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Last active May 2, 2024 11:59
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LastFM automated duplicate scrobble deletion script

Why would I need this?

Your scrobbler might have decided to scrobble every song hundreds of times, and you can't really remove those scrobbles efficiently. Or you might have accidentally installed multiple scrobbler extensions at the same time - wondering why multiple scrobbles appear for every song played at a time - and you want to clear them after finding the issue.

Using this script still doesn't necessarily make the process quick since only displays a limited number of scrobbles that can be removed on each page of your library. However unlike the implementation of @sk22 and its forks, this UserScript, which is derived from those scripts, is run once. The rest of the process is automated and the script will stop at the page you have set using the prompt.



You will need some form of UserScript interpreter/injector plugin and a compatible browser.

  • For Google Chrome and Chromium-based browsers (e.g. Vivaldi, Opera or Brave), you need the Tampermonkey plugin. Just click on the link or search for it yourself on the Chrome Web Store and add the extension.
  • Currently not supported: For Firefox, you also need the Tampermonkey plugin (or alternatively Greasemonkey). Just click on one of the desired links or search for it yourself on the Firefox Browser Add-Ons page.

How to install the UserScript

Just click on the "Raw" button in the upper right-hand corner of the script file or by clicking here. Your extension should open an installation window where you confirm the installation of the UserScript. If that is not working, try to add the script manually to your extension by copying and pasting it.

Using the script - step by step

  • Open your account's library while being logged in ( Navigate to the page from which you want to start removing duplicates by clicking through the pages at the bottom of the page or by entering the page number in the URL (e.g.
    • Alternatively, you can choose a specific date range instead and navigate to the last or desired page.
  • Manually reload the page if the button doesn't appear.
  • You have the option to change the behaviour of the comparison process. By unchecking the checkbox, you can make the script ignore timestamps and compare over n titles. You'll be prompted to enter a number after clicking the button.
  • Click the button and enter the page number at which you want the script to stop.
    • If you have unchecked the checkbox, you will be prompted to enter a number for how many tracks you want to compare.
  • Now enjoy the purge :)
    • You can continue with other tasks on your PC. Just leave the window active in the background. I advise you to run the script in a separate window while doing other work. Using the same browser in another window is also fine. Avoid activating another tab, though.
    • It takes approximately 5 minutes to go through 100 pages (in my own case).
    • If you want to stop the script, you can click the Cancel button on the left-hand side.
  • When it reaches the page you have set at the prompt, the script will automatically stop.

Updating the script

You can set up the script to auto-update in the settings of the UserScript. Open up the plugin settings and select the "LastFM automated duplicate scrobble deletion script." Then, go to the script settings in the upper left-hand corner, check the "Search for updates" checkbox and save.

Alternatively, you can also update it manually by following the installation instructions above or searching for updates in the plugin overview.

Possible future updates


  • Adding a button on the history page to initiate the script instead of activating and deactivating the Userscript.
    • added in v1.3
  • Implementing a "stop at page x" dialogue window.
    • added in v1.3
  • Implementing a "check x tracks for duplicates" dialogue window instead of editing "num" in the script
    • added in v1.3
  • Eliminate the need to manually edit the script by incorporating a checkbox or another method for configuring options.
    • added in v1.4


Based on Thanks to previous contributors @CennoxX, @mattsson, @gms8994, @huw and @sk22 Thanks to new contributions from @Eiron

Feel free to post any problems, fixes, improvements and feedback. I will try to help in any form. To anyone having more experience in Javascript or OpenUserJS/UserScript: your help is also needed to improve the script by implementing the above-mentioned possible future updates as I do not have the necessary skills to contribute.

