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Last active November 14, 2015 22:01
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(import [user-mu [*]])
(require user-mu)
;; Mostly translated from Scheme examples in "The Reasoned Schemer,"
;; by Daniel P. Friedman, William E. Byrd, and Oleg Kiselyov.
(defn caro [p a]
(fresh [d]
(== (cons a d) p)))
(defn cdro [p d]
(fresh [a]
(== (cons a d) p)))
(defn conso [a d p]
(== (cons a d) p))
(defn nullo [x]
(== [] x))
;; (run 1 (fresh [q] (appendo/l [1 2] [3 4] q)))
;; => [[1, 2, 3, 4]]
;; (ptake 1 (callgoal (fresh [q] (appendo/l [1 2] [3 4] q))))
;; => [[pmap({pset([2]): [2], pset([6]): [3, 4], pset([0]): (pset([1]) . pset([3])), pset([4]): 2, pset([1]): 1, pset([3]): (pset([4]) . pset([6])), pset([5]): []}) 7]]
;; (run 6 (fresh [q a b] (== q [a b]) (appendo/l a b [1 2 3 4 5])))
;; (run* (fresh [q a b] (== q [a b]) (appendo/l a b [1 2 3 4 5])))
;; => [[[], [1 2 3 4 5]], [[1], [2 3 4 5]], [[1 2], [3 4 5]], [[1 2 3], [4 5]], [[1 2 3 4], [5]], [[1 2 3 4 5], []]]
(defn appendo/l [l r out]
"Just like `appendo`, but uses logic fns (conde, nullo, conso)"
((nullo l) (== r out))
((fresh [a d res]
(conso a d l)
(conso a res out)
(appendo/l d r res)))))
(defn pairo [p]
(fresh [a d]
(conso a d p)))
(defn unwrapo [x out]
[(== x out)]
[(pairo x) (fresh [a]
(caro x a)
(unwrapo a out))]))
(import [pyrsistent [pmap
(defn list? [x]
"Checks if this is a normal list"
(instance? list x))
(defn seq? [x]
"Checks for non-empty list"
(and (list? x)
(not (empty? x))))
(defn null? [c]
(or (nil? c)
(and (list? c)
(empty? c))))
(defn pair? [c]
(or (seq? c)
(cons? c)))
(defn fn? [f]
"Tests for a function"
(instance? types.FunctionType f))
;; Variables "are represented as vectors that hold their variable index."
(defclass var [PSet]
(defn --new-- [self c]
(.--new-- (super) self (pmap {c True})))
(defn --str-- [self]
(% "(var %s)" (first self)))
(defn --repr-- [self]
(str self)))
(defn var? [x]
"Test if is logic var"
(instance? var x))
;; State
(defn stor [&optional [m {}]]
(pmap m))
(defn stor-get [s k]
(.get s k))
(defn stor-contains? [s k]
(.__contains__ s k))
(defn stor-assoc [s k v]
"Associates key with value in a given state map, returning updated
(.set s k v))
(defn stor-keys [s]
(.keys s))
(defn num-stor-keys [s]
(len (stor-keys s)))
(def empty-s (stor))
(def empty-state [empty-s 0])
;; walk
;; (walk 1337 (pmap {}))
;; => 1337
;; (walk (var 0) (pmap {}))
;; => pset([0])
;; (walk (var 0) (pmap {(var 0) 1337}))
;; => 1337
;; (walk (var 1) (pmap {(var 0) 1337 (var 1) (var 0)}))
;; => 1337
(defn walk [u s]
"Recursive lookup of logic var keys in a state map"
(if (and (var? u) (stor-contains? s u))
(walk (stor-get s u) s)
;; unify
;; (unify 1337 1337 (pmap {}))
;; => pmap({})
;; (unify 1337 1338 (pmap {}))
;; => False
;; (unify [1 2 3] [1 2 3] (pmap {}))
;; => pmap({})
;; (unify [1 2 3] [1 2 4] (pmap {}))
;; => False
;; (unify [1 2 3] [1 2 3 4] (pmap {}))
;; => False
;; (unify [1 2 3] [1 2 (var 0)] (pmap {}))
;; => pmap({pset([0]): 3})
(defn unify [u1 v1 s1]
"Unifies terms of the language by walking the state map for instances
of logic variables
- If two terms walk to the same variable the state map is returned.
- When one of the terms walks to a variable, the state is extended.
- If both walk to non-empty lists, the cars and then cdrs are are
unified recursively.
- Non-variable, non-seqs unify if they are equal.
- Otherwise unification fails and returns False."
