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Created April 20, 2024 16:06
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From Coq Require Import
Relation_Operators Utf8 Psatz Wf_nat.
Section Jason.
Context {A B : Type}
(f : A * B -> nat).
Theorem fn_acc : forall (n : nat) (au : A) (bu : B),
f (au, bu) < n ->
Acc (fun '(xa, ya) '(xb, yb) => f (xa, ya) < f (xb, yb)) (au, bu).
induction n as [| n IHn].
intros * Ha; nia.
intros * Ha.
eapply Acc_intro;
intros (ax, bx) Hb.
eapply IHn.
eapply PeanoNat.Nat.lt_le_trans;
[exact Hb | nia].
Theorem well_founded_fn :
well_founded (fun '(xa, ya) '(xb, yb) => f (xa, ya) < f (xb, yb)).
intros (au, bu).
apply (fn_acc (S (f (au, bu)))).
End Jason.
Section Jason.
Variable A : Type.
Variable B : Type.
Variable leA : A -> A -> Prop.
Variable leB : B -> B -> Prop.
Variable fA : A -> nat.
Variable fB : B -> nat.
Variable (hA : forall x y : A, (fA x) <= (fA y) -> leA x y).
Lemma Acc_nat_wf :
forall (xu : A), Acc leA xu -> forall (yu : B), Acc leB yu ->
Acc (fun '(xa, ya) '(xb, yb) =>
Nat.add (fA xa) (fB ya) < Nat.add (fA xb) (fB yb)) (xu, yu).
refine(fix fn xu (accf : Acc leA xu) {struct accf} :=
match accf with
| Acc_intro _ ha => _
intros yu hb.
eapply fn;
[eapply ha, hA | exact hb];
Lemma Wellfounded_custom_rel :
well_founded leA -> well_founded leB ->
well_founded (fun '(xa, ya) '(xb, yb) =>
Nat.add (fA xa) (fB ya) < Nat.add (fA xb) (fB yb)).
unfold well_founded.
intros ha hb (xu, yu).
eapply Acc_nat_wf;
[eapply ha | apply hb].
End Jason.
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