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Created September 16, 2023 20:00
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import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity
import MIL.Common
open Nat List
def fact : Nat -> Nat
| 0 => 1
| n + 1 => (n + 1) * fact n
def sigma : Nat -> List Nat
| 0 => []
| n + 1 => sigma n ++ [n + 1]
def add : List Nat -> Nat
| [] => 0
| h :: t => h + add t
theorem add_dist : ∀ xs ys : List Nat, add (xs ++ ys) = add xs + add ys := by
intro xs
induction xs with
| nil => simp
| cons x xs ihx =>
intro ys; simp
rw [ihx]; ring
theorem twitter_puzzle :
∀ n : Nat, add (map (fun w => w * fact w) (sigma n)) + 1 = fact (n + 1) := by
intro n
induction n with
| zero =>
| succ n ihn =>
simp; rw [add_dist]
have ha : add (map (fun w ↦ w * fact w) (sigma n)) +
add [(n + 1) * ((n + 1) * fact n)] + 1 =
add (map (fun w ↦ w * fact w) (sigma n)) + 1 +
add [(n + 1) * ((n + 1) * fact n)] := by ring
rw [ha, ihn]; simp; clear ha
have ha : (n + 2) = succ n + 1 := by rw [Nat.add_succ]
rw [<-ha]; clear ha
have ha : (n + 1) * fact n + (n + 1) * ((n + 1) * fact n) =
((n + 1) + (n + 1) * (n + 1)) * fact n := by ring
rw [ha]; clear ha; ring
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