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Last active November 18, 2021 00:16
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Python Program to check for balanced parentheses in an expression using stack class.
Python Program to check for balanced parentheses in an expression using stack class.
Given an expression as string comprising of opening and closing characters
of parentheses - (), curly braces - {} and square brackets - [], we need to
check whether symbols are balanced or not.
from collections import deque # importing "double-ended queue"
class Stack: # class for making a stack
def __init__(self): # constructor
self.control = deque() # initializing class object as a deque
def push(self, value): # function for appending stack
def pop(self): # function to pop out latest value
return self.control.pop()
def size(self): # returns the size of stack
return len(self.control)
def is_empty(self): # returns if stack is empty or not
return len(self.control) == 0
def show(self): # pops whole stack and prints it
for x in range(len(self.control)):
print("'", end="")
print(self.control.pop(), end="")
print("'", end=",")
def parentheses_check(exp): # function for balancing parentheses
stack = Stack()
brackets = {'(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}'} # dict for storing brackets
for i in exp: # loop to iterate over string
if i in brackets.keys(): # check if it's opening bracket
stack.push(i) # append to stack
elif i in brackets.values(): # check if it's closing bracket
popped = ""
if not stack.is_empty():
popped = stack.pop()
Below if condition checks following conditions:-
(if encountered closing bracket first) or (if it is not the pair of popped bracket)
if (stack.is_empty() and popped == "") or (i != brackets.get(popped)):
print("Not Balanced!\nError: No opening brackets was found for: ", end="")
print("'", end="")
print(i, end="")
if stack.is_empty(): # nothing in stack means all is well/balanced ;)
print("All Balanced! You are good to go.")
print("Not Balanced!\nError: No closing brackets were found for: ", end="")
parentheses_check("{[(a+b)*c]/d}") # parsing a string value (expression) for balance check
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