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open BinNums
open Datatypes
open Mat
open Nat
open Path
type coq_Node =
| A
| B
| C
(** val coq_Node_rect : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> coq_Node -> 'a1 **)
let coq_Node_rect f f0 f1 = function
| A -> f
| B -> f0
| C -> f1
(** val coq_Node_rec : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> coq_Node -> 'a1 **)
let coq_Node_rec f f0 f1 = function
| A -> f
| B -> f0
| C -> f1
(** val eqN : coq_Node -> coq_Node -> bool **)
let eqN x y =
match x with
| A -> (match y with
| A -> Coq_true
| _ -> Coq_false)
| B -> (match y with
| B -> Coq_true
| _ -> Coq_false)
| C -> (match y with
| C -> Coq_true
| _ -> Coq_false)
type coq_R =
| Left of nat
| Infinity
(** val coq_R_rect : (nat -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> coq_R -> 'a1 **)
let coq_R_rect f f0 = function
| Left n -> f n
| Infinity -> f0
(** val coq_R_rec : (nat -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> coq_R -> 'a1 **)
let coq_R_rec f f0 = function
| Left n -> f n
| Infinity -> f0
(** val eqR : coq_R -> coq_R -> bool **)
let eqR u v =
match u with
| Left x -> (match v with
| Left y -> eqb x y
| Infinity -> Coq_false)
| Infinity -> (match v with
| Left _ -> Coq_false
| Infinity -> Coq_true)
(** val zeroR : coq_R **)
let zeroR =
Left O
(** val oneR : coq_R **)
let oneR =
(** val plusR : coq_R -> coq_R -> coq_R **)
let plusR u v =
match u with
| Left x -> (match v with
| Left y -> Left (max x y)
| Infinity -> Infinity)
| Infinity -> Infinity
(** val mulR : coq_R -> coq_R -> coq_R **)
let mulR u v =
match u with
| Left x -> (match v with
| Left y -> Left (min x y)
| Infinity -> Left x)
| Infinity -> v
(** val finN : coq_Node list **)
let finN =
Coq_cons (A, (Coq_cons (B, (Coq_cons (C, Coq_nil)))))
(** val schulze :
(coq_Node, coq_R) coq_Matrix -> (coq_Node, coq_R) coq_Matrix **)
let schulze m =
matrix_exp_binary eqN finN zeroR oneR plusR mulR m (Npos (Coq_xO Coq_xH))
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