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Last active January 3, 2024 16:31
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Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Relations.Relation_Operators.
Require Import Coq.Wellfounded.Lexicographic_Product.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Wf_nat.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Coq.Init.Nat.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Relation_Definitions.
Declare Scope regex_scope.
Open Scope regex_scope.
Section Simple_Lexicographic_Product.
Variable A : Type.
Variable B : Type.
Variable leA : A -> A -> Prop.
Variable leB : B -> B -> Prop.
Inductive slexprod : A * B -> A * B -> Prop :=
| left_slex :
forall (x x' : A) (y : B) (y' : B),
leA x x' -> slexprod (x, y) (x', y')
| right_slex :
forall (x : A) (y y' : B),
leB y y' -> slexprod (x, y) (x, y').
Lemma slexprod_lexprod p1 p2 :
slexprod p1 p2 <->
lexprod _ _ leA (fun _ => leB) (sigT_of_prod p1) (sigT_of_prod p2).
now split; intros HP; destruct p1, p2; inversion HP; constructor.
End Simple_Lexicographic_Product.
Section WfInclusion.
Variable A : Type.
Variables R1 R2 : A -> A -> Prop.
Lemma Acc_incl : inclusion A R1 R2 -> forall z:A, Acc R2 z -> Acc R1 z.
induction 2.
apply Acc_intro; auto with sets.
Hint Resolve Acc_incl : core.
Theorem wf_incl : inclusion A R1 R2 -> well_founded R2 -> well_founded R1.
unfold well_founded; auto with sets.
End WfInclusion.
Section Inverse_Image.
Variables A B : Type.
Variable R : B -> B -> Prop.
Variable f : A -> B.
Let Rof (x y:A) : Prop := R (f x) (f y).
Remark Acc_lemma : forall y:B, Acc R y -> forall x:A, y = f x -> Acc Rof x.
induction 1 as [y _ IHAcc]; intros x H.
apply Acc_intro; intros y0 H1.
apply (IHAcc (f y0)); try trivial.
rewrite H; trivial.
Lemma Acc_inverse_image : forall x:A, Acc R (f x) -> Acc Rof x.
intros; apply (Acc_lemma (f x)); trivial.
Theorem wf_inverse_image : well_founded R -> well_founded Rof.
red; intros; apply Acc_inverse_image; auto.
Variable F : A -> B -> Prop.
Let RoF (x y:A) : Prop :=
exists2 b : B, F x b & (forall c:B, F y c -> R b c).
Lemma Acc_inverse_rel : forall b:B, Acc R b -> forall x:A, F x b -> Acc RoF x.
induction 1 as [x _ IHAcc]; intros x0 H2.
constructor; intros y H3.
destruct H3.
apply (IHAcc x1); auto.
Theorem wf_inverse_rel : well_founded R -> well_founded RoF.
red; constructor; intros.
case H0; intros.
apply (Acc_inverse_rel x); auto.
End Inverse_Image.
Section WfSimple_Lexicographic_Product.
Variable A : Type.
Variable B : Type.
Variable leA : A -> A -> Prop.
Variable leB : B -> B -> Prop.
Notation LexProd := (slexprod A B leA leB).
Theorem wf_slexprod:
well_founded leA -> well_founded leB -> well_founded LexProd.
intros; eapply wf_incl.
- intros x y; apply slexprod_lexprod.
- now apply wf_inverse_image, wf_lexprod.
End WfSimple_Lexicographic_Product.
Section Regex.
Variable (A : Type).
Inductive Regex : Type :=
| Epsilon : Regex
| CharClass : (A -> bool) -> Regex
| Concat : Regex -> Regex -> Regex
| Union : Regex -> Regex -> Regex
| Star : Regex -> Regex
Inductive parse_tree : Type :=
| parse_epsilon : parse_tree
| parse_charclass : parse_tree
| parse_concat : parse_tree -> parse_tree -> parse_tree
| parse_union_l : parse_tree -> parse_tree
| parse_union_r : parse_tree -> parse_tree
| parse_star_nil : parse_tree
| parse_star_cons : parse_tree -> parse_tree -> parse_tree
Fixpoint parse_length (t : parse_tree) : nat :=
match t with
| parse_epsilon => 0
| parse_charclass => 1
| parse_concat t1 t2 => parse_length t1 + parse_length t2
| parse_union_l t => parse_length t
| parse_union_r t => parse_length t
| parse_star_nil => 0
| parse_star_cons t1 t2 => parse_length t1 + parse_length t2
Definition ε := Epsilon.
