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Last active July 28, 2016 13:42
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Linear Equations Solver (Guassian-Jordan elimination) implemented in MIPS assembly language
# Linear Equations Solver using Guassian-Jordan elimination
# Syed Usama Jamil CS-037
# Muhammad Yaseen CS-050
# Project ID CA-03
dimension : .byte 4
#matrix : .float 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 9.0, 2.0, 4.0, -3.0, 1.0, 3.0, 6.0, -5.0, 0.0 #pg 7 x=1,y=2,z=3
matrix : .float 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 2.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 1.0, 12.0, 2.0, 14.0, 5.0, 5.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 2.0 #pg 7 x=1,y=2,z=3
#matrix : .float 2.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 2.0, 6.0, 8.0, 3.0, 6.0, 8.0, 18.0, 5.0 #pg 7 x=3/10,y=2/5,z=0
#matrix : .float 1.0, -2.0, 3.0, 7.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 4.0, -3.0, 2.0, -2.0, -10.0 #pg 7 x=2,y=-1,z=1
results : .space 1000 #reserve 1000 bytes
result : .asciiz "Solution is : "
newline : .asciiz "\n"
zero : .float 0.0
#get the address of input matrix system
la $t0, matrix
#get the dimension ( NxN ) of matrix
lw $t1, dimension
addi $s6,$t1,1 #for offset calc
#Loop control variable, goes from 1 to n, named 'j' in c code
li $t3, 0
#loop for generation of triangular matrix
addi $t3, $t3, 1 #increment control var
bgt $t3, $t1, end_gen_tri_mat #if current_dim > dim, then we end loop
li $t2, 0 #control var for inner_Loop1,, named 'i' in c code
inner_Loop1: #goes from 1 to n
addi $t2, $t2, 1 #increment control var
bgt $t2, $t1, end_inner_Loop1
sgt $t4, $t2, $t3 #Set $t5 if i > j i.e if $t3 > $t2
beq $t4,$0, inner_Loop1 # we want $t4 to be 1, i.e. NOT equal to zero.. designated ' if (i>j)' in c code
#if we reach here , it means that if condition was true i.e i>j is true
# c = A[i][j] / A[j][j] or A[t2][t3] / A[t3][t3]
# load A[i][j], i = $t2; j = $t3
#now we load the Matrix element A[row][col]
#generic formula (for NxN matrix) for offset value is : N*s*(row-1) + s*(col-1)
# where
# N is the matrix dimension
# s is the size of ONE element of matrix e.g 4 bytes for int, 1 byte for char
# in code we have row = $t2, col = $t3
#calc (row - 1)
addi $t4, $t2, -1
#calc (col - 1)
addi $t5, $t3, -1
# s = 4 bytes for IEEE 754 Single Precision Floating Point
# calc s*(col-1)
li $t6, 4
mul $t5, $t5, $t6
#calc s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$t6
#calc N*s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$s6
#add the two products
add $t7, $t5,$t4
#now $t7 has final offset value to be added to the array starting
#Let add the value to start address
add $t7,$t7,$t0
#now t7 has correct mem address of element A[r][c], Let's laod it -- A[i][j] loaded
l.s $f0, 0($t7)
## reset all used intermediate registers so that the next address could be calculated.
li $t4, 0
li $t5, 0
li $t7, 0
# load A[j][j] ; Here j = t3 #
#calc (row - 1)
addi $t4, $t3, -1
#calc (col - 1)
addi $t5, $t3, -1
# s = 4 bytes for IEEE 754 Single Precision Floating Point
# calc s*(col-1)
li $t6, 4
mul $t5, $t5, $t6
#calc s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$t6
#calc N*s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$s6
#add the two products
add $t7, $t5,$t4
#now $t7 has final offset value to be added to the array starting
#Let add the value to start address
add $t7,$t7,$t0
#now t7 has correct mem address of element A[r][c], Let's laod it -- A[j][j] loaded
l.s $f1, 0($t7)
