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Created February 6, 2013 01:36
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//##using C++ library##
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <stdlib.h>
//##using openCV library##
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
#include "cxcore.h"
using namespace cv;
int main ( int argc, char **argv ) //--------------MAIN BODY---------------
//VideoCapture webCam(0); // video source for webcam
// slices matrcies that hold H,S and V
vector<Mat> slices;
// Cross Element for Erosion/Dilation
Mat cross = getStructuringElement(MORPH_CROSS, Size(5,5));
// create matrices to hold image
Mat camImage; // raw image from webcam
Mat blurImage; // blur image
Mat hsvImage; // hsv image
Mat hue; // hue channel
Mat hue1; // Hue upper bound
Mat hue2; // Hue lower bound
Mat hue3; // hue color filtering
Mat sat; // Sat channel
Mat sat1; // Sat upper bound
Mat sat2; // sat lower bound
Mat sat3; // sat color filtering
Mat val; // Val channel
Mat val1; // Val upper bound
Mat val2; // Val lower bound
Mat val3; // Val color filtering
Mat erd; // Erosion Image
Mat dia; // dialate image
Mat HnS; // sat and hue channel
Mat HSV; // HSV color fiter detected
// slide bar values
int HuethresH =0,
HuethresL =0,
SatthresL =0,
SatthresH = 0,
ValthresL =0,
ValthresH = 0,
erosionCount = 1,
blurSize = 3;
// new window
cvNamedWindow("Color Tune",CV_WINDOW_NORMAL);
// make tune bar
cvCreateTrackbar( "Hue UpperT","Color Tune", &HuethresH, 255, 0 );
cvCreateTrackbar ("Hue LowerT","Color Tune", &HuethresL,255, 0);
cvCreateTrackbar( "Sat UpperT","Color Tune", &SatthresH, 255, 0 );
cvCreateTrackbar( "Sat LowerT","Color Tune", &SatthresL, 255, 0 );
cvCreateTrackbar( "Val UpperT","Color Tune", &ValthresH, 255, 0 );
cvCreateTrackbar( "Val LowerT","Color Tune", &ValthresL, 255, 0 );
cvCreateTrackbar ("EroTime","Color Tune", &erosionCount,15, 0);
cvCreateTrackbar ("BlurSize","Color Tune", &blurSize,15, 0);
// check blurSize bound
if(blurSize == 0)
blurSize = 1; //reset blurSize
// get and display webcam image
// get new image over and over from webcam
camImage = imread("image.jpeg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
// check blurSize bound
if(blurSize == 0)
blurSize = 1; //reset blurSize
// blur image
//blur(camImage, blurImage, Size(11,11));
blur(camImage, blurImage, Size(blurSize,blurSize));
// conver raw image to hsv
cvtColor (camImage, hsvImage, CV_RGB2HSV);
// check blurSize bound
if(blurSize == 0)
blurSize = 1; //reset blurSize
blur(hsvImage, hsvImage, Size(blurSize,blurSize));
//blur(hsvImage, hsvImage, Size(5,5));
// split image to H,S and V images
slices[0].copyTo (hue); // get the hue channel
slices[1].copyTo(sat); // get the sat channel
slices[2].copyTo(val); // get the V channel
//apply threshold HUE upper/lower for color range
threshold (hue,hue1,HuethresL,255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); // get lower bound
threshold (hue, hue2,HuethresH,255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV); // get upper bound
hue3 = hue1 &hue2; // multiply 2 matrix to get the color range
// apply thresshold for Sat channel
threshold (sat,sat1,SatthresL,255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); // get lower bound
threshold (sat, sat2,SatthresH,255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV); // get upper bound
sat3 = sat1 & sat2; // multiply 2 matrix to get the color range
// apply thresshold for Val channel
threshold (val,val1,SatthresL,255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); // get lower bound
threshold (val, val2,SatthresH,255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV); // get upper bound
val3 = val1 & val2; // multiply 2 matrix to get the color range
// combine sat and hue filter together
HnS = sat3 & hue3;
// erode and dialation to reduce noise
erode(HnS,erd,cross,Point(-1,-1),erosionCount); // do erode
dilate(HnS,dia,cross,Point(-1,-1),erosionCount);// do dialate
// combine sat, val and hue filter together
HSV = sat3 & hue3 & val3;
// erode and dialation to reduce noise
erode(HSV,erd,cross,Point(-1,-1),erosionCount); // do erode
dilate(HSV,dia,cross,Point(-1,-1),erosionCount); // do dialate
// display image over and over
imshow("Webcam Orignal", camImage);
//imshow("Blur", blurImage);
//imshow("HSV Image", hsvImage);
//imshow("Hue channel",hue);
//imshow("Lower bound",hue1);
//imshow("Upper bound", hue2);
//imshow("L channel", Val);
//imshow("Color detected", hue3);
imshow("Hue color",hue3);
//imshow("Sat channel",sat);
imshow("Sat color",sat3);
//imshow("Val color",val3);
imshow("Sat and Hue",HnS);
// Pause for highgui to process image painting
//------CLEAN UP-------
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