(let [u (walk u1 s1)
v (walk v1 s1)
s s1]
[(and (var? u) (var? v) (= u v)) s]
[(var? u) (stor-assoc s u v)]
[(var? v) (stor-assoc s v u)]
[(and (pair? u) (pair? v))
(let [s2 (unify (car u) (car v) s)]
(and (coll? s2)
(unify (cdr u) (cdr v) s2)))]
[True (and (= u v) s)])))
;; empty result
(def mzero nil)
(defn unit [sc]
"Lifts state into a stream"
(cons sc mzero))
;; ==
;; ((== 1 1) empty-state)
;; => ([pmap({}) 0])
;; ((== 1 2) empty-state)
;; => nil
(defn == [u v]
"Takes two terms as args and returns a goal"
(fn [[s c]]
(let [s1 (unify u v s)]
(if (coll? s1) (unit [s1 c]) mzero))))
;; ((callfresh (fn [q] (== q 5))) empty-state)
;; => ([pmap({pset([0]): 5}), 1])
(defn callfresh [f]
"Take a fn f with a goal body and returns a fn takes a state and
applies the f to a newly created logic variable"
(fn [[s c]]
((f (var c)) [s (inc c)])))
;; "or" and "and" | "and" and "or"
;; (mplus [1 2] [3 4])
;; => (1 2 3 . 4)
(defn mplus [$1 $2]
"Merges streams and applies some trampolining to avoid the depth
first search that would be unfun for infinite streams"
[(null? $1) $2]
[(fn? $1) (fn [] (mplus ($1) $2))]
[True (cons (car $1) (mplus $2 (cdr $1)))]))
(defn bind [$ g]
"Invokes a goal on each element of a stream and then either
merges the results, or if results exhausted returns the empty
[(null? $) mzero]
[(fn? $) (fn [] (bind ($) g))]
[True (mplus (g (car $)) (bind (cdr $) g))]))
;; ((callfresh (fn [q] (disj (== q 1) (== q 2)))) empty-state)
;; => ([pmap({pset([0]): 1}), 1] [pmap({pset([0]): 2}), 1])
(defn disj [g1 g2]
"Goal constructor like a logical `or`"
(fn [sc] (mplus (g1 sc) (g2 sc))))
;; ((callfresh (fn [q] (conj (== q 1) (== q 1)))) empty-state)
;; => ([pmap({pset([0]): 1}), 1])
(defn conj [g1 g2]
"Goal constructor like a logical `and`"
(fn [sc] (bind (g1 sc) g2)))
;; Works the same:
;; (callgoal (callfresh (fn [q] (conj (== q 1) (== q 1)))))
;; => ([pmap({pset([0]): 1}), 1])
(defn callgoal [g]
"Helper to which applies the given goal to the empty state"
(g empty-state))
;; (callgoal (callfresh fives))
;; => RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
;; (defn fives [x]
;; (disj (== x 5) (fn [sc] ((fives x) sc))))
;; Wrap the return in a closure:
;; (callgoal (callfresh fives))
;; => ([pmap({pset([0]): 5}), 1] <function fives.<locals>._hy_anon_fn_2.<locals>._hy_anon_fn_1 at 0x10a967048>)
(defn fives [x]
"An infinite goal constructor of fives"
(disj (== x 5) (fn [sc] (fn [] ((fives x) sc)))))
(defn sixes [x]
"An infinite goal constructor of sixes"
(disj (== x 6) (fn [sc] (fn [] ((sixes x) sc)))))
(defn pull [$]
"Automatically invokes an immature stream, advancing the stream
until it matures"
(if (fn? $) (pull ($)) $))
;; (ptake 10 (callgoal (callfresh fives)))
;; => ([pmap({pset([0]): 5}) 1] ... x10
(defn ptake [n $1]
"Invokes pull a given number of times to return the desired number
of results from a stream"
(if (zero? n) []
(let [$ (pull $1)]
(if (null? $) []
(cons (car $)
(ptake (dec n) (cdr $)))))))
;; (ptake 10 (callgoal fives-and-sixes))
;; => ([pmap({pset([0]): 5}), 1] [pmap({pset([0]): 6}), 1] ...
