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Last active December 15, 2015 07:19
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Bayon Simple WebAPI (with Mojolicious::Lite)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Bayon Simple WebAPI (with Mojolicious::Lite)
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use utf8;
use Mojo::JSON;
use Mojo::ByteStream;
use Mojo::Asset::File;
use Text::Bayon;
use Encode;
app->config(hypnotoad => {listen => ['http://*:8080'], workers => 1, pid_file => '' });
# Requires
# * Bayon -
# * "Text::Bayon" module -
# * "Mojolicious" module
# About the methods and options
# thankyou.
# Clustering
post '/clustering' => sub {
my $self = shift;
if(defined $self->param('input')){
my $js = Mojo::JSON->new();
my $input = $js->decode($self->param('input'));
my $results = {};
my $clvector = {};
my $options = {};
$options->{idf} = $self->param('idf') || undef;
$options->{number} = $self->param('number') || undef;
$options->{limit} = $self->param('limit') || undef;
$options->{point} = $self->param('point') || undef;
$options->{clvector} = $self->param('clvector') || undef;
$options->{clvector_size} = $self->param('clvector_size') || undef;
$options->{method} = $self->param('method') || undef;
$options->{seed} = $self->param('seed') || undef;
# Clustering with Bayon
my $bayon;
if(-f 'bayon'){
$bayon = Text::Bayon->new();
$bayon = Text::Bayon->new(bayon_path => '/usr/local/bin/bayon');
if($options->{clvector} == 1){
($results, $clvector) = $bayon->clustering($input, $options);
$results = $bayon->clustering($input, $options);
if($@){ # Error throw
$self->render_json({error => $@}, status => 400);
# Output results
$self->res->headers->content_type("application/json; charset=UTF-8");
if($options->{clvector} == 1){
# Results and clvector
results => $results,
clvector => $clvector,
}, status => 200);
} else {
# Results
results => $results,
}, status => 200);
} else {
# Null sentence
$self->render_json({}, status => 400);
# Classify
post '/classify' => sub {
my $self = shift;
if(defined $self->param('input') && defined $self->param('classify')){
my $js = Mojo::JSON->new();
my $input = $js->decode($self->param('input'));
my $results = {};
my $options = {};
$options->{inv_keys} = $self->param('inv_keys') || undef;
$options->{inv_size} = $self->param('inv_size') || undef;
$options->{classify_size} = $self->param('classify_size') || undef;
# Save classify-input to temporary file
my $classify = $js->decode($self->param('classify'));
my $classify_file_asset = Mojo::Asset::File->new;
my $classify_file_name = time().'_'. Mojo::ByteStream->new($classify)->sha1_sum();
foreach my $key(keys %{$classify}){
my $line = $key;
foreach my $keyword_hash(@{$classify->{$key}}){
foreach my $keyword(keys %{$keyword_hash}){
$line .= "\t". $keyword ."\t". $keyword_hash->{$keyword}; # keyword score
$classify_file_asset->add_chunk($line . "\n");
$options->{classify} = $classify_file_asset->path();
# Classify with Bayon
my $bayon;
if(-f 'bayon'){
$bayon = Text::Bayon->new();
$bayon = Text::Bayon->new(bayon_path => '/usr/local/bin/bayon');
$results = $bayon->classify($input, $options);
# Cleanup the temporary file
if($@){ # Error throw
$self->render_json({error => $@}, status => 400);
# Output results
$self->res->headers->content_type("application/json; charset=UTF-8");
results => $results,
}, status => 200);
} else {
# Null sentence
$self->render_json({}, status => 400);
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