// ==UserScript==
// @name LastFM automated duplicate scrobble deletion script
// @namespace
// @version 1.4.5
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
// @description Based on, thanks to previous contributors (@CennoxX, @mattsson, @gms8994, @huw and @sk22) and new contributors (@Eiron).
// @author muhdiboy
// @match*user/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
// Variables
var runScript = localStorage.getItem('runScript') || 'false';
var rmOnlyRealDup = localStorage.getItem('rmOnlyRealDup') !== 'false'; // Set checkbox to checked/true as default
var num = localStorage.getItem('num') || "5";
var stopAtPage = localStorage.getItem('stopAtPage') || "0";
var currentPage = extractQueryParam('page', window.location.href) || 1;
window.addEventListener('click', function () {
currentPage = extractQueryParam('page', window.location.href) || 1;
// Functions
var pageURLCheckTimer = setInterval (
function () {
// Check the URL at regular intervals to add or remove buttons
if ( this.lastPathStr !== location.pathname || this.lastQueryStr !== {
this.lastPathStr = location.pathname;
this.lastQueryStr =;
if (shouldMatchPage()) createButtons(); else removeButtons();
, 125
function replaceQueryParam(param, newval, search) {
// Function to replace a query parameter in the URL
var regex = new RegExp("([?;&])" + param + "[^&;]*[;&]?");
var query = search.replace(regex, "$1").replace(/&$/, '');
return (query.length > 2 ? query + "&" : "?") + (newval ? param + "=" + newval : '');
function extractQueryParam( name, url ) {
// Function to extract a query parameter from the URL
if (!url) url = window.location.href;
name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
var results = regex.exec( url );
return results == null ? null : results[1];
function shouldMatchPage() {
// Function to determine if the current page should be matched
var url = window.location.href;
var excludeUrlRegex = /^https:\/\/www\.last\.fm\/.*user\/.*\/library\/(albums|artists|tracks|music).*/;
var matchUrlRegex = /^https:\/\/www\.last\.fm\/.*user\/.*\/library.*/;
return matchUrlRegex.test(url) && !excludeUrlRegex.test(url);
function removeButtons() {
// Function to remove all buttons from the page
var cancelButton = document.getElementById('cancelButton');
var buttonContainer = document.getElementById('buttonContainer');
if (cancelButton) cancelButton.remove();
if (buttonContainer) buttonContainer.remove();
// Buttons
function createButtons() {
var cancelButton = document.createElement('button'); = 'cancelButton';
cancelButton.innerHTML = 'Cancel<br>Script'; = 'fixed'; = '50%'; = '0'; = '9999'; = 'monospace'; = '3px'; = 'dashed';
if (runScript === 'true') { = 'white'; = 'red'; = 'firebrick';
cancelButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
localStorage.setItem('runScript', 'false');
} else { = 'gray'; = 'lightgray'; = 'lightgray'; = 'default';
// Create the main button to trigger the script
var runButton = document.createElement('button');
runButton.textContent = 'Remove Duplicates'; = 'relative'; = 'block'; = '5px'; = 'sans-serif'; = 'initial'; = 'outset'; = 'crimson'; = 'white'; = 'firebrick'; = '5px';
runButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
var stopLoop = false;
while (!stopLoop) {
var inputStopAtPage = prompt("Stop at which page?", stopAtPage);
if (inputStopAtPage === null) return;
if (!/^\d+$/.test(inputStopAtPage)) { alert("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number."); continue; }
if (inputStopAtPage > currentPage && !(currentPage === 0 && inputStopAtPage === 1)) { alert("Please enter a page less than or equal to your current page: " + currentPage); continue; }
localStorage.setItem('stopAtPage', inputStopAtPage);
stopLoop = true;
if (!rmOnlyRealDup) {
stopLoop = false;
while (!stopLoop) {
var inputNum = prompt("Enter the number of tracks to check for duplicates\n(between 2 and 50):", num);
if (inputNum === null) return;
if (!/^\d+$/.test(inputNum) || inputNum < 2 || inputNum > 50) { alert("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number between 2 and 50."); continue; }
localStorage.setItem('num', inputNum);
stopLoop = true;
localStorage.setItem('runScript', 'true');
// Create the checkbox element
var rmOnlyRealDupCheckbox = document.createElement('input');
rmOnlyRealDupCheckbox.textContent = 'Only compare real duplicates?';
rmOnlyRealDupCheckbox.type = 'checkbox'; = 'rmOnlyRealDupCheckbox'; = 'relative'; = '10px';
rmOnlyRealDupCheckbox.checked = rmOnlyRealDup;
rmOnlyRealDupCheckbox.addEventListener('change', function () {
localStorage.setItem('rmOnlyRealDup', rmOnlyRealDupCheckbox.checked);
// Create the label for the checkbox
var rmOnlyRealDupCheckboxLabel = document.createElement('label'); = 'relative'; = '5px'; = 'sans-serif'; = 'medium';
rmOnlyRealDupCheckboxLabel.setAttribute('for', 'rmOnlyRealDupCheckbox');
rmOnlyRealDupCheckboxLabel.textContent = 'Only compare real duplicates?';
// Create a container element to hold the main button and checkbox
var buttonContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'buttonContainer'; = 'absolute'; = '370px'; = '50%'; = 'translate(-50%, -50%)';
const metaElement = document.querySelector('.content-top-has-nav');
metaElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', buttonContainer);
// Automated duplicate scrobble deletion and navigation logic
if(shouldMatchPage()) {
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
// Event listener for when the page has finished loading
if (runScript === 'true') {
var found = 0;
var sections = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName("tbody"));
sections.forEach(function (section) {
// Loop through each section
var els = Array.from(section.rows);
var names = (el) {
var nmEl = el.querySelector('.chartlist-name');
var artEl = el.querySelector('.chartlist-artist');
if (rmOnlyRealDup) {
var tstEl = el.querySelector('.chartlist-timestamp');
// Construct the name string including track name, artist and timestamp
return nmEl && artEl && tstEl && nmEl.textContent.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()+':'+artEl.textContent.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()+':'+tstEl.textContent.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
} else {
// Construct the name string including only track name and artist
return nmEl && artEl && nmEl.textContent.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()+':'+artEl.textContent.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
names.forEach(function (name, i, names) {
// Loop through each name in the section
if (!names.slice(i + 1, i + 1 + parseInt(num)).includes(name)) return;
// Check if the current name has duplicates within the specified range
var delBtn = els[i].querySelector('[data-ajax-form-sets-state="deleted"]');
if (delBtn) {; found++; };
// If a delete button is found, click it and increment the counter
if (found > 0) {
// If duplicates were found, reload the page every 5 seconds
setInterval(function() {
}, 5000);
// If the URL contains "delete", go back one page in history
if (window.location.toString().includes("delete")) history.go(-1);
if (currentPage <= stopAtPage) {
// Stop the Script and message user
localStorage.setItem('runScript', 'false');
alert("LastFM duplicate deletion complete.");
// Go up one page
else window.location.href = window.location.pathname + replaceQueryParam('page', extractQueryParam('page', window.location.href) - 1,;
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pleebus commented Nov 28, 2023