;; alternating ... x5 pairs
(def fives-and-sixes (callfresh (fn [x] (disj (fives x) (sixes x)))))
;; (callgoal a-and-b)
;; => ([pmap({pset([1]): 5, pset([0]): 7}) 2] [pmap({pset([1]): 6, pset([0]): 7}) 2])
(def a-and-b
(callfresh (fn [a] (== a 7)))
(callfresh (fn [b] (disj (== b 5) (== b 6))))))
(import [mu [*]])
(defmacro/g! zzz [g]
"The snooze macro"
`(fn [g!sc] (fn [] (~g g!sc))))
;; (callgoal (callfresh sevens))
;; => ([pmap({pset([0]): 7}) 1] . <function sevens.<locals>._hy_anon_fn_2.<locals>._hy_anon_fn_1 at 0x10f59abf8>)
(defn sevens [x]
"An inifinte goal constructor of sevens, using the snooze macro"
(disj (== x 7) (zzz (sevens x))))
(defmacro conj+ [&rest gs]
(if (= (len gs) 1)
`(zzz ~(car gs))
`(conj (zzz ~(car gs)) (conj+ ~@(cdr gs)))))
(defmacro disj+ [g0 &rest gs]
(if (> (len gs) 0)
`(disj (zzz ~g0) (disj+ ~@gs))
`(zzz ~g0)))
;; (run* (fresh [q x y] (== [x 5 y] q) (== [x y] [4 6])))
;; => [[4, 5, 6]]
;; `fresh` is like *and*
(defmacro fresh [vars &rest body]
"Used to declare an `and` relation"
(if (empty? vars)
`(conj+ ~@body)
(fn [~(car vars)]
(fresh ~(cdr vars) ~@body)))))
(defn walk* [v1 s]
(let [v (walk v1 s)]
[(var? v) v]
[(pair? v)
(cons (walk* (car v) s)
(walk* (cdr v) s))]
[True v])))
(defn reify-s [v1 s]
(let [v (walk v1 s)]
[(var? v)
(let [n (reify-name (num-stor-keys s))]
(stor-assoc s v n))]
[(pair? v)
(reify-s (cdr v) (reify-s (car v) s))]
[True s])))
(defn reify-name [n]
(HySymbol (+ "_." (str n))))
(defn reify-1st [[s c]]
(walk* (var 0) s))
(defn reify-1st [[s c]]
(let [v (walk* (var 0) s)]
(walk* v (reify-s v empty-s))))
;; (list (map reify-1st (ptake 6 (callgoal (fresh [q a b] (== q [a b]) (appendo a b [1 2 3 4 5]))))))
;; => [[[], [1 2 3 4 5]], [[1], [2 3 4 5]], [[1 2], [3 4 5]], [[1 2 3], [4 5]], [[1 2 3 4], [5]], [[1 2 3 4 5], []]]
;; (ptake 6 (callgoal (fresh [q a b] (== q [a b]) (appendo a b [1 2 3 4 5]))))
;; => [[pmap({pset([2]): [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], pset([1]): [], pset([0]): [pset([1]), pset([2])]}) 3], ... x6 states ... ]
(defn run [n g]
(list (map reify-1st (ptake n (callgoal g)))))
;; (take-all (callgoal (fresh [q a b] (== q [a b]) (appendo a b [1 2 3 4 5]))))
;; => ... same as `ptake 6` ...
(defn take-all [$1]
"See also `ptake`, this consumes the entire stream"
(let [$ (pull $1)]
(if (null? $) [] (cons (car $) (take-all (cdr $))))))
;; (run* (fresh [q a b] (== q [a b]) (appendo a b [1 2 3 4 5])))
;; => [[[], [1 2 3 4 5]], [[1], [2 3 4 5]], [[1 2], [3 4 5]], [[1 2 3], [4 5]], [[1 2 3 4], [5]], [[1 2 3 4 5], []]]
(defn run* [g]
"See also `run`, this one provides all solutions"
(list (map reify-1st (take-all (callgoal g)))))
;; (take-all (callgoal (fresh [q] (conde [(== q 5)] [(== q 6)]))))
;; => [[pmap({pset([0]): 5}) 1], [pmap({pset([0]): 6}) 1]]
;; (run* (fresh [q] (conde [(== q 5)] [(== q 6)])))
;; => [5, 6]
;; (run* (fresh [q x] (conde [(== q x) (== x 5)] [(== q 6)])))
;; => [5, 6]
(defmacro conde [&rest gs]
"Used to declare a series of `or` relations
Each relation (clause) can contain one or many `and` goals"
`(disj+ ~@(list (map (fn [l] `(conj+ ~@l)) gs))))
(defn appendo [l r out]
(conj (== l []) (== r out))
(fresh [a d res]
(== (cons a d) l)
(== (cons a res) out)
(appendo d r res))))
