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Created December 18, 2015 14:36
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But will it chunk?
(defn split-coll-1 [elem coll]
(loop [coll coll
parts []
part []]
(if-let [e (first coll)]
(if (= e elem)
(recur (rest coll) (conj parts part) [])
(recur (rest coll) parts (conj part e)))
(if (seq part)
(conj parts part)
(defn split-coll-2 [elem coll]
(loop [coll coll
parts (transient [])
part (transient [])]
(if-let [e (first coll)]
(if (= e elem)
(recur (rest coll) (conj! parts (persistent! part)) (transient []))
(recur (rest coll) parts (conj! part e)))
(let [part (persistent! part)]
(if (seq part)
(conj! parts part)
(defn split-coll-3 [elem coll]
(loop [coll coll
parts (transient [])
part []]
(if-let [e (first coll)]
(if (= e elem)
(recur (rest coll) (conj! parts part) [])
(recur (rest coll) parts (conj part e)))
(persistent! (conj! parts part)))))
(def coll (apply concat (repeat 100 [:a :b :c :x :x :d :x :e])))
(def coll2 (repeatedly 1000 #(rand-nth [:a :b :c :d :e :x :x])))
(def coll3 (into [] (repeatedly 1000 #(rand-nth [:a :b :c :d :e :x :x]))))
(def coll4 (repeatedly 5000 #(rand-nth [:a :b :c :d :e :x :x])))
(doseq [c [coll coll2 coll3 coll4]
f [split-coll-1 split-coll-2 split-coll-3]]
(time (dotimes [n 1000]
(f :x c))))
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ku1ik commented Dec 19, 2015

Thanks for analysis! I just checked it under ClojureScript and the numbers are (relatively) similar. Your split-coll-3 pretty much wins in this benchmark. In my case the collection is small (1-5 elements for 95% of time, and probably max 10 elements in all cases). I added 8 element collection to this benchmark and split-coll-1 wins in this case, so I'm going to go with this original implementation.


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