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Created April 17, 2017 00:51
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* Copyright (C) 2017 Christian Muehlhaeuser
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Authors:
* Nicolas Martin <>
* Christian Muehlhaeuser <>
// Package gitterbee is a Bee that can interface with Gitter
package gitterbee
import (
gitter ""
// GitterBee is a Bee that can interface with Gitter
type GitterBee struct {
eventChan chan bees.Event
client *gitter.Gitter
userID string
accessToken string
rooms []string
roomChans map[string]chan interface{}
// Action triggers the actions passed to it.
func (mod *GitterBee) Action(action bees.Action) []bees.Placeholder {
outs := []bees.Placeholder{}
switch action.Name {
case "send":
var room string
var message string
action.Options.Bind("room", &room)
action.Options.Bind("message", &message)
roomID, err := mod.client.GetRoomId(room)
if err != nil {
mod.LogErrorf("Failed to fetch room ID from uri:", err)
return outs
if err = mod.client.SendMessage(roomID, message); err != nil {
mod.LogErrorf("Failed to send message:", err)
return outs
case "join":
var room string
action.Options.Bind("room", &room)
case "leave":
var room string
action.Options.Bind("room", &room)
ch, ok := mod.roomChans[room]
if !ok {
mod.LogErrorf("Can't leave this room: %s", room)
return outs
mod.Logln("Closing room stream", room)
panic("Unknown action triggered in " + mod.Name() + ": " + action.Name)
return outs
// Run executes the Bee's event loop.
func (mod *GitterBee) Run(eventChan chan bees.Event) {
mod.eventChan = eventChan
mod.client = gitter.New(mod.accessToken)
user, err := mod.client.GetUser()
if err != nil {
mod.LogErrorf("Failed to fetch current user: %v", err)
mod.userID = user.ID
for _, room := range mod.rooms {
select {
case <-mod.SigChan:
for room, ch := range mod.roomChans {
mod.Logln("Closing room stream", room)
func (mod *GitterBee) join(room string) error {
mod.Logln("Joining room", room)
roomID, err := mod.client.GetRoomId(room)
if err != nil {
mod.LogErrorf("Failed to fetch room ID: %v", err)
return err
r, err := mod.client.JoinRoom(roomID, mod.userID)
if err != nil {
mod.LogErrorf("Failed to join room: %v", err)
return err
sigchan := make(chan interface{})
mod.roomChans[room] = sigchan
stream := mod.client.Stream(r.ID)
defer stream.Close()
go mod.client.Listen(stream)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-sigchan:
mod.Logln("Exiting", room)
case event := <-stream.Event:
switch ev := event.Data.(type) {
case *gitter.MessageReceived:
mod.handleMessage(room, &ev.Message)
case *gitter.GitterConnectionClosed:
// connection was closed
mod.LogErrorf("Connection closed")
go mod.join(room)
return nil
func (mod *GitterBee) handleMessage(room string, v *gitter.Message) {
ev := bees.Event{
Bee: mod.Name(),
Name: "message",
Options: []bees.Placeholder{
Name: "id",
Type: "string",
Value: v.ID,
Name: "text",
Type: "string",
Value: v.Text,
Name: "username",
Type: "string",
Value: v.From.Username,
Name: "room",
Type: "string",
Value: room,
Name: "read_by",
Type: "int",
Value: v.ReadBy,
mod.eventChan <- ev
// ReloadOptions parses the config options and initializes the Bee.
func (mod *GitterBee) ReloadOptions(options bees.BeeOptions) {
options.Bind("access_token", &mod.accessToken)
options.Bind("rooms", &mod.rooms)
mod.roomChans = make(map[string]chan interface{})
* Copyright (C) 2017 Christian Muehlhaeuser
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Authors:
* Nicolas Martin <>
* Christian Muehlhaeuser <>
// Package gitterbee is a Bee that can interface with Gitter
package gitterbee
import (
// GitterBeeFactory is a factory for GitterBees
type GitterBeeFactory struct {
// New returns a new Bee instance configured with the supplied options.
func (factory *GitterBeeFactory) New(name, description string, options bees.BeeOptions) bees.BeeInterface {
bee := GitterBee{
Bee: bees.NewBee(name, factory.ID(), description, options),
return &bee
// ID returns the ID of this Bee.
func (factory *GitterBeeFactory) ID() string {
return "gitterbee"
// Name returns the name of this Bee.
func (factory *GitterBeeFactory) Name() string {
return "Gitter"
// Description returns the desciption of this Bee.
func (factory *GitterBeeFactory) Description() string {
return "Interact with Gitter"
// Image returns the filename of an image for this Bee.
func (factory *GitterBeeFactory) Image() string {
return factory.ID() + ".png"
// LogoColor returns ther preferred logo background color (used by the admin interface).
func (factory *GitterBeeFactory) LogoColor() string {
return "#994499"
// Options returns the options available to configure this Bee.
func (factory *GitterBeeFactory) Options() []bees.BeeOptionDescriptor {
opts := []bees.BeeOptionDescriptor{
Name: "access_token",
Description: "Your Gitter access token",
Type: "string",
Mandatory: true,
Name: "rooms",
Description: "Rooms to join",
Type: "[]string",
Mandatory: false,
return opts
// Events describes the available events provided by this Bee.
func (factory *GitterBeeFactory) Events() []bees.EventDescriptor {
events := []bees.EventDescriptor{
Namespace: factory.Name(),
Name: "message",
Description: "New message received",
Options: []bees.PlaceholderDescriptor{
Name: "id",
Description: "ID of the message",
Type: "string",
Name: "text",
Description: "Text content of the message",
Type: "string",
Name: "username",
Description: "Username who sent the message",
Type: "string",
Name: "room",
Description: "Room the message was received in",
Type: "string",
Name: "read_by",
Description: "Number of users who have read the message",
Type: "int",
/* {
Namespace: factory.Name(),
Name: "mention",
Description: "Mentions inside of a message",
Options: []bees.PlaceholderDescriptor{
Name: "mention",
Description: "Username of the user who has been mentioned",
Type: "string",
Namespace: factory.Name(),
Name: "issue",
Description: "Issue referenced in a message",
Options: []bees.PlaceholderDescriptor{
Name: "issue",
Description: "Number of the issue",
Type: "int",
return events
// Actions describes the available actions provided by this Bee.
func (factory *GitterBeeFactory) Actions() []bees.ActionDescriptor {
actions := []bees.ActionDescriptor{
Namespace: factory.Name(),
Name: "send",
Description: "Sends a message into a room",
Options: []bees.PlaceholderDescriptor{
Name: "room",
Description: "Which room to sent the message to",
Type: "string",
Mandatory: true,
Name: "message",
Description: "Message text",
Type: "string",
Mandatory: true,
Namespace: factory.Name(),
Name: "join",
Description: "Join a room on gitter",
Options: []bees.PlaceholderDescriptor{
Name: "room",
Description: "Room to join",
Type: "string",
Mandatory: true,
Namespace: factory.Name(),
Name: "leave",
Description: "Leave a room on gitter",
Options: []bees.PlaceholderDescriptor{
Name: "room",
Description: "Room to leave",
Type: "string",
Mandatory: true,
return actions
func init() {
f := GitterBeeFactory{}
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