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Forked from Agnishom/AwesomeListLemmas.v
Created April 27, 2023 12:25
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Awesome List Lemmas
Some lemmas that can be used in conjunction with those in Coq.Lists.List
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Wf_nat.
Import ListNotations.
(* firstn / skipn / nth_error / map / combine *)
Lemma nth_error_skipn {X} : forall (xs : list X) i d,
nth_error xs (i + d) = nth_error (skipn d xs) i.
rewrite <- firstn_skipn with (n := d) (l := xs) at 1.
assert (d < length xs \/ d >= length xs) as Hxs by lia.
destruct Hxs.
- rewrite nth_error_app2.
+ rewrite firstn_length.
f_equal. lia.
+ rewrite firstn_length.
- rewrite firstn_all2 by lia.
rewrite skipn_all2 by lia.
rewrite app_nil_r.
replace (nth_error (@nil X) i) with (@None X)
by now destruct i.
replace (nth_error xs (i + d)) with (@None X).
symmetry. apply nth_error_None. lia.
Lemma nth_error_firstn {X : Type} (l : list X) : forall d i,
i < d
-> nth_error (firstn d l) i = nth_error l i.
intros d i Hdi.
assert (d <= length l \/ d > length l) as [Hdl | Hdl] by lia.
+ rewrite <- firstn_skipn with (l := l) (n := d) at 2.
rewrite nth_error_app1. auto.
rewrite firstn_length. lia.
+ now rewrite firstn_all2 by lia.
Lemma firstn_in {X : Type} : forall (l : list X) n,
forall x, In x (firstn n l) -> In x l.
rewrite <- (firstn_skipn n l) at 1.
apply in_or_app. auto.
Lemma skipn_in {X : Type} : forall (l : list X) n,
forall x, In x (skipn n l) -> In x l.
rewrite <- (firstn_skipn n l) at 1.
apply in_or_app. auto.
Lemma hd_error_skipn {X : Type} (l : list X) : forall i,
hd_error (skipn i l) = nth_error l i.
intro i.
generalize dependent l. induction i.
- intro. rewrite skipn_O. destruct l; auto.
- intro. destruct l; auto.
simpl. auto.
Lemma hd_error_nth_error {X : Type} (l : list X) :
hd_error l = nth_error l 0.
destruct l; auto.
Lemma nth_error_rev (l : list A) (n : nat) :
n < length l ->
nth_error (rev l) n = nth_error l (length l - S n).
destruct l.
- simpl. destruct n; reflexivity.
- intros. remember (a :: l) as l'.
rewrite nth_error_nth' with (d := a).
rewrite nth_error_nth' with (d := a).
f_equal. apply rev_nth.
auto. lia. auto.
rewrite rev_length. auto.
Lemma map_id {X} : forall (xs : list X),
map id xs = xs.
induction xs; auto.
simpl. rewrite IHxs. auto.
Lemma combine_map {X Y M N} : forall (f : X -> M) (g : Y -> N) xs ys,
combine (map f xs) (map g ys) = map (fun '(x, y) => (f x, g y)) (combine xs ys).
induction xs.
- auto.
- intros. destruct ys.
+ simpl. auto.
+ simpl. rewrite IHxs. auto.
Lemma combine_app {X Y} : forall (xs1 xs2 : list X) (ys1 ys2 : list Y),
length xs1 = length ys1
-> combine (xs1 ++ xs2) (ys1 ++ ys2) = combine xs1 ys1 ++ combine xs2 ys2.
revert ys1 H.
induction xs1.
- intros. destruct ys1. auto. simpl in H. discriminate.
- intros. destruct ys1. simpl in H. discriminate.
simpl. rewrite IHxs1. auto.
simpl in H. inversion H. auto.
Lemma combine_rev {X Y} : forall (xs : list X) (ys : list Y),
length xs = length ys
-> combine (rev xs) (rev ys) = rev (combine xs ys).
revert ys H.
induction xs.
- intros. destruct ys. auto. simpl in H. discriminate.
- intros. destruct ys. simpl in H. discriminate.
simpl. simpl in H. inversion H.
rewrite combine_app. simpl. rewrite IHxs. auto.
repeat rewrite rev_length. auto.
