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Created March 30, 2023 10:53
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Notation "a =S= b" := (brel_set (brel_product eqA eqP) a b = true) (at level 70).
(* = or =S=, both are fine! *)
Lemma iterate_minset_inv_2 :
forall (X W Y : finite_set (A * P)) au bu,
find (theory.below (manger_pre_order lteA) (au, bu)) X = None ->
find (theory.below (manger_pre_order lteA) (au, bu)) Y = None ->
(∀ t : A * P,
in_set (brel_product eqA eqP) X t = true ->
theory.below (manger_pre_order lteA) (au, bu) t = false) ->
snd (iterate_minset (manger_pre_order lteA) W ((au, bu) :: Y) X) =
(au, bu) :: snd (iterate_minset (manger_pre_order lteA) W Y X).
induction X as [|(ax, bx) X IHx].
intros * Ha Hw.
cbn; reflexivity.
intros * Ha Hw.
cbn in Ha |- .
destruct (theory.below (manger_pre_order lteA) (au, bu) (ax, bx));
[congruence |].
(* From Ha, we know that there is nothing strictly below (au, bu) in X *)
pose proof find_below_none (A * P)
(brel_product eqA eqP) refAP symAP
(manger_pre_order lteA)
cong_manger_preorder X _ Ha as Hb.
(* Hb is the proof that there is nothing below (au, bu) *)
destruct (find (theory.below (manger_pre_order lteA) (ax, bx)) X)
as [(pa, pb) |] eqn:Hc.
eapply IHx.
unfold manger_pre_order,
brel_product, brel_trivial,
theory.below, and.bop_and.
(* From Hc, I know that there is nothign
below (ax, bx) *)
pose proof find_below_none (A * P)
(brel_product eqA eqP) refAP symAP
(manger_pre_order lteA)
cong_manger_preorder X _ Hc as Hd.
destruct (theory.below (manger_pre_order lteA) (ax, bx) (au, bu))
Lemma axiom_on_lteA_true :
forall a au ap,
eqA au a = true ->
lteA ap au = true ->
lteA ap a = true.
Lemma axiom_on_lteA_false :
forall a au ap,
eqA au a = true ->
lteA au ap = false ->
lteA a ap = false.
Lemma theory_below_cong :
forall t (au a : A) (bu : P),
eqA au a = true ->
theory.below (manger_pre_order lteA) (au, bu) t = false ->
theory.below (manger_pre_order lteA) (a, bu) t = false.
intros (ta, tb) * Ha Hb.
eapply theory.below_false_elim in Hb.
eapply theory.below_false_intro.
destruct Hb as [Hb | Hb].
unfold manger_pre_order,
brel_product, brel_trivial in Hb |- *.
rewrite Bool.andb_true_r in Hb |- *.
right; unfold manger_pre_order,
brel_product, brel_trivial in Hb |- *.
rewrite Bool.andb_true_r in Hb |- *.
Fact manger_rewrite_exists :
forall (X : finite_set (A * P)) (a : A) p,
(∀ t : A * P,
in_set (brel_product eqA eqP) X t = true ->
theory.below (manger_pre_order lteA) (a, p) t = false) ->
exists q : P, in_set (brel_product eqA eqP) X (a, q) =
in_set (brel_product eqA eqP)
(uop_minset (manger_pre_order lteA) X) (a, q).
Fact manger_rewrite_forall :
forall (X : finite_set (A * P)) (a : A) p,
(∀ t : A * P,
in_set (brel_product eqA eqP) X t = true ->
theory.below (manger_pre_order lteA) (a, p) t = false) ->
in_set (brel_product eqA eqP) X (a, p) = true ->
in_set (brel_product eqA eqP)
(uop_minset (manger_pre_order lteA) X) (a, p) = true.
induction X as [|(ax, bx) X IHx].
intros * Ha Hb.
cbn in Hb; congruence.
intros * Ha Hb.
cbn in Hb |- *.
eapply Bool.orb_true_iff in Hb.
destruct Hb as [Hb | Hb].
(* from Ha, I know that (ax, bx) is not
strictly below (a, p) *)
pose proof (Ha (ax, bx)) as Hc;
cbn in Hc; rewrite refA, refP in Hc;
cbn in Hc; specialize (Hc eq_refl).
eapply theory.below_false_elim in Hc.
destruct Hc as [Hc | Hc].
unfold manger_pre_order,
brel_product, brel_trivial in Hc.
eapply Bool.andb_true_iff in Hb.
rewrite Bool.andb_true_r in Hc.
destruct Hb as [Hbl Hbr].
(* contradiction *)
unfold manger_pre_order,
brel_product, brel_trivial in Hc.
eapply Bool.andb_true_iff in Hb.
rewrite Bool.andb_true_r in Hc.
destruct Hb as [Hbl Hbr].
(* I know that *)
assert (Hd : uop_minset (manger_pre_order lteA) ((ax, bx) :: X) =
(ax, bx) :: uop_minset (manger_pre_order lteA) X).
(* But this is what bothering me. Proving this one
is nightmare *)
rewrite Hd; cbn; rewrite Hbl, Hbr;
cbn; reflexivity.
(* same reasoning as abouve *)
assert (Hd : uop_minset (manger_pre_order lteA) ((ax, bx) :: X) =
(ax, bx) :: uop_minset (manger_pre_order lteA) X).
rewrite Hd; cbn.
(* use induction hypothesis *)
assert (He : (∀ t : A * P,
in_set (brel_product eqA eqP) X t = true ->
theory.below (manger_pre_order lteA) (a, p) t = false)).
intros (ta, tb) He.
eapply Ha; cbn; rewrite He,
Bool.orb_true_r; reflexivity.
rewrite (IHx _ _ He Hb),
Bool.orb_true_r; reflexivity.
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