## reset all used intermediate registers so that the next address could be calculated.
li $t4, 0
li $t5, 0
li $t7, 0
# Now $f0 = A[i][j] AND $f1 = A[j][j] , we need to divide now
div.s $f3, $f0, $f1 #this is our 'C' !!! Causing NaN
# second inner loop , goes from k=1 to n+1
addi $s0,$t1, 1 #set s0 to n+1
li $s1, 0 #loop control var
addi $s1, $s1, 1
bgt $s1,$s0, end_inner_Loop2 #compare with n+1
# A[i][k]=A[i][k]-c*A[j][k];
#tast breakdown
# 1. Load A[i][k] and A[j][k]
# 2. calc C*A[j][k]
# 3. calc x = A[i][k]-c*A[j][k]
# 4. store x on A[i][k] ... for this we need Address of A[i][k]th element
# task 1 : Load A[i][k] ; i = t2 k = s1
#calc (row - 1)
addi $t4, $t2, -1
#calc (col - 1)
addi $t5, $s1, -1
# s = 4 bytes for IEEE 754 Single Precision Floating Point
# calc s*(col-1)
li $t6, 4
mul $t5, $t5, $t6
#calc s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$t6
#calc N*s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$s6
#add the two products
add $t7, $t5,$t4
#now $t7 has final offset value to be added to the array starting
#Let add the value to start address
add $t7,$t7,$t0
#now t7 has correct mem address of element A[r][c], Let's laod it
l.s $f4, 0($t7)
#save address of A[i][k], bcz we have to store it back
move $s7, $t7
## reset all used intermediate registers so that the next address could be calculated.
li $t4, 0
li $t5, 0
li $t7, 0
#==== loaded A[i][k] ===
# load A[j][k]
#calc (row - 1)
addi $t4, $t3, -1
#calc (col - 1)
addi $t5, $s1, -1
# s = 4 bytes for IEEE 754 Single Precision Floating Point
# calc s*(col-1)
li $t6, 4
mul $t5, $t5, $t6
#calc s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$t6
#calc N*s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$s6
#add the two products
add $t7, $t5,$t4
#now $t7 has final offset value to be added to the array starting
#Let add the value to start address
add $t7,$t7,$t0
#now t7 has correct mem address of element A[r][c], Let's laod it
l.s $f5, 0($t7)
## reset all used intermediate registers so that the next address could be calculated.
li $t4, 0
li $t5, 0
li $t7, 0
# now $f4 = A[i][k] and $f5 = A[j][k]
# 2. calc C*A[j][k]
#mul.s $f6, $f4, $f5 #possible error : $f4 shoud be $f3
mul.s $f6, $f3, $f5 #attempt at rectifying error
# 3. calc x = A[i][k]-c*A[j][k]
sub.s $f7, $f4,$f6
# 4. store x on A[i][k] ... for this we need Address of A[i][k]th element. s7 has addr of A[i][k]
s.s $f7, 0($s7)
b inner_Loop2
b inner_Loop1
b gen_tri_mat
## reset all used intermediate registers so that the next address could be calculated.
## (added this as precaution, following 3 lines were NOT present in initial attempt
li $t4, 0
li $t5, 0
li $t7, 0
# Now we're done with generation of Upper triangular matrix, it's time to substitute back in!
# Back substitution code
# === START code for caclulating X[n] =====
# calc x[n]=A[n][n+1]/A[n][n], where n is the dimension
# load A[n][n] ... n is in t1
#calc (row - 1)
addi $t4, $t1, -1
#calc (col - 1)
addi $t5, $t1, -1
# s = 4 bytes for IEEE 754 Single Precision Floating Point
# calc s*(col-1)
li $t6, 4
mul $t5, $t5, $t6
#calc s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$t6
#calc N*s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$s6
#add the two products
add $t7, $t5,$t4
#now $t7 has final offset value to be added to the array starting
#Let add the value to start address
add $t7,$t7,$t0
#now t7 has correct mem address of element A[r][c], Let's laod it
l.s $f9, 0($t7)