Lemma map_repeat {X Y : Type} (f : X -> Y) (x : X) n :
map f (repeat x n) = repeat (f x) n.
induction n; auto.
simpl. rewrite IHn. auto.
Lemma repeat_iff {X : Type} (x : X) l:
l = repeat x (length l) <-> (forall y, In y l -> y = x).
- intros. rewrite H in H0.
apply repeat_spec in H0. auto.
- intros. apply Forall_eq_repeat.
apply Forall_forall. firstorder.
(* zipWith *)
Definition zipWith {X Y Z} (f : X -> Y -> Z) (xs : list X) (ys : list Y) : list Z :=
map (fun '(x, y) => f x y) (combine xs ys).
Lemma zipWith_length {X Y Z} : forall (f : X -> Y -> Z) xs ys,
length (zipWith f xs ys) = min (length xs) (length ys).
intros. unfold zipWith.
now rewrite map_length, combine_length.
Lemma zipWith_in {X Y Z} : forall (P : X -> Prop) (Q : Y -> Prop) (R : Z -> Prop) (f : X -> Y -> Z) xs ys,
(forall x, In x xs -> P x)
-> (forall y, In y ys -> Q y)
-> (forall x y, P x -> Q y -> R (f x y))
-> forall z, In z (zipWith f xs ys) -> R z.
intros P Q R f.
induction xs; intros ys Hxs Hys Hf z Hz.
- simpl in Hz. inversion Hz.
- simpl in Hz. destruct ys.
+ inversion Hz.
+ destruct Hz.
* subst. apply Hf.
apply Hxs. now left.
apply Hys. now left.
* rewrite in_map_iff in H.
destruct H as [[xx yy] [H1 H2]].
subst. apply Hf.
apply Hxs. right.
now apply in_combine_l in H2.
apply Hys. right.
now apply in_combine_r in H2.
Lemma nth_error_zipWith {X Y Z} : forall (f : X -> Y -> Z) xs ys n,
nth_error (zipWith f xs ys) n =
match nth_error xs n, nth_error ys n with
| Some x, Some y => Some (f x y)
| _, _ => None
intros f. induction xs.
- intros ys n.
assert (zipWith f [] ys = []). {
unfold zipWith. destruct ys; auto.
rewrite H.
remember (nth_error [] n) as nz.
assert (nz = None). {
subst. destruct n; auto.
remember (nth_error (@nil X) n) as nx.
assert (nx = None). {
subst. destruct n; auto.
rewrite H0, H1. auto.
- intros. destruct n.
+ simpl. destruct ys.
* auto.
* simpl. auto.
+ destruct ys.
* simpl. destruct (nth_error xs n); auto.
* simpl.
rewrite <- IHxs.
Lemma zipWith_cons {X Y Z} : forall (f : X -> Y -> Z) x xs y ys,
zipWith f (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = f x y :: zipWith f xs ys.
Lemma zipWith_repeat_l {X Y Z} : forall n (f : X -> Y -> Z) x ys,
n >= length ys
-> zipWith f (repeat x n) ys = map (f x) ys.
induction n.
- intros. simpl. destruct ys; [auto | simpl in H; lia].
- intros. destruct ys.
+ simpl. auto.
+ simpl. rewrite zipWith_cons.
rewrite IHn. auto.
simpl in H. lia.
Lemma zipWith_repeat_r {X Y Z} : forall n (f : X -> Y -> Z) xs y,
n >= length xs
-> zipWith f xs (repeat y n) = map (fun x => f x y) xs.
induction n.
- intros. simpl. destruct xs; [auto | simpl in H; lia].
- intros. destruct xs.
+ simpl. auto.
+ simpl. rewrite zipWith_cons.
rewrite IHn. auto.
simpl in H. lia.
Lemma zipWith_firstn_l {X Y Z} : forall (f : X -> Y -> Z) xs ys,
zipWith f xs ys = zipWith f xs (firstn (length xs) ys).
unfold zipWith. intros. rewrite combine_firstn_l. auto.
Lemma zipWith_firstn_r {X Y Z} : forall (f : X -> Y -> Z) xs ys,
zipWith f xs ys = zipWith f (firstn (length ys) xs) ys.
unfold zipWith. intros. rewrite combine_firstn_r. auto.