Infix "·" := Concat (at level 60, right associativity) : regex_scope.
Infix "∪" := Union (at level 50, left associativity) : regex_scope.
Notation "r *" := (Star r) (at level 40, no associativity) : regex_scope.
Inductive regex_struct : Regex -> Regex -> Prop :=
| regex_struct_concat_l : forall (r1 r2 : Regex),
regex_struct r1 (r1 · r2)
| regex_struct_concat_r : forall (r1 r2 : Regex),
regex_struct r2 (r1 · r2)
| regex_struct_union_l : forall (r1 r2 : Regex),
regex_struct r1 (r1 ∪ r2)
| regex_struct_union_r : forall (r1 r2 : Regex),
regex_struct r2 (r1 ∪ r2)
| regex_struct_star : forall (r : Regex),
regex_struct r (r *)
Lemma regex_struct_wf : well_founded regex_struct.
intro rs; induction rs;
constructor; intros * Ha.
all:(inversion Ha; subst; auto).
Notation "x >>= f" := (flat_map f x) (at level 42, left associativity).
Lemma acc_regex : forall (rn : Regex * nat),
Acc (slexprod Regex nat regex_struct lt) rn.
intros *.
eapply wf_slexprod.
(* Note that wf_slexprod's definition is closed by Qed.
So I have rewritten it.
(* Taken from Agnishom *)
intro rs; induction rs;
constructor; intros * Ha.
all:(inversion Ha; subst; auto).
eapply lt_wf.
(* Note that lt_wf is closed by Defined so this one is fine.
Definition all_parse_trees :
list A -> nat -> Regex * nat -> list parse_tree.
intros w start rn.
cut (Acc (slexprod _ _ regex_struct lt) rn).
intros Hacc.
revert start w. (* arugments are chaned a bit *)
generalize dependent rn.
(fix all_parse_trees rn Hacc {struct Hacc} :=
match Hacc with
| Acc_intro _ f => _
(match rn as rn' return rn = rn' -> _ with
| (Epsilon, _) => fun _ _ _ => [parse_epsilon]
| (CharClass p, _) => fun Ha start w =>
match nth_error w start with
| Some a => if p a then [parse_charclass] else []
| None => []
| (r1 · r2, len) => fun Ha start w =>
all_parse_trees (r1, len) _ start w >>= fun t1 =>
map (fun t2 => parse_concat t1 t2)
(all_parse_trees (r2, (len - parse_length t1)) _
(start + parse_length t1) w)
| (r1 ∪ r2, len) => fun Ha start w =>
map (fun t => parse_union_l t) (all_parse_trees (r1, len) _ start w) ++
map (fun t => parse_union_r t) (all_parse_trees (r2, len) _ start w)
| ((r *), len) => fun Ha start w =>
(match len as len' return len = len' -> _ with
| 0 => fun _ => [parse_star_nil]
| _ => fun Hb =>
(all_parse_trees (r, len) _ start w >>= fun t1 =>
(match parse_length t1 as t' return parse_length t1 = t' -> _ with
| 0 => fun _ => []
| l1 => fun Hc => map (fun t2 => parse_star_cons t1 t2)
(all_parse_trees (r *, (len - l1)) _ (start + parse_length t1) w)
++ [parse_star_nil] end eq_refl))
end eq_refl)
end eq_refl); subst;
eapply f; [left; constructor | left; constructor |
left; constructor | left; constructor |
right; nia | left; constructor].
eapply acc_regex.
End Regex.
Require Import Extraction.
Extraction all_parse_trees.
