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Created March 20, 2015 03:53
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  • Save mudream4869/ca60f94bfdaf8dcd446e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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\ProvidesPackage{haflag}[2015/03/22 HAFlag Package]
\newcommand{\haflag}[1]{% text
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.1,rotate=-10,shift={(-15, 0)},overlay,remember picture]
\draw[fill=black, thick] (0,0) -- ++ (0,8) arc (180:0:0.4 and 0.1) -- ++ (0,-8) arc (360:180:0.4 and 0.1);
\draw[thick] (0,8) arc (180:360:0.4 and 0.1);
\draw[fill=white,thick] (0.8,7.5) to[out=-30,in=210] ++(3,0) to[out=30,in=150] ++ (3,0) -- ++ (0,-4.5) to [out=150,in=30] ++(-3,0) to[out=210,in=-30] ++(-3,0) -- cycle;
\node[] (a) at (3.8,5.25) {\textbf{#1}};
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