Lemma zipWith_firstn {X Y Z} : forall (f : X -> Y -> Z) xs ys,
zipWith f xs ys =
let n := (min (length xs) (length ys)) in
zipWith f (firstn n xs) (firstn n ys).
assert (length xs <= length ys \/ length xs > length ys) as [H | H] by lia.
- replace (min (length xs) (length ys)) with (length xs) by lia.
assert (zipWith f xs ys = zipWith f xs (firstn (length xs) ys)) as H1.
{ apply zipWith_firstn_l. }
assert (zipWith f xs (firstn (length xs) ys) =
zipWith f (firstn (length xs) xs) (firstn (length xs) ys)) as H3.
{ f_equal. now rewrite firstn_all. }
- replace (min (length xs) (length ys)) with (length ys) by lia.
assert (zipWith f xs ys = zipWith f (firstn (length ys) xs) ys) as H1.
{ apply zipWith_firstn_r. }
assert (zipWith f (firstn (length ys) xs) ys =
zipWith f (firstn (length ys) xs) (firstn (length ys) ys)) as H3.
{ f_equal. now rewrite firstn_all. }
Lemma zipWith_map { M N X Y Z }: forall (f : M -> N -> Z) (g : X -> M) (h : Y -> N) (xs : list X) (ys : list Y),
zipWith f (map g xs) (map h ys) = map (fun '(x, y) => f (g x) (h y)) (combine xs ys).
intros. unfold zipWith.
rewrite combine_map. rewrite map_map.
apply map_ext. intros. destruct a. auto.
Lemma zipWith_assoc {X}: forall (f : X -> X -> X) xs ys zs,
(forall x y z, f x (f y z) = f (f x y) z)
-> zipWith f xs (zipWith f ys zs) = zipWith f (zipWith f xs ys) zs.
intros f xs.
remember (length xs) as len.
generalize dependent xs.
induction len.
- intros. destruct xs. auto. simpl in Heqlen. discriminate.
- intros. destruct xs.
+ auto.
+ destruct ys.
* auto.
* destruct zs.
-- auto.
-- simpl. repeat rewrite zipWith_cons.
rewrite H. rewrite IHlen.
++ auto.
++ simpl in Heqlen. inversion Heqlen. auto.
++ apply H.
Lemma zipWith_ext { X Y Z M N } : forall (f : X -> Y -> Z) (g : M -> N -> Z) xs ys ms ns,
(forall x y m n, In ((x, y), (m, n)) (combine (combine xs ys) (combine ms ns)) -> f x y = g m n)
-> length xs = length ms
-> length ys = length ns
-> zipWith f xs ys = zipWith g ms ns.
intros f g xs.
remember (length xs) as len.
generalize dependent xs.
induction len.
- intros. destruct xs. destruct ms. auto.
simpl in H0. discriminate. simpl in H0. discriminate.
- intros. destruct xs. {
simpl in Heqlen. discriminate.
} destruct ms. {
simpl in Heqlen. discriminate.
} destruct ys. {
simpl in H1. simpl in H0.
destruct ns. auto. simpl in H1. discriminate.
} destruct ns. {
simpl in H1. discriminate.
rewrite zipWith_cons. rewrite zipWith_cons.
simpl in H. f_equal.
+ apply H. auto.
+ apply IHlen.
1 : { simpl in Heqlen. inversion Heqlen. auto. }
3 : { simpl in H1. inversion H1. auto. }
2 : { simpl in H. firstorder. }
Lemma zipWith_cons_singleton {X} : forall (xs : list X) (xss : list (list X)),
zipWith cons xs xss = zipWith (@app X) (map (fun x => [x]) xs) xss.
apply zipWith_ext.
2 : { now rewrite map_length. }
2 : { auto. }
revert xss.
induction xs.
- intros. simpl in H. tauto.
- intros. destruct xss.
+ simpl in H. tauto.
+ simpl in H. destruct H.
* inversion H. auto.
* eapply IHxs. eauto.
