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Created November 16, 2021 10:17
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Paint w/ canvas
h1 Paint
p.legend Draw me like one of your french girl in the box below
button#clear clear
h2 Painted base64
* This method returns the relative offset x/y for a mouse cursor position in an element such as canvas
* @param {object} e - the event object</param>
* @param {string} id - the id of the element in which the mouse is positioned
function getMouseOffset (_e, _el) {
let xpos, ypos;
if (typeof _e.offsetX === 'undefined') { // ff hack
// dans ce cas, jQuery facilite l'appel d'offset
xpos = _e.pageX - $(_el).offset().left;
ypos = _e.pageY - $(_el).offset().top;
} else {
xpos = _e.offsetX;
ypos = _e.offsetY;
const pointerPos = { x: xpos, y: ypos };
return pointerPos;
* Extends Canvas element to use it as a paint element
var extendCanvas = function (canvas) {
if (typeof canvas === 'string') {
canvas = document.getElementById(canvas);
try {
canvas.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
canvas.ctx.lineWidth = 2;
canvas.lineJoin = "round";
canvas.ctx.scale(1, 1);
canvas.isLocked = false;
canvas.hasDrawn = false;
canvas.disableSave = true;
canvas.pixels = [];
canvas.cpixels = [];
canvas.xyLast = {};
canvas.xyAddLast = {};
canvas.calculate = false;
//start drawing a stroke from a position
canvas.draw = function (x, y) {
this.ctx.lineTo(x, y);
//Get the mouse position in the canvas
canvas.getCursorCoords = function (e) {
return getMouseOffset(e, this);
//Clear the content of the canvas element
canvas.clear = function () {
if (!this.isLocked) {
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
//Lock the canvas element
canvas.lock = function (shouldLock) {
this.isLocked = shouldLock;
if (shouldLock) {
} else {
canvas.isModified = function (wasModified) {
if (wasModified) {
} else {
//Empty the field that contains the base64 string
canvas.emptyRelatedField = function () {
var relatedField = document.getElementById('data-' +;
if (relatedField) {
relatedField.value = "";
//Fill the filed that contains the base64 string
canvas.fillRelatedField = function () {
document.getElementById('data-' + = this.toDataURL();
//Load a passed image
canvas.loadImage = function (base64Img) {
//if (!canvas.isLocked) {
var image = new Image();
var thisCanvas = this;
if (base64Img.indexOf("data:image/png;base64,") === -1) {
base64Img = "data:image/png;base64," + base64Img;
image.src = base64Img;
image.onload = function () {
var offset = { x: 0, y: 0 };
//center the image in the canvas
try {
offset.x = ((thisCanvas.width / 2) - (image.width / 2));
offset.y = ((thisCanvas.height / 2) - (image.height / 2));
if (offset.x < 0 || offset.y < 0) {
throw {
name: "Painting error",
message: "Image has a negativ offset.",
toString: function () { return + ": " + this.message; }
} catch (err) {
offset = { x: 0, y: 0 };
thisCanvas.ctx.drawImage(image, offset.x, offset.y);
* This method remove the event by default, to load them only when clicking in the canvas
function remove_event_listeners() {
canvas.removeEventListener('mouseup', on_mouseup, false);
canvas.removeEventListener('touchend', on_mouseup, false);
canvas.removeEventListener('pointerup', on_mouseup, false);
canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', on_mousemove, false);
canvas.removeEventListener('pointermove', on_mousemove, false);
document.body.removeEventListener('mouseup', on_mouseup, false);
document.body.removeEventListener('touchend', on_mouseup, false);
document.body.removeEventListener('pointerup', on_mouseup, false);
//Event when the mouse is clicked
function on_mousedown(e) {
if (!canvas.isLocked) {
canvas.hasDrawn = false;
//we activate the mouse and touch events
canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', on_mouseup, false);
canvas.addEventListener('touchend', on_mouseup, false);
canvas.addEventListener('pointerup', on_mouseup, false);
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', on_mousemove, false);
canvas.addEventListener('pointermove', on_mousemove, false);
document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', on_mouseup, false);
document.body.addEventListener('touchend', on_mouseup, false);
document.body.addEventListener('pointerup', on_mouseup, false);
var xy = canvas.getCursorCoords(e);
canvas.ctx.moveTo(xy.x, xy.y);
canvas.pixels.push(xy.x, xy.y);
canvas.xyLast = xy;
//Event when the mouse is moving.
function on_mousemove(e, finish) {
if (!canvas.isLocked) {
canvas.hasDrawn = true;
var xy = canvas.getCursorCoords(e);
var xyAdd = {
x: (canvas.xyLast.x + xy.x) / 2,
y: (canvas.xyLast.y + xy.y) / 2
if (canvas.calculate) {
var xLast = (canvas.xyAddLast.x + canvas.xyLast.x + xyAdd.x) / 3;
var yLast = (canvas.xyAddLast.y + canvas.xyLast.y + xyAdd.y) / 3;
canvas.pixels.push(xLast, yLast);
} else {
canvas.calculate = true;
canvas.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(canvas.xyLast.x, canvas.xyLast.y, xyAdd.x, xyAdd.y);
canvas.pixels.push(xyAdd.x, xyAdd.y);
canvas.ctx.moveTo(xyAdd.x, xyAdd.y);
canvas.xyAddLast = xyAdd;
canvas.xyLast = xy;
//Event when the click is released
function on_mouseup(e) {
if (!canvas.isLocked) {
if (!canvas.hasDrawn) {//If there was no move, draw a single point
var pos = canvas.getCursorCoords(e);
canvas.ctx.rect(pos.x, pos.y, 1, 1);
canvas.disableSave = false;
canvas.calculate = false;
canvas.hasDrawn = false;
//We activate only the click or touch event.
// ReSharper disable once Html.EventNotResolved correspond à un événement de toucher sur écran tactile
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', on_mousedown, false);
canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', on_mousedown, false);
canvas.addEventListener('pointerdown', on_mousedown, false);
} catch (err) {
//If someting went wrong, notify the user.
console.error("Canvas not initialized. Painting is not activated.");
return canvas;
var myC = extendCanvas('paint');
$('#clear').on('click', (e) => {
<script src=""></script>
body {
font-family: Arial;
#paint {
border: 1px solid #333;
display: block;
margin: 20px 0;
#clear {
margin: 8px 0;
padding: 4px 8px;
font-size: 1rem;
.data {
width: 266px;
height: 150px;
margin: 5px 0;
.legend {
font-style: italic;
color: grey;
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