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Last active July 24, 2023 22:47
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Generated by XState Viz:
const loadFromDatabase = async () => {
// Your database loading logic goes here
// For example, you can use an API call to fetch the data from your backend
// Make sure to return the fetched data or handle errors accordingly
return 'from1';
return await yourDatabaseAPI.loadFormData();
const saveToDatabase = async (formData) => {
// Your database saving logic goes here
// For example, you can use an API call to save the data to your backend
// Make sure to return the result or handle errors accordingly
return '';
return await yourDatabaseAPI.saveFormData(formData);
const fetchMachine = Machine(
id: 'dynamicStateExample',
initial: 'loading',
context: {
targetState: null,
states: {
loading: {
invoke: {
src: 'fetchTargetStateFromDB',
onDone: {
actions: assign({
targetState: (_, event) =>, // Save the fetched target state to the context
// onError: 'error',
on: {
'': [
// Check the fetched target state and transition accordingly
{ target: 'loggedIn', cond: (context) => context.targetState === 'loggedIn' },
{ target: 'loggedOut', cond: (context) => context.targetState === 'loggedOut' },
// If the fetched target state is unknown or invalid, transition to the 'error' state
// { target: 'error' },
loggedIn: {
// Your "loggedIn" state configuration here
loggedOut: {
// Your "loggedOut" state configuration here
error: {
// Your "error" state configuration here
services: {
fetchTargetStateFromDB: () => {
// Simulate fetching target state from the DB (replace this with your actual fetch code)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Replace the setTimeout with your actual DB fetch call
setTimeout(() => {
const targetStateFromDB = 'loggedOut'; // Simulating fetched state as 'loggedIn', replace this with your fetched data
// In case of an error, use `reject(error)` instead of `resolve(targetStateFromDB)`
}, 2000);
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