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Last active July 3, 2023 19:03
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Multiple instances of same GF form on the same page
* Multiple instances of same GF form on the same page
add_filter( 'gform_get_form_filter_1', 'gform_get_form_filter_handler', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'gform_confirmation_1', 'gform_get_form_filter', 10, 2 );
function gform_get_form_filter_handler( $form_string, $form ){
// if form has been submitted, use the submitted ID, otherwise generate a new unique ID
if ( isset( $_POST['gform_random_id'] ) ) {
$random_id = absint( $_POST['gform_random_id'] ); // Input var okay.
} else {
$random_id = mt_rand();
// this is where we keep our unique ID
$hidden_field = "<input type='hidden' name='gform_field_values'";
// define all occurences of the original form ID that wont hurt the form input
$strings = array(
' gform_wrapper' => ' gform_wrapper gform_wrapper_original_id_' . $form['id'],
"for='choice_" => "for='choice_" . $random_id . '_',
"id='label_" => "id='label_" . $random_id . '_',
"'gform_wrapper_" . $form['id'] . "'" => "'gform_wrapper_" . $random_id . "'",
"'gf_" . $form['id'] . "'" => "'gf_" . $random_id . "'",
"'gform_" . $form['id'] . "'" => "'gform_" . $random_id . "'",
"'gform_ajax_frame_" . $form['id'] . "'" => "'gform_ajax_frame_" . $random_id . "'",
'#gf_' . $form['id'] . "'" => '#gf_' . $random_id . "'",
"'gform_fields_" . $form['id'] . "'" => "'gform_fields_" . $random_id . "'",
"id='field_" . $form['id'] . '_' => "id='field_" . $random_id . '_',
"for='input_" . $form['id'] . '_' => "for='input_" . $random_id . '_',
"id='input_" . $form['id'] . '_' => "id='input_" . $random_id . '_',
"id='choice_" . $form['id'] . '_' => "id='choice_" . $random_id . '_',
"'gform_submit_button_" . $form['id'] . "'" => "'gform_submit_button_" . $random_id . "'",
'"gf_submitting_' . $form['id'] . '"' => '"gf_submitting_' . $random_id . '"',
"'gf_submitting_" . $form['id'] . "'" => "'gf_submitting_" . $random_id . "'",
'#gform_ajax_frame_' . $form['id'] => '#gform_ajax_frame_' . $random_id,
'#gform_wrapper_' . $form['id'] => '#gform_wrapper_' . $random_id,
'#gform_' . $form['id'] => '#gform_' . $random_id,
"trigger('gform_post_render', [" . $form['id'] => "trigger('gform_post_render', [" . $random_id,
'gformInitSpinner( ' . $form['id'] . ',' => 'gformInitSpinner( ' . $random_id . ',',
"trigger('gform_page_loaded', [" . $form['id'] => "trigger('gform_page_loaded', [" . $random_id,
"'gform_confirmation_loaded', [" . $form['id'] . ']' => "'gform_confirmation_loaded', [" . $random_id . ']',
'gf_apply_rules(' . $form['id'] . ',' => 'gf_apply_rules(' . $random_id . ',',
'gform_confirmation_wrapper_' . $form['id'] => 'gform_confirmation_wrapper_' . $random_id,
'gforms_confirmation_message_' . $form['id'] => 'gforms_confirmation_message_' . $random_id,
'gform_confirmation_message_' . $form['id'] => 'gform_confirmation_message_' . $random_id,
'if(formId == ' . $form['id'] . ')' => 'if(formId == ' . $random_id . ')',
"window['gf_form_conditional_logic'][" . $form['id'] . ']' => "window['gf_form_conditional_logic'][" . $random_id . ']',
"trigger('gform_post_conditional_logic', [" . $form['id'] . ',' => "trigger('gform_post_conditional_logic', [" . $random_id . ',',
'gformShowPasswordStrength("input_' . $form['id'] . '_' => 'gformShowPasswordStrength("input_' . $random_id . '_',
"gformInitChosenFields('#input_" . $form['id'] . '_' => "gformInitChosenFields('#input_" . $random_id . '_',
"jQuery('#input_" . $form['id'] . '_' => "jQuery('#input_" . $random_id . '_',
'gforms_calendar_icon_input_' . $form['id'] . '_' => 'gforms_calendar_icon_input_' . $random_id . '_',
"id='ginput_base_price_" . $form['id'] . '_' => "id='ginput_base_price_" . $random_id . '_',
"id='ginput_quantity_" . $form['id'] . '_' => "id='ginput_quantity_" . $random_id . '_',
'gfield_price_' . $form['id'] . '_' => 'gfield_price_' . $random_id . '_',
'gfield_quantity_' . $form['id'] . '_' => 'gfield_quantity_' . $random_id . '_',
'gfield_product_' . $form['id'] . '_' => 'gfield_product_' . $random_id . '_',
'ginput_total_' . $form['id'] => 'ginput_total_' . $random_id,
'GFCalc(' . $form['id'] . ',' => 'GFCalc(' . $random_id . ',',
'gf_global["number_formats"][' . $form['id'] . ']' => 'gf_global["number_formats"][' . $random_id . ']',
'gform_next_button_' . $form['id'] . '_' => 'gform_next_button_' . $random_id . '_',
$hidden_field => "<input type='hidden' name='gform_random_id' value='" . $random_id . "' />" . $hidden_field,
// allow addons & plugins to add additional find & replace strings
$strings = apply_filters( 'gform_multiple_instances_strings', $strings, $form['id'], $random_id );
// replace all occurences with the new unique ID
foreach ( $strings as $find => $replace ) {
$form_string = str_replace( $find, $replace, $form_string );
return $form_string;
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