Lemma all_parse_trees_concat : forall (w : list A) (start : nat) (r1 r2 : Regex) (len : nat),
all_parse_trees w start (r1 · r2, len) =
all_parse_trees w start (r1, len) >>= fun t1 =>
map (fun t2 => parse_concat t1 t2)
(all_parse_trees w (start + parse_length t1) (r2, (len - parse_length t1))).
intros *;
Fixpoint bitcode (t : parse_tree) : list bool :=
match t with
| parse_epsilon => []
| parse_charclass => []
| parse_concat t1 t2 => bitcode t1 ++ bitcode t2
| parse_union_l t => false :: bitcode t
| parse_union_r t => true :: bitcode t
| parse_star_nil => [true]
| parse_star_cons t1 t2 => false :: bitcode t1 ++ bitcode t2
Definition rbc_to_rnat (rbc : Regex * list bool) : Regex * nat :=
match rbc with
| (r, bc) => (r, length bc)
Definition rbc_lt (rbc1 rbc2 : Regex * list bool) : Prop :=
slexprod _ _ regex_struct lt (rbc_to_rnat rbc1) (rbc_to_rnat rbc2).
Lemma rbc_lt_wf : well_founded rbc_lt.
unfold rbc_lt.
unfold well_founded.
intros rbc.
apply Acc_lemma with (y := rbc_to_rnat rbc).
2: reflexivity.
apply wf_slexprod.
- apply regex_struct_wf.
- apply lt_wf.
(* Equations decode_aux (ebtc : Regex * list bool) :
decode_aux_type ebtc
by wf ebtc (slexprod _ _ regex_struct (fun l m => length l < length m)) :=
decode_aux (Epsilon, btc) := exist _ (Some (parse_epsilon, btc)) _;
decode_aux (CharClass p, btc) := exist _ (Some (parse_charclass, btc)) _;
decode_aux (Union _ _, []) := exist _ None _;
decode_aux (Union e _, false :: btc) with decode_aux (e, btc) := {
| exist _ None _ := exist _ None _;
| exist _ (Some (t, btc')) _ := exist _ (Some (parse_union_l t, btc')) _
decode_aux (Union _ e, true :: btc) with decode_aux (e, btc) := {
| exist _ None _ := exist _ None _;
| exist _ (Some (t, btc')) _ := exist _ (Some (parse_union_r t, btc')) _
decode_aux (Concat e f, btc) with decode_aux (e, btc) := {
| exist _ None _ := exist _ None _;
| exist _ (Some (t1, btc')) _ with decode_aux (f, btc') := {
| exist _ None _ := exist _ None _;
| exist _ (Some (t2, btc'')) _ := exist _ (Some (parse_concat t1 t2, btc'')) _
decode_aux (Star _, []) := exist _ None _;
decode_aux (Star _, true :: btc) := exist _ None _;
decode_aux (Star e, false :: btc) with decode_aux (e, btc) := {
| exist _ None _ := exist _ None _;
| exist _ (Some (t1, btc')) _ with decode_aux (Star e, btc') := {
| exist _ None _ := exist _ None _;
| exist _ (Some (t2, btc'')) _ := exist _ (Some (parse_star_cons t1 t2, btc'')) _
}. *)
Definition decode_aux
(rbc : Regex * list bool) :
{ o : option (parse_tree * list bool)
| (match o with | Some (t, btc) => length btc <= length (snd rbc) | None => True end)
cut (Acc rbc_lt rbc); [ | apply rbc_lt_wf].
intros Hacc.
generalize dependent rbc.