## reset all used intermediate registers so that the next address could be calculated.
li $t4, 0
li $t5, 0
li $t7, 0
# load A[n][n+1]
addi $s2, $t1, 1 #set s2 to n+1
#calc (row - 1)
addi $t4, $t1, -1
#calc (col - 1)
addi $t5, $s2, -1
# s = 4 bytes for IEEE 754 Single Precision Floating Point
# calc s*(col-1)
li $t6, 4
mul $t5, $t5, $t6
#calc s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$t6
#calc N*s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$s6
#add the two products
add $t7, $t5,$t4
#now $t7 has final offset value to be added to the array starting
#Let add the value to start address
add $t7,$t7,$t0
#now t7 has correct mem address of element A[r][c], Let's laod it
l.s $f10, 0($t7)
## reset all used intermediate registers so that the next address could be calculated.
li $t4, 0
li $t5, 0
li $t7, 0
#perform division (this ONLY performs the division op, but DOESNOT store result back in x[n]
div.s $f11, $f10, $f9
# Let $t9 be the starting addr of result vector
la $t9, results
#offset = s*(i-1)
#for this step i = n = dimension = $t1
add $t8, $0, $t1
addi $t8, $t8, -1
mul $t8, $t8, 4
#add offset to starting addr of results vector
add $t8, $t8, $t9
#store X[n]
s.s $f11,0($t8)
#reset t8
li $t8, 0
# === END code for caclulating X[n] =====
## Usama Work Start
# backward substitution
#reset two control vars , this clears values which COULD be present
li $t2, 0
li $t3, 0
#Loop control variable, goes from n-1 to 1, named 'i' in c code
addi $t2,$t1,0
#loop for backward substitution
addi $t2, $t2, -1 #decrement control var
blt $t2, 1, end_back_sub #if loop control variable is less than 1, then we end loop
# j = i + 1, $t3 = $t2 + 1
li $t3, 0
addi $t3, $t2, 0 #control var for inner_Loop1,, named 'j' in c code
#li $f15,0 #will contain sum of sum <-- sum+A[i][j]*x[j]
#add.s $f15,$0,$0
#commented above two lines, assume $f15 has 0 already
#sum = 0
l.s $f15, zero
inner_Loop_Us: #goes from i+1 to n
addi $t3, $t3, 1 #increment control var
bgt $t3, $t1, end_inner_Loop_Us
# sum=sum+A[i][j]*x[j] or A[t2][t3]*x[t3]
# load A[i][j], i = $t2; j = $t3
#now we load the Matrix element A[row][col]
#generic formula (for NxN matrix) for offset value is : N*s*(row-1) + s*(col-1)
# where
# N is the matrix dimension
# s is the size of ONE element of matrix e.g 4 bytes for int, 1 byte for char
# in code we have row = $t2, col = $t3
#calc (row - 1)
addi $t4, $t2, -1
#calc (col - 1)
addi $t5, $t3, -1
# s = 4 bytes for IEEE 754 Single Precision Floating Point
# calc s*(col-1)
li $t6, 4
mul $t5, $t5, $t6
#calc s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$t6
#calc N*s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$s6
#add the two products
add $t7, $t5,$t4
#now $t7 has final offset value to be added to the array starting
#Let add the value to start address
add $t7,$t7,$t0
#now t7 has correct mem address of element A[r][c], Let's laod it -- A[i][j] loaded
l.s $f20, 0($t7)