Lemma zipWith_rev {X Y Z} : forall (f : X -> Y -> Z) xs ys,
length xs = length ys
-> zipWith f (rev xs) (rev ys) = rev (zipWith f xs ys).
intros. unfold zipWith.
rewrite combine_rev by assumption.
apply map_rev.
Lemma zipWith_map2 {X Y Z W : Type} (f : X -> Y -> Z) (g : Z -> W) (xs : list X) (ys : list Y) :
map g (zipWith f xs ys) = zipWith (fun x y => g (f x y)) xs ys.
unfold zipWith at 2.
replace (map (fun '(x, y) => g (f x y)) (combine xs ys))
with (map g (map (fun '(x, y) => f x y) (combine xs ys))). 2: {
rewrite map_map. apply map_ext_in. intros [x y]. auto.
Lemma zipWith_ext_id_l {X Y : Type} (f : X -> Y -> X) (xs : list X) (ys : list Y) :
(forall x y, In (x, y) (combine xs ys) -> f x y = x)
-> length xs <= length ys
-> zipWith f xs ys = xs.
remember (length xs) as len.
generalize dependent xs.
generalize dependent ys.
induction len.
- intros. destruct xs; destruct ys; auto.
simpl in Heqlen. discriminate.
simpl in H0. discriminate.
- intros. destruct xs; destruct ys; auto.
+ simpl in H0. lia.
+ simpl in H. rewrite zipWith_cons.
* specialize (H x y). auto.
* apply IHlen.
simpl in Heqlen. lia.
intros. apply H. auto.
simpl in H0. lia.
Lemma zipWith_ext_id_r {X Y : Type} (f : X -> Y -> Y) (xs : list X) (ys : list Y) :
(forall x y, In (x, y) (combine xs ys) -> f x y = y)
-> length xs >= length ys
-> zipWith f xs ys = ys.
remember (length xs) as len.
generalize dependent xs.
generalize dependent ys.
induction len.
- intros. destruct xs; destruct ys; auto.
simpl in H0. lia.
simpl in H0. discriminate.
- intros. destruct xs; destruct ys; auto.
+ simpl in H0. discriminate.
+ simpl in H. rewrite zipWith_cons.
* specialize (H x y). auto.
* apply IHlen.
simpl in Heqlen. lia.
intros. apply H. auto.
simpl in H0. lia.
(* transpose *)
Fixpoint transpose {X : Type} (len : nat) (tapes : list (list X)) : list (list X) :=
match tapes with
| [] => repeat [] len
| t :: ts => zipWith cons t (transpose len ts)
Lemma transpose_length {X : Type} : forall len (tapes : list (list X)),
(forall t,
In t tapes -> length t >= len)
-> length (transpose len tapes) = len.
intros len tapes. revert len.
induction tapes; intros len Hlen.
- simpl. now rewrite repeat_length.
- simpl. rewrite zipWith_length.
rewrite IHtapes.
+ simpl in Hlen. specialize (Hlen a).
assert (length a >= len) by auto.
+ intros t Ht. apply Hlen. now right.
Lemma transpose_inner_length {X : Type}: forall len (tapes : list (list X)),
forall u,
In u (transpose len tapes)
-> length u = length tapes.
intros len tapes. revert len.
induction tapes; intros len u Hu.
- simpl in *. apply repeat_spec in Hu.
subst. auto.
- simpl in *.
unfold zipWith in Hu.
rewrite in_map_iff in Hu.
destruct Hu as [[u1 us] [Hu Hus]].
apply in_combine_r in Hus.
subst. simpl. f_equal.
Lemma transpose_inner_length_eq {X : Type} : forall len (tapes : list (list X)),
forall u v,
In u (transpose len tapes)
-> In v (transpose len tapes)
-> length u = length v.
apply transpose_inner_length in H.
apply transpose_inner_length in H0.
Lemma transpose_app {X : Type} : forall len (tapes1 tapes2 : list (list X)),
(forall t, In t tapes1 -> length t >= len)
-> (forall t, In t tapes2 -> length t >= len)
-> transpose len (tapes1 ++ tapes2) =
zipWith (@app X) (transpose len tapes1) (transpose len tapes2).
intros len tapes1 tapes2 Ht1 Ht2.
induction tapes1.
