crash. In addition, let me introduce some details of testProg, it is a special case for testProgs. In this function, it encodes all the entries, and writes the result into one file. Following, it copies this file into the virtual machine. Finally, it will calls syz-execprog to try to reproduce newly captured crashs.

command  := instancePkg.ExecprogCmd(inst.execprogBin, inst.executorBin,
ctx.cfg.TargetOS, ctx.cfg.TargetArch, opts.Sandbox, opts.Repeat,
opts.Threaded, opts.Collide, opts.Procs, -1, -1, vmProgFile)
ctx.reproLog(2, "testing program (duration=%v, %+v): %s", duration, opts, program)
ctx.reproLog(3, "detailed listing:\n%s", pstr)
return ctx.testImpl(inst.Instance, command, duration)

At the same time,

func (ctx *context) testImpl(inst *vm.Instance, command string, duration time.Duration) (crashed bool, err error) {
	outc, errc, err  := inst.Run(duration, nil, command)
	if err !=  nil {
		return  false, fmt.Errorf("failed to run command in VM: %v", err)
	rep  := inst.MonitorExecution(outc, errc, ctx.reporter,

For our situation, our vm type is "qemu". Then inst.Run and inst.MointorExecution are implemented in vm/qemu/qemu.go.

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