## reset all used intermediate registers so that the next address could be calculated.
li $t4, 0
li $t5, 0
li $t7, 0
# multiply A[i][j]*x[j] ; Here j = t3 #
#load x[j]
# Let $t9 be the starting addr of result vector
la $t9, results
#4 bytes = 1 SP FP num
li $t8, 4
#offset = size*number
mul $t8, $t8, $s6
#add offset to starting addr of results vector
add $t8, $t8, $t9
l.s $f13,0($t8) # load address of $t3 in $f13
# ======================= TEST CODE FOR x[j] loading =========================
# Let $t9 be the starting addr of result vector
la $t9, results
#offset = s*(j-1)
#for this step j = $t3
add $t8, $0, $t3
addi $t8, $t8, -1
mul $t8, $t8, 4
#add offset to starting addr of results vector
add $t8, $t8, $t9
#load X[n]
l.s $f13,0($t8)
#reset t8
li $t8, 0
# ======================== end test code =====================================
mul.s $f14,$f20,$f13 # $s2 stores the product of two
# now performing 'sum=sum+A[i][j]*x[j]' where sum is represented by $s0
add.s $f15,$f15,$f14
#reset t8
li $t8, 0
b inner_Loop_Us
end_inner_Loop_Us: #inner_loop ends
# TODO: x[i]=(A[i][n+1]-sum)/A[i][i],
# where n is the dimension
# i = t2
# sum = $s2
#tast breakdown
# 1. Load A[i][i] and A[i][n+1]
# 2. calc (A[i][n+1]-sum)
# 3. calc x[i] = (A[i][n+1]-sum)/A[i][i]
# task 1 : Load A[i][i] and A[i][n+1] ; i = t2
# load A[i][i]
#calc (row - 1)
addi $t4, $t2, -1
#calc (col - 1)
addi $t5, $t2, -1
# s = 4 bytes for IEEE 754 Single Precision Floating Point
# calc s*(col-1)
li $t6, 4
mul $t5, $t5, $t6
#calc s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$t6
#calc N*s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$s6
#add the two products
add $t7, $t5,$t4
#now $t7 has final offset value to be added to the array starting
#Let add the value to start address
add $t7,$t7,$t0
#now t7 has correct mem address of element A[r][c], Let's laod it
l.s $f16, 0($t7)
## reset all used intermediate registers so that the next address could be calculated.
li $t4, 0
li $t5, 0
li $t7, 0
# load A[i][n+1]
addi $s2, $t1, 1 #set s2 to n+1
#calc (row - 1)
addi $t4, $t2, -1
#calc (col - 1)
addi $t5, $s2, -1
# s = 4 bytes for IEEE 754 Single Precision Floating Point
# calc s*(col-1)
li $t6, 4
mul $t5, $t5, $t6
#calc s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$t6
#calc N*s*(row-1)
mul $t4, $t4,$s6
#add the two products
add $t7, $t5,$t4
#now $t7 has final offset value to be added to the array starting
#Let add the value to start address
add $t7,$t7,$t0
#now t7 has correct mem address of element A[r][c], Let's laod it
l.s $f17, 0($t7)
## reset all used intermediate registers so that the next address could be calculated.
li $t4, 0
li $t5, 0
li $t7, 0
# task 2 : calc (A[i][n+1]-sum)
# sum = f15
sub.s $f18,$f17,$f15
# task 3 : calc x[i] = (A[i][n+1]-sum)/A[i][i]
#perform division, f19 has x[i]
div.s $f19, $f18, $f16
# ======================= TEST CODE FOR x[i] SAVING =========================
# Let $t9 be the starting addr of result vector
la $t9, results
#offset = s*(i-1)
#for this step i = $t2
add $t8, $0, $t2
addi $t8, $t8, -1
mul $t8, $t8, 4
#add offset to starting addr of results vector
add $t8, $t8, $t9
#store X[n]
s.s $f19,0($t8)
#reset t8
li $t8, 0
# ======================== end test code =====================================
#prints out statement
#li $v0, 4
#la $a0, result
##MY added lines
#li $v0, 2
# print
#mov.s $f12,$f19
##MY added lines end
b back_sub
# Now finally printing the results
# output prompt
li $v0, 4
la $a0, result #prints out statement
#print new line
li $v0, 4
la $a0, newline
#printing results loop
li $t2, 0 #control var for inner_Loop1,, named 'i' in c code
Output_Loop: #goes from 1 to n
addi $t2, $t2, 1 #increment control var
bgt $t2, $t1, End_Output_Loop
# print result
# ======================= TEST CODE FOR x[j] loading =========================
# Let $t9 be the starting addr of result vector
la $t9, results
#offset = s*(j-1)
#for this step j = $t2
add $t8, $0, $t2
addi $t8, $t8, -1
mul $t8, $t8, 4
#add offset to starting addr of results vector
add $t8, $t8, $t9
#load X[n]
l.s $f22,0($t8)
li $v0, 2
mov.s $f12, $f22
#reset t8
li $t8, 0
# ======================== end test code =====================================
#print new line
li $v0, 4
la $a0, newline
b Output_Loop
jr $ra
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