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Created November 23, 2022 03:39
Read addresses from Pk-Cashpoints CSV and try to get geo-codes using Geolocation API
const fs = require('fs')
const axios = require('axios');
const Papa = require("papaparse");
fs.readFile('sample.csv', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
return console.error(err)
const [headers, ...parsedCSVData] = Papa.parse(data).data
console.debug("done reading csv")
const locations = => {
const [
] = item
return getGeoCodes(address)
Promise.allSettled(locations).then(results => {
// Here we need to treverse each parsed CSV data item
// using index, we will update each item's address from
// fullfilled responses for each address
const cashpoints = parsedCSVData
.map((item, index) => {
const result = results[index]
let location = { lat: '', lng: '' }
if (result.status == 'fulfilled') {
location = result.value
const [
] = item
return {
Name: name,
City: city,
Address: address,
Lng: location.lng
// unparse
const csv = Papa.unparse(cashpoints, {
columns: headers
fs.writeFile('output-with-geocodes.csv', csv, err => {
if (err) {
// file written successfully
console.debug("done writing output csv")
.catch(error => {
const getGeoCodes = async (address) => {
const apiKey = ""
// const encodedAddress = encodeURIComponent(address)
console.debug("getting geocodes for address " + address)
const resp = await axios.get(`${address}&key=${apiKey}`).then(resp => {
// console the data
// console.debug(
const {
} =
// console.log(results)
// CASE 1
// If the API results in any of following
// {
// "results": [],
// "status": "ZERO_RESULTS"
// },
// {
// "error_message": "The provided API key is invalid. ",
// "results": [],
// "status": "REQUEST_DENIED"
// }
// which means there's no location exist for the given address, so simply
// return empty lat and lng
if (status === "ZERO_RESULTS" || status === "REQUEST_DENIED") {
return { lat: '', lng: '' }
// If the status is "ok", we will get something in data as below
// {
// "results": [...]
// "status": "OK"
// }
// Process the data to get Lat and Lng, tricky part is Geolocation API
// return multiple search results when it does't find exact one So we need to process
// response to get the Lat and Lng
// CASE 2
// Results is an array containing object with different properties see *example-address-geolocation-api.json*
// (as a sample output "lady reading hospital peshawar city"). If the result contains only one item (object)
// which we don't need to write any sort of complex logic to pull the matching location (lat, lng).
if (results.length === 1) {
return results[0].geometry.location
// CASE 3
// If results contains more than one location geolocation information, we need to process according to our
// passing address. Living it empty for now.
}).catch(error => {
// return response
return resp
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Same input (CSV):

Mudassar,Lahore,Rabbani Masjid Lahore Cantt,,
CERP,Lahore,29-P mustaq ahmed gurmani road Gulberg-2 Lahore,, 

Output (CSV)

Mudassar,Lahore,Rabbani Masjid Lahore Cantt,31.4946798,74.3907455
CERP,Lahore,29-P mustaq ahmed gurmani road Gulberg-2 Lahore,31.5235824,74.352457

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To run above script, make sure nodejs along with npm is installed on your machine (laptop, computer), then run the following commands.

npm install papaparse axios (install dependencies)
node ./geocodes (to run the script)

Note: Make sure you've put API_KEY in the script code and change input CSV file

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