(defn appendo/e [l r out]
"Just like `appendo`, but uses `conde`"
((== [] l) (== r out))
((fresh [a d res]
(== (cons a d) l)
(== (cons a res) out)
(appendo d r res)))))
;; (run 1 (fresh [q] (appendo [1 2] [3 4] q)))
;; => [[1, 2, 3, 4]]
;; (ptake 1 (callgoal (fresh [q] (appendo [1 2] [3 4] q))))
;; => [[pmap({pset([2]): [2], pset([6]): [3, 4], pset([0]): (pset([1]) . pset([3])), pset([4]): 2, pset([1]): 1, pset([3]): (pset([4]) . pset([6])), pset([5]): []}) 7]]
;; (ptake 1 (callgoal (fresh [q a b] (== q [a b]) (appendo a b [1 2 3 4 5]))))
;; => [[pmap({pset([2]): [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], pset([1]): [], pset([0]): [pset([1]), pset([2])]}) 3]]
;; (take-all (callgoal (fresh [q a b] (== q [a b]) (appendo a b [1 2 3 4 5]))))
;; => [[pmap({
;; pset([0]): [pset([1]), pset([2])]
;; pset([1]): [],
;; pset([2]): [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
;; }) 3],
;; [pmap({
;; pset([0]): [pset([1]), pset([2])],
;; pset([1]): (pset([3]) . pset([4])),
;; pset([2]): [2, 3, 4, 5],
;; pset([3]): 1,
;; pset([4]): [],
;; pset([5]): [2, 3, 4, 5]
;; }) 6],
;; [pmap({
;; pset([0]): [pset([1]), pset([2])],
;; pset([1]): (pset([3]) . pset([4])),
;; pset([2]): [3, 4, 5],
;; pset([3]): 1,
;; pset([4]): (pset([6]) . pset([7])),
;; pset([5]): [2, 3, 4, 5]
;; pset([6]): 2,
;; pset([7]): [],
;; pset([8]): [3, 4, 5],
;; }) 9],
;; [pmap({
;; pset([0]): [pset([1]), pset([2])],
;; pset([1]): (pset([3]) . pset([4]))
;; pset([2]): [4, 5],
;; pset([3]): 1,
;; pset([4]): (pset([6]) . pset([7])),
;; pset([5]): [2, 3, 4, 5],
;; pset([6]): 2,
;; pset([7]): (pset([9]) . pset([10])),
;; pset([8]): [3, 4, 5],
;; pset([9]): 3,
;; pset([10]): [],
;; pset([11]): [4, 5],
;; }) 12],
;; [pmap({
;; pset([0]): [pset([1]), pset([2])],
;; pset([1]): (pset([3]) . pset([4]))
;; pset([2]): [5],
;; pset([3]): 1,
;; pset([4]): (pset([6]) . pset([7])),
;; pset([5]): [2, 3, 4, 5],
;; pset([6]): 2,
;; pset([7]): (pset([9]) . pset([10])),
;; pset([8]): [3, 4, 5],
;; pset([9]): 3,
;; pset([10]): (pset([12]) . pset([13])),
;; pset([11]): [4, 5],
;; pset([12]): 4,
;; pset([13]): [],
;; pset([14]): [5],
;; }) 15],
;; [pmap({
;; pset([0]): [pset([1]), pset([2])],
;; pset([1]): (pset([3]) . pset([4]))
;; pset([2]): [],
;; pset([3]): 1,
;; pset([4]): (pset([6]) . pset([7])),
;; pset([5]): [2, 3, 4, 5],
;; pset([6]): 2,
;; pset([7]): (pset([9]) . pset([10])),
;; pset([8]): [3, 4, 5],
;; pset([9]): 3,
;; pset([10]): (pset([12]) . pset([13])),
;; pset([11]): [4, 5],
;; pset([12]): 4,
;; pset([13]): (pset([15]) . pset([16])),
;; pset([14]): [5],
;; pset([15]): 5,
;; pset([16]): [],
;; pset([17]): [],
;; }) 18]]
;; (run 6 (fresh [q a b] (== q [a b]) (appendo a b [1 2 3 4 5])))
;; (run* (fresh [q a b] (== q [a b]) (appendo a b [1 2 3 4 5])))
;; => [[[], [1 2 3 4 5]], [[1], [2 3 4 5]], [[1 2], [3 4 5]], [[1 2 3], [4 5]], [[1 2 3 4], [5]], [[1 2 3 4 5], []]]
;; ground-appendo
;; (test-check "ground appendo"
;; (car ((ground-appendo empty-state)))
;; '(((#(2) b) (#(1)) (#(0) . a)) . 3))
;; (def ground-appendo (appendo ['a] ['b] ['a 'b]))
;; (take-all (callgoal ground-appendo))
;; => [[pmap({pset([2]): ['b'], pset([1]): [], pset([0]): 'a'}) 3]]
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