hey dude, loving this script, is helping to do something I thought I was going to have to do semi-manually...

however, I'm hitting the "405 - Method Not Allowed" error every few pages. is this just because my history is so huge (4,000+ pages going back almost 20 years) with a ridiculous amount of duplicates? I had some bug a few years ago that caused some tracks to be scrobbled literally 50+ times for a single play and have only recently decided to do something about that. Thought this could be the solution, and it's working, but it's also not so stable and crashes after maximum 60 seconds each time I run it. am I doing something wrong, or is it just the size of the task I'm asking it to do?!

EDIT: If it helps to add some more context, it does seem that the redirect to /library/delete happens whenever it hits a block of duplicate songs. I'm using a fresh install of Brave that I downloaded just to run this script. But it's also happening in a fresh Chrome install.

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Jeboose commented Dec 27, 2023

hey dude, loving this script, is helping to do something I thought I was going to have to do semi-manually...

however, I'm hitting the "405 - Method Not Allowed" error every few pages. is this just because my history is so huge (4,000+ pages going back almost 20 years) with a ridiculous amount of duplicates? I had some bug a few years ago that caused some tracks to be scrobbled literally 50+ times for a single play and have only recently decided to do something about that. Thought this could be the solution, and it's working, but it's also not so stable and crashes after maximum 60 seconds each time I run it. am I doing something wrong, or is it just the size of the task I'm asking it to do?!

EDIT: If it helps to add some more context, it does seem that the redirect to /library/delete happens whenever it hits a block of duplicate songs. I'm using a fresh install of Brave that I downloaded just to run this script. But it's also happening in a fresh Chrome install.

You're using tampermonkey with lastfm pro? I'm having trouble getting this script to do much of anything it seems to just endlessly scroll through my scrobbles without actually removing any. Tried firefox, chrome, and brave with no results.

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muhdiboy commented Jan 9, 2024


Found a bug. On line 201, you add "num", but num is a string and needs to be cast to an int, or else it's concatenated, not added.

Thank you, I updated it to parse it to int. Version 1.4.4 onwards includes this change.


am I doing something wrong, or is it just the size of the task I'm asking it to do?!
I'm using a fresh install of Brave that I downloaded just to run this script. But it's also happening in a fresh Chrome install.

Sorry, that the script didn't work for you as expected. I've tried on multiple installations (fresh/old + Windows/Ubuntu(Flatpak, DEB)) and couldn't seem to reproduce the mentioned errors.

EDIT: If it helps to add some more context, it does seem that the redirect to /library/delete happens whenever it hits a block of duplicate songs.

Yes, after some retesting, that was what I've experienced too. And it was just that the line "if (window.location.toString().includes("delete")) history.go(-1);" was not in the right place.
Now it should go back in history and retry, if it hits the "405 - Methos Not Allowed" Page. Tested again after this change and it ran flawlessly again.

Change is included in version 1.4.5

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muhdiboy commented Jan 9, 2024

Can you retest with the newest version? If you have a different issue, please retest on a single page where you are sure multiple duplicates exist and report your findings. I will try to help as possible.

Just to be sure, if you didn't know the feature: the script is differentiating duplicates, ones that are scrobbled at exactly the same time (to the minute) and ones where you can choose the amount to be checked. First one is the true duplicate, enabled by the checkmark. Second one is active when the checkmark is unchecked. When unchecked, another input box will appear after hitting the "Remove duplicates" button. There you can input the number of scrobbles to compare to.
This is described in the doc above: Using the script - step by step

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