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Created May 9, 2020 01:57
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data.vector linear_algebra
namespace algebra
variables {G : Type*} {F : Type*}
[decidable_eq G]
[decidable_eq F]
[add_comm_group G]
[field F]
[vector_space F G]
variables (A B : F)
inductive point
| Inf_point : point
| Cur_point (x y : F) :
y^2 = x^3 + A * x + B -> point
open point
def opp : point A B -> point A B
| Inf_point := Inf_point
| (Cur_point x y H) := Cur_point x (-y) begin
ring, rw H, ring
theorem opp_opp : ∀ (p : point A B), opp A B (opp A B p) = p
| Inf_point := by simp [opp]
| (Cur_point x y H) := begin simp [opp] end
lemma fieldeq : ∀ (y₁ y₂ : F),
y₁^2 - y₂^2 = 0 → (y₁ - y₂) * (y₁ + y₂) = 0 :=
intros, ring, assumption
lemma eqor : ∀ (y₁ y₂ : F),
(y₁ - y₂) * (y₁ + y₂) = 0 → y₁ = y₂ ∨ y₁ = -y₂ :=
/- I want to multiply (y₁ + y₂)⁻¹ in a
to y₁ = y₂ -/
/- prove decidable equality of -/
lemma same_or_opp :
∀ x₁ y₁ x₂ y₂ H₁ H₂ p₁ p₂, x₁ = x₂ →
p₁ = Cur_point x₁ y₁ H₁ → p₂ = Cur_point x₂ y₂ H₂ →
p₁ = p₂ ∨ p₁ = opp A B p₂ :=
intros, subst a, subst p₁, subst p₂,
have H₃ : y₁^2 = y₂^2,
rw [H₁, H₂],
have H₄ : y₁ = y₂ ∨ y₁ = -y₂, sorry,
cases H₄,
left, subst H₄,
right, simp [opp],
end algebra
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