- simpl.
rewrite zipWith_repeat_l.
rewrite <- map_id with (xs := transpose _ _) at 1.
apply map_ext. auto.
rewrite transpose_length. auto. auto.
- simpl. rewrite IHtapes1.
+ rewrite zipWith_cons_singleton.
rewrite zipWith_cons_singleton.
rewrite zipWith_assoc by apply app_assoc.
+ simpl in Ht1. firstorder.
Lemma transpose_singleton {X : Type} : forall (t : list X),
transpose (length t) [t] = map (fun x => [x]) t.
intros. unfold transpose.
now rewrite zipWith_repeat_r by lia.
Lemma transpose_rev_aux {X : Type} : forall (xss : list (list X)) (l : list X),
(forall t u, In t xss -> In u xss -> length t = length u)
-> zipWith (@app X) (map (@rev X) xss) (map (fun x => [x]) l)
= map (@rev X) (zipWith (@app X) (map (fun x => [x]) l) xss).
induction xss as [ | xs xss].
- intros. simpl.
destruct l.
+ auto.
+ simpl. unfold zipWith. auto.
- intros. destruct l.
+ simpl. unfold zipWith. auto.
+ simpl map at 1 2. rewrite zipWith_cons.
simpl map at 3. f_equal.
rewrite IHxss. auto.
simpl in H. firstorder.
Lemma transpose_rev {X : Type} : forall len (tapes : list (list X)),
(forall t, In t tapes -> length t = len)
-> transpose len (rev tapes) = map (@rev X) (transpose len tapes).
intros len tapes Hlen.
induction tapes.
- simpl. rewrite <- map_id with (xs := repeat [] len) at 1.
apply map_ext_in. intros.
apply repeat_spec in H. subst. auto.
- simpl. simpl in Hlen.
assert (length a = len) as Ha. {
apply Hlen. auto.
rewrite transpose_app.
rewrite IHtapes.
rewrite zipWith_cons_singleton.
rewrite <- Ha.
rewrite transpose_singleton.
rewrite transpose_rev_aux. auto.
+ apply transpose_inner_length_eq.
+ auto.
+ intros. rewrite <- in_rev in H.
enough (length t = len) by lia. auto.
+ simpl. intros.
enough (length t = len) by lia. firstorder.
Lemma transpose_zipWith_cons {X : Type} : forall len (mat : list (list X)) t,
(forall u, In u mat -> length u >= len)
-> length t = length mat
-> transpose (S len) (zipWith cons t mat) = t :: transpose len mat.
intros len mat. revert len. induction mat as [ | t1 mat1 IHmat].
- intros. simpl. destruct t; auto. simpl in H0. discriminate.
- intros. simpl. destruct t.
+ simpl in H0. discriminate.
+ rewrite zipWith_cons.
simpl transpose. rewrite IHmat.
* now rewrite zipWith_cons.
* simpl in H. firstorder.
* simpl in H0. now inversion H0.
Lemma transpose_involutive {X : Type} : forall len (tapes : list (list X)),
(forall t, In t tapes -> length t = len)
-> transpose (length tapes) (transpose len tapes) = tapes.
intros len tapes. revert len.
induction tapes as [ | t tapes1 IHtapes].
- simpl. intros.
destruct len; auto.
- intros. simpl. rewrite transpose_zipWith_cons.
+ rewrite IHtapes. auto.
simpl in H. firstorder.
+ simpl in H. intros.
enough (length u = length tapes1) by lia.
apply transpose_inner_length with (len := len).
+ rewrite transpose_length.
* simpl in H. apply H. auto.
* simpl in H. intros.
enough (length t0 = len) by lia.
apply H. auto.
Lemma transpose_rev2 {X : Type} : forall len (tapes : list (list X)),
(forall t, In t tapes -> length t = len)
-> rev (transpose len tapes) = transpose len (map (@rev X) tapes).
intros len tapes Hlen.
pose proof (@transpose_rev X (length tapes) (transpose len tapes)).
assert (forall t, In t (transpose len tapes) -> length t = length tapes) as Hlen2. {
intros; now apply transpose_inner_length in H0.
specialize (H Hlen2).
rewrite transpose_involutive in H.
apply (f_equal (fun x => transpose len x)) in H.
replace len with (length (rev (transpose len tapes))) in H at 1. 2 :{
rewrite rev_length. rewrite transpose_length. auto.
intros. enough (length t = len) by lia. auto.
rewrite transpose_involutive in H. auto.
