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Last active February 23, 2023 01:01
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Tweets I'm saving

By Janine Sickmeyer

One of the best things I've learned in therapy is how to establish and enforce strong boundaries.

Protect your time:

• if it’s not a hell yes!, it’s a no. • take breaks to come back stronger • slow down to find clarity of purpose • you don’t NEED a reason to say no

By Gunnar Morling

What to focus on during a code review? Don't waste your time with automatable formalities like code style. Rather spend your review budget on those aspects which will be hard/expensive to change later on. The "Code Review Pyramid" provides some guidance on what to look for.


By Catalin Pit

Git tip: Did you forget to create a new branch, and made your changes in the wrong branch?

🔮 git switch -c "new-branch"

Creates a new branch and moves all your changes to the new branch

Noticing a trend here, another banger by Paige Bailey

Personal definition of success:

Your job, as a human, is to find whatever it is that you're passionate about

to do it, full throttle–without hurting anyone in the process

and to always leave people, places, & projects significantly better than you found them.

...That is all.

By Vincent D. Warmerdam

It's been a while since I made mktestdocs but it's still such a joy to use. The code snippets in the docstrings of many of my packages are guaranteed to work because they are also a unit test.


Ideas by Paige Bailey

📊 Is anyone else super dissatisfied with the tech industry's preferred/tracked open-source metrics?

@GitHub stars; pip install or download counts; @-mentions or tags on social media: all of these stats can, and will, be gamed. We can do much better!

👇🏻Here are some ideas:

(1) Projects listing a particular repo as a dependency.

This can be easily tracked via GitHub's dependency graph, or by scraping which Dockerfiles, conda environment YAMLs, etc. reference a library or framework.


(2) "Bus factor" of a particular open-source project.

Bus factors measure how resilient a project is to sudden engineering turnover - and is a solid method of understanding the health of an open-source project.

More on bus factors below:



(3) General insights into code health:

What is the test coverage like for the open-source project? Are there any code quality concerns? To what extent?

✨📝 "We propose a single framework to identify several categories of code quality issues that can cause low code readability and maintainability.

We also developed an automated tool that spots large numbers of such issues in open-source repositories."

👩‍💻 Paige Bailey #BlackLivesMatter @DynamicWebPaige · Nov 14 📊 Is anyone else super dissatisfied with the tech industry's preferred/tracked open-source metrics?

@GitHub stars; pip install or download counts; @-mentions or tags on social media: all of these stats can, and will, be gamed. We can do much better!

👇🏻Here are some ideas: 👩‍💻 Paige Bailey #BlackLivesMatter @DynamicWebPaige · Nov 14 (1) Projects listing a particular repo as a dependency.

This can be easily tracked via GitHub's dependency graph, or by scraping which Dockerfiles, conda environment YAMLs, etc. reference a library or framework. Image 👩‍💻 Paige Bailey #BlackLivesMatter @DynamicWebPaige · Nov 14 (2) "Bus factor" of a particular open-source project.

Bus factors measure how resilient a project is to sudden engineering turnover - and is a solid method of understanding the health of an open-source project.

More on bus factors below:

📄 Image 👩‍💻 Paige Bailey #BlackLivesMatter @DynamicWebPaige · Nov 14 (3) General insights into code health:

What is the test coverage like for the open-source project? Are there any code quality concerns? To what extent? This Tweet is unavailable. Learn more 👩‍💻 Paige Bailey #BlackLivesMatter @DynamicWebPaige (4) On a similar vein:

What is the documentation coverage like for each feature? This should include everything from function docstrings, to guides and tutorials.

And are there 'vignettes' (end-to-end examples, stitching together multiple features)?

📃 Documentation is a developer's first impression of your project—and great docs show a commitment to empathy+respect: welcoming people wherever they are, and patiently helping them move to the next level.

Docs are such a powerful way to care for users, to build a community.

(5) Do one or more companies depend on the open-source project for their core business?

And, if yes: are engineers at those companies contributing back to the project + upstreaming changes, or have they forked the codebase and kept it closed-source?

(6) For machine learning & research libraries:

Of recent papers that have released source code, how many of those papers import or use your tool? How has that # changed over time?

Do you observe that a given framework or library is preferred for a specific use case/domain?

By Katie Fujihara

I gave a talk last week on how to be your biggest advocate so you can work more efficiently towards promotions. One thing I pushed in this talk is having a progress doc, so I wanted to share how I have organized mine and how I maintain it. Hopefully it'll help you in some way!

First/Title Page: On this page I will have different headers for:

  • Manager Info (names of past managers, team name, and dates I was under them)
  • Features Worked On
  • Initiatives Participated In (non-eng tasks with high impact)
  • Interested In
  • Growth Areas

Subsequent Pages: Starting from my first month, I organize this doc in 6-month periods. Under each time-period I have it organized into different subcategories. The main subcategory in each section is "Engineering" but other sections may include any other broader org initiatives.

Yet another banger by Paige Bailey

My favorite RFCs & feature requests include:

What is it? (2-3 sentences) Who is it for? Why is it needed?

When would (and wouldn't) I use it? How does it compare to existing solutions?

What is the anticipated maintenance burden? What portions of the API surface does it touch?

By Gergely Orosz

A few software engineering practices which many teams will also consider "best practices."

What other useful engineering practices would you mention?


The new VS Code version comes with an experimental "sticky" mode and I quite like it! 👏

"editor.experimental.stickyScroll.enabled": true

Video alt: Scrolling in VS Code showing that function signatures are sticky.

By the great Andrej Karpathy

Teaching is just a means to an end, not end by itself. What I missed is more the lowering of the barrier for people to get into AI, if I can be helpful. Teaching itself can sometimes be a bit exhausting, but I don't hate it.


Python clean test tip:

Structure your tests in Arrange-Act-Assert way

Arrange - set-up logic Act - invokes the system we are about to test Assert - verifies that the action of the system under test behaves as expected



From Eugene Yan

Two quotes I'll be putting on my wall from @PyTorch in this article:

"A library needs to deliver compelling performance but not at the expense of ease of use. You can trade 10% speed, but not 100% speed, for a significantly simpler to use library." 1/2

And, arguably my favorite of the two

"It’s better to have a simple but slightly incomplete solution than a comprehensive but hard-to-maintain design."

By Arvind Narayanan

15 years ago my PhD advisor taught me One Weird Trick for editing your own writing. Edit back to front, paragraph by paragraph. I still use it and it still surprises me how well it works. When I get my students to do it, it often blows their minds. Try it!

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