refine (fix decode_aux rbc Hacc {struct Hacc} :=
match Hacc with
| Acc_intro _ f => _
refine (match rbc as rbc' return rbc = rbc' -> _ with
| (Epsilon, btc) => fun _ => exist _ (Some (parse_epsilon, btc)) _
| (CharClass p, btc) => fun _ => exist _ (Some (parse_charclass, btc)) _
| (Union _ _, []) => fun _ => exist _ None _
| (Union e _, false :: btc) => fun _ =>
let ebtc_smaller : rbc_lt (e, btc) rbc := _ in
match decode_aux (e, btc) (f (e, btc) ebtc_smaller) as d1 return _ = d1 -> _ with
| exist _ t1 Pt1 => match t1 as t1' return t1 = t1' -> _ with
| None => fun _ _ => exist _ None _
| Some (t1, btc') => fun _ _ => exist _ (Some (parse_union_l t1, btc')) _
end eq_refl
end eq_refl
| (Union _ e, true :: btc) => fun _ =>
let ebtc_smaller : rbc_lt (e, btc) rbc := _ in
match decode_aux (e, btc) (f (e, btc) ebtc_smaller) as d2 return _ = d2 -> _ with
| exist _ t2 Pt2 => match t2 as t2' return t2 = t2' -> _ with
| None => fun _ _ => exist _ None _
| Some (t2, btc') => fun _ _ => exist _ (Some (parse_union_r t2, btc')) _
end eq_refl
end eq_refl
| (Concat e e1, btc) => fun _ =>
let ebtc_smaller : rbc_lt (e, btc) rbc := _ in
match decode_aux (e, btc) (f (e, btc) ebtc_smaller) as d1 return _ = d1 -> _ with
| exist _ t1 Pt1 => match t1 as t1' return t1 = t1' -> _ with
| None => fun _ _ => exist _ None _
| Some (t1, btc') => fun _ _ =>
let e1btc_smaller : rbc_lt (e1, btc') rbc := _ in
match decode_aux (e1, btc') (f (e1, btc') e1btc_smaller) as d2 return _ = d2 -> _ with
| exist _ t2 Pt2 => match t2 as t2' return t2 = t2' -> _ with
| None => fun _ _ => exist _ None _
| Some (t2, btc'') => fun _ _ => exist _ (Some (parse_concat t1 t2, btc'')) _
end eq_refl
end eq_refl
end eq_refl
end eq_refl
| (Star _, []) => fun _ => exist _ None _
| (Star _, true :: btc) => fun _ => exist _ None _
| (Star e, false :: btc) => fun _ =>
let ebtc_smaller : rbc_lt (e, btc) rbc := _ in
match decode_aux (e, btc) (f (e, btc) ebtc_smaller) as d1 return _ = d1 -> _ with
| exist _ t1 Pt1 => match t1 as t1' return t1 = t1' -> _ with
| None => fun _ _ => exist _ None _
| Some (t1, btc') => fun _ _ =>
let ebtc1_smaller : rbc_lt (Star e, btc') rbc := _ in
match decode_aux (Star e, btc') (f (Star e, btc') ebtc1_smaller) as d2 return _ = d2 -> _ with
| exist _ t2 Pt2 => match t2 as t2' return t2 = t2' -> _ with
| None => fun _ _ => exist _ None _
| Some (t2, btc'') => fun _ _ => exist _ (Some (parse_star_cons t1 t2, btc'')) _
end eq_refl
end eq_refl
end eq_refl
end eq_refl
end eq_refl);
simpl in * |- *; auto.
destruct t3 as [(xa, ya) | ];
destruct t4 as [(xb, yb) | ];
try congruence.
inversion e2.
inversion e3.
clear y0 y decode_aux ebtc_smaller e1btc_smaller.
subst. nia.
destruct t3 as [(xa, ya) | ];
try congruence.
inversion e1.
clear y decode_aux ebtc_smaller.
subst. nia.
clear y decode_aux ebtc_smaller.
subst. nia.
clear y0 y decode_aux ebtc_smaller ebtc1_smaller.
subst. nia.
clear decode_aux.
subst; simpl in * |- *.
unfold rbc_lt; simpl.
eapply left_slex.
clear y decode_aux ebtc_smaller.
subst; simpl in * |- *.
unfold rbc_lt; simpl.
eapply left_slex.
clear decode_aux.
subst; simpl.
unfold rbc_lt; simpl.
eapply left_slex. constructor.
clear decode_aux.
subst; simpl.
unfold rbc_lt; simpl.
eapply left_slex. constructor.
clear decode_aux.
subst; simpl.
unfold rbc_lt; simpl.
repeat constructor.
clear y decode_aux ebtc_smaller.
subst; simpl.
unfold rbc_lt; simpl.
eapply right_slex.
simpl in * |- *.
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