- intros. rewrite <- in_rev in H0.
now apply transpose_inner_length with (len := len).
- auto.
(* (1) from transpose_rev: transpose (rev tapes) = map rev (transpose tapes)
(2) plugin (tapes := transpose tapes):
transpose (rev (transpose tapes))
= map rev (transpose (transpose tapes))
= map rev tapes
(3) apply transpose to both sides.
Lemma transpose_firstn {X : Type} : forall len (tapes : list (list X)) n,
(forall t, In t tapes -> length t >= len)
-> transpose len (firstn n tapes) = map (firstn n) (transpose len tapes).
intros len tapes n Hlen.
assert (n > length tapes \/ n <= length tapes) as [Hn | Hn] by lia. {
rewrite firstn_all2 by lia.
rewrite map_ext_in with (g := id).
now rewrite map_id.
intros. simpl.
rewrite firstn_all2.
auto. apply transpose_inner_length in H. lia.
rewrite <- firstn_skipn with (l := tapes) (n := n) at 2.
rewrite transpose_app. rewrite zipWith_map2.
rewrite zipWith_ext_id_l. auto.
- intros. rewrite firstn_app.
enough (n = length x). {
rewrite H0.
replace (length x - length x) with 0 by lia.
rewrite firstn_O. rewrite firstn_all. apply app_nil_r.
apply in_combine_l in H.
apply transpose_inner_length in H.
rewrite firstn_length in H.
- repeat rewrite transpose_length. auto.
* intros. apply skipn_in in H. auto.
* intros. apply firstn_in in H. auto.
- intros. apply firstn_in in H. auto.
- intros. apply skipn_in in H. auto.
Lemma transpose_skipn {X : Type} : forall len (tapes : list (list X)) n,
(forall t, In t tapes -> length t >= len)
-> transpose len (skipn n tapes) = map (skipn n) (transpose len tapes).
intros len tapes n Hlen.
assert (n > length tapes \/ n <= length tapes) as [Hn | Hn] by lia. {
rewrite skipn_all2 by lia.
simpl. revert Hn.
induction tapes.
- simpl. rewrite map_repeat. destruct n; auto.
- simpl. intros. rewrite zipWith_map2. unfold zipWith.
rewrite map_ext_in with (g := (fun x => [])). 2 : {
intros. destruct a0.
pose proof H as H0.
apply in_combine_l in H.
apply in_combine_r in H0.
apply skipn_all2.
simpl. apply transpose_inner_length in H0.
assert (length (combine a (transpose len tapes)) = len). {
rewrite combine_length. simpl in Hlen.
rewrite transpose_length. specialize (Hlen a ltac:(auto)). lia.
remember (map _ (combine _ _)) as rhs.
assert (rhs = repeat [] (length rhs)). {
rewrite repeat_iff. subst rhs. intros.
apply in_map_iff in H0. destruct H0 as [? [? ?]].
rewrite Heqrhs in H0 at 2. rewrite map_length in H0.
rewrite H in H0. auto.
rewrite <- firstn_skipn with (l := tapes) (n := n) at 2.
rewrite transpose_app. rewrite zipWith_map2.
rewrite zipWith_ext_id_r. auto.
- intros. rewrite skipn_app.
enough (n = length x). {
rewrite H0.
replace (length x - length x) with 0 by lia.
rewrite skipn_O. rewrite skipn_all. auto.
apply in_combine_l in H.
apply transpose_inner_length in H.
rewrite firstn_length in H.
- repeat rewrite transpose_length. auto.
* intros. apply skipn_in in H. auto.
* intros. apply firstn_in in H. auto.
- intros. apply firstn_in in H. auto.
- intros. apply skipn_in in H. auto.
Lemma skipn_zipWith_cons {X : Type} (xs : list X) (xss : list (list X)) :
length xs >= length xss
-> map (skipn 1) (zipWith cons xs xss) = xss.
generalize dependent xs.
induction xss; intros.
- destruct xs; auto.
