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Last active April 5, 2024 12:38
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section cantor
Mapping from natural numbers to integers is injective.
We map even numbers to positive integers and odd numbers to negative integers.
0 => 0
1 => -1
2 => 1
3 => -2
4 => 2
5 => -3
def nat_to_int : Nat -> Int :=
fun n =>
match n % 2 == 0 with
| true => n / 2
| false => - (n + 1) / 2
def int_to_nat : Int -> Nat
| Int.ofNat n => 2 * n
| Int.negSucc n => 2 * n + 1
#eval nat_to_int (int_to_nat (-700))
#eval int_to_nat (nat_to_int 3)
theorem nat_to_int_injective : ∀ (n : Int),
nat_to_int (int_to_nat n) = n := by
intro n
rcases n with n | n; simp
. simp [nat_to_int, int_to_nat]
. simp [int_to_nat, nat_to_int]
have Ha : (2 * n + 1) % 2 = 1 := by omega
simp [Ha]
have Hb : -(2 * ↑n + 1 + 1) / 2 = Int.negSucc ((2 * n + 1) / 2) := by
exact rfl
rw [Hb]; simp; omega
theorem nat_odd : forall (n : Nat), (n % 2 == 0) = false ->
∃ m : Nat, n = 2 * m + 1 := by
intro n ha
induction n with
| zero => simp at ha
| succ n ih =>
theorem nat_even : forall (n : Nat), (n % 2 == 0) = true ->
∃ m : Nat, n = 2 * m := by sorry
theorem int_to_nat_injective : ∀ (n : Nat),
int_to_nat (nat_to_int n) = n := by
intro n
simp [int_to_nat, nat_to_int]
rcases h : n % 2 == 0 with _ | _; simp
. have Ha : -(↑n + 1) / 2 = Int.negSucc (n / 2) := by exact rfl
rw [Ha]; simp
have Hb : ∃ m : Nat, n = 2 * m + 1 := by
exact nat_odd n h
/- I know that n is odd here -/
. have Ha : ↑n / 2 = Int.ofNat (n / 2) := by exact rfl
rw [Ha]; simp
have Hb : ∃ m : Nat, n = 2 * m := by
exact nat_even n h
/- I know n is even here -/
def gcd : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
| 0, b => b
| a, 0 => a
| a, b =>
have ha : 0 < a := by sorry
have hb : 0 < b := by sorry
if a < b then gcd a (b % a)
else gcd (a % b) b
termination_by a b => a + b
. have hc : a + (b % a) < a + b := by sorry
exact hc
. have hc : (a % b) + b < a + b := by sorry
exact hc
#eval gcd 3 2
#check Nat.mod_lt
def gcd_proof : Nat -> Nat -> Nat := by
intro a b
rcases ha : a with _ | ar
. exact b
. rcases hb : b with _ | br
. exact a
. refine' (if hc : a < b then _ else _)
. have hd : (b % a) < a := by
apply Nat.mod_lt; omega
exact (gcd_proof a (b % a))
. have hd : (a % b) < b := by
apply Nat.mod_lt; omega
exact (gcd_proof (a % b) b)
termination_by a b => a + b
#eval gcd_proof 200 300
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