- destruct xs.
+ simpl in H. lia.
+ rewrite zipWith_cons.
rewrite map_cons.
simpl skipn at 1.
f_equal. apply IHxss.
simpl in H. lia.
(* ij_error *)
Definition ij_error {X : Type} (i j : nat) (l : list (list X)) : option X :=
match nth_error l i with
| Some l' => nth_error l' j
| None => None
Lemma ij_error_remove_rows {X : Type} (i j d : nat) (l : list (list X)) :
ij_error (i + d) j l = ij_error i j (skipn d l).
unfold ij_error.
rewrite nth_error_skipn.
Lemma ij_error_remove_cols {X : Type} (i j d : nat) (l : list (list X)) :
ij_error i (j + d) l = ij_error i j (map (skipn d) l).
unfold ij_error.
remember (nth_error l i) as row_i.
destruct row_i.
2 : {
symmetry in Heqrow_i.
rewrite nth_error_None in Heqrow_i.
assert (nth_error (map (skipn d) l) i = None). {
rewrite nth_error_None.
now rewrite map_length.
rewrite H. auto.
assert (length l > i) as Hlen. {
symmetry in Heqrow_i.
assert (nth_error l i <> None) by congruence.
rewrite nth_error_Some in H.
remember (nth_error (map (skipn d) l) i) as row_i'.
destruct row_i'.
2 : {
symmetry in Heqrow_i'.
rewrite nth_error_None in Heqrow_i'.
rewrite map_length in Heqrow_i'. lia.
rewrite nth_error_map in Heqrow_i'.
rewrite <- Heqrow_i in Heqrow_i'. simpl in Heqrow_i'.
inversion Heqrow_i'. subst.
now rewrite nth_error_skipn.
Lemma transpose_spec_0 {X : Type} : forall (xs : list X) (xss : list (list X)) i,
length xss = length xs
-> nth_error xs i = ij_error i 0 (zipWith cons xs xss).
induction xs.
- intros. simpl. destruct i; auto.
- intros xss. destruct i.
+ intros. simpl. unfold ij_error.
destruct xss.
* simpl in H. lia.
* simpl. auto.
+ intros. simpl. unfold ij_error.
destruct xss.
* simpl in H. lia.
* rewrite zipWith_cons.
simpl nth_error.
rewrite IHxs with (xss := xss).
auto. simpl in H. lia.
Lemma transpose_spec {X : Type} : forall len (tapes : list (list X)),
(forall t,
In t tapes -> length t = len)
-> forall i j,
ij_error i j tapes = ij_error j i (transpose len tapes).
induction tapes as [|l tapes IHt]; simpl; intros H.
- (* when the matrix is empty *)
intros i j.
destruct i.
+ unfold ij_error at 1. simpl.
unfold ij_error.
assert (j < len \/ j >= len) by lia.
destruct H0.
++ rewrite nth_error_repeat by apply H0.
++ assert (nth_error (repeat (@nil X) len) j = None). {
rewrite nth_error_None by lia.
rewrite repeat_length.
rewrite H1. auto.
+ unfold ij_error at 1. simpl.
unfold ij_error.
assert (j < len \/ j >= len) by lia.
destruct H0.
++ rewrite nth_error_repeat by apply H0.
++ assert (nth_error (repeat (@nil X) len) j = None). {
rewrite nth_error_None by lia.
rewrite repeat_length.
rewrite H1. auto.
- destruct i.
+ (* ij_error 0 j and ij_error j 0 *)
intros j.
unfold ij_error at 1. simpl.
apply transpose_spec_0.
rewrite transpose_length.
symmetry. apply H. auto.
intros. enough (length t = len) by lia.
apply H. auto.
+ (* ij_error (S i) j and ij_error j (S i *)
replace (S i) with (i + 1) by lia. intros.
rewrite ij_error_remove_cols.
rewrite ij_error_remove_rows.
simpl skipn at 1.
rewrite IHt.
rewrite skipn_zipWith_cons. auto.
* rewrite transpose_length.
enough (length l = len) by lia.
apply H. auto.
enough (length t = len) by lia.
apply H. auto.
* intros.
enough (length t = len) by lia.
apply H. auto.
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