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Last active September 19, 2020 08:00
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import data.zmod.basic
tactic.find data.vector
lemma zip_with_len_l {α β γ : Type*} {l₁ : list α} {l₂ : list β} {f : α → β → γ}
(h : list.length l₁ = list.length l₂) :
list.length (list.zip_with f l₁ l₂) = list.length l₁ :=
induction l₁ with x xs ih generalizing l₂,
{simp [list.zip_with]},
cases l₂ with y ys,
{injection h},
{simp only [list.zip_with, list.length], finish}
lemma map_with_len_l {α β : Type*} {l₁ : list α} {f : α → β} :
list.length ( f l₁) = list.length l₁ :=
induction l₁ with x xs ih,
{simp []},
{simp []},
namespace encryption
(p q k : ℕ) (g h pubkey : zmod p) (prikey : zmod q)
[Hk : 2 ≤ k] [Hp : fact ( p)] [Hq : fact ( q)]
[Hdiv : p = q * k + 1] [H₁ : h ≠ 0] [H₂ : h^k ≠ 1]
[H₃ : g = h^k] [H₄ : g^prikey.val = pubkey]
/- ElGamal Encryption -/
def elgamal_enc (m : zmod p) (r : zmod q) :=
(g ^ r.val, g ^ m.val * pubkey ^ r.val)
/- ElGamal Decryption -/
def elgamal_dec (c : zmod p × zmod p) :=
c.2 * (c.1 ^ prikey.val)⁻¹
/- ElGamal Reencryption -/
def elgamal_reenc (c : zmod p × zmod p) (r : zmod q) :=
(c.1 * g ^ r.val, c.2 * pubkey ^ r.val)
/- Multiplication of two ciphertext -/
def ciphertext_mult (c d : zmod p × zmod p) :=
(c.1 * d.1, c.2 * d.2)
/- Encryption of a ballot (vector of length n) -/
def elgamal_enc_ballot : list (zmod p) → list (zmod q) → list (zmod p × zmod p)
| [] [] := []
| [] (r :: rs) := []
| (m :: ms) [] := []
| (m :: ms) (r :: rs) :=
(elgamal_enc p q g pubkey m r) :: elgamal_enc_ballot ms rs
/- Encryption of a ballot (vector of length n)
def vector_elgamal_enc {n : ℕ} :
vector (zmod p) n -> vector (zmod q) n -> vector (zmod p × zmod p) n
| ⟨ms, Hm⟩ ⟨rs, Hr⟩ :=
⟨list.zip_with (elgamal_enc p q g pubkey) ms rs,
have Ht : list.length ms = list.length rs :=
begin rw [Hm, Hr] end,
rw <- Hm, apply zip_with_len_l, exact Ht
end⟩ -/
def elgamal_dec_ballot : list (zmod p × zmod p) → list (zmod p)
| [] := []
| (c :: cs) := elgamal_dec p q prikey c :: elgamal_dec_ballot cs
/- Decryption of a ballot (vector of length n)
def vector_elgamal_dec {n : ℕ} :
vector (zmod p × zmod p) n -> vector (zmod p) n
| ⟨cs, Hc⟩ :=
⟨ (elgamal_dec p q prikey) cs,
rw <- Hc, apply map_with_len_l,
end⟩ -/
def elgamal_reenc_ballot : list (zmod p × zmod p) → list (zmod q) → list (zmod p × zmod p)
| [] [] := []
| [] (r :: rs) := []
| (c :: cs) [] := []
| (c :: cs) (r :: rs) :=
(elgamal_reenc p q g pubkey c r) :: elgamal_reenc_ballot cs rs
/- Reencryption of ballot (vector of length n)
def vector_elgamal_reenc {n : ℕ} :
vector (zmod p × zmod p) n -> vector (zmod q) n -> vector (zmod p × zmod p) n
| ⟨cs, Hc⟩ ⟨rs, Hr⟩ :=
⟨list.zip_with (elgamal_reenc p q g pubkey) cs rs,
have Ht : list.length cs = list.length rs :=
begin rw [Hc, Hr] end,
rw <- Hc, apply zip_with_len_l, exact Ht
end⟩ -/
def ciphertext_mult_ballot : list (zmod p × zmod p) → list (zmod p × zmod p) → list (zmod p × zmod p)
| [] [] := []
| [] (c₂ :: cs₂) := []
| (c₁ :: cs₁) [] := []
| (c₁ :: cs₁) (c₂:: cs₂) :=
(ciphertext_mult p c₁ c₂) :: ciphertext_mult_ballot cs₁ cs₂
/- Component wise multiplication of two ballot of same length (vector of length n )
def vector_ciphertext_mult {n : ℕ} :
vector (zmod p × zmod p) n -> vector (zmod p × zmod p) n -> vector (zmod p × zmod p) n
| ⟨cs₁, Hc₁⟩ ⟨cs₂, Hc₂⟩ :=
⟨list.zip_with (ciphertext_mult p) cs₁ cs₂,
have Ht : list.length cs₁ = list.length cs₂ :=
begin rw [Hc₁, Hc₂] end,
rw <- Hc₁, apply zip_with_len_l, exact Ht,
def raise_message_to_generator : list (zmod p) → list (zmod p)
| [] := []
| (m :: ms) := (g ^ m.val) :: raise_message_to_generator ms
/- Decrypting additive ElGamal gives g^m
def raise_message_to_generator {n : ℕ} : vector (zmod p) n → vector (zmod p) n
| ⟨ms, Hm⟩ := ⟨ (λ (m : zmod p), g ^ m.val) ms,
rw map_with_len_l, exact Hm
end⟩ -/
/- Compute finally tally, which is multiplying all the ballots
component wise. In final count, these ballots will be
passed through a (formally verified) mix-net with zero-knowledge
proof -/
/- proof that g is a generator of the group -/
include Hp Hq Hdiv H₁ H₂ H₃ H₄
lemma generator_proof : g ^ q = 1 :=
rw [H₃, ← pow_mul, mul_comm],
have H : p - 1 = q * k := nat.pred_eq_of_eq_succ Hdiv,
rw ← H, exact zmod.pow_card_sub_one_eq_one H₁,
/- correctness property of encryption and decryption -/
theorem elgamal_enc_dec_identity : ∀ m r c,
c = elgamal_enc p q g pubkey m r →
elgamal_dec p q prikey c = g ^ m.val :=
unfold elgamal_enc elgamal_dec, simp,
intros m r c Hc, rw [Hc, ←H₄, ←pow_mul, ←pow_mul, mul_assoc],
have Hc : prikey.val * r.val = r.val * prikey.val :=
mul_comm (zmod.val prikey) (zmod.val r),
have Hd : g ≠ 0 := begin rw H₃,
exact pow_ne_zero k H₁ end,
rw [Hc, mul_inv_cancel], simp,
exact pow_ne_zero _ Hd,
/- re-encryption correctness -/
theorem elgamal_reenc_correct : ∀ r r₁ m c₁ c₂, c₁ = elgamal_enc p q g pubkey m r →
c₂ = elgamal_reenc p q g pubkey c₁ r₁ → elgamal_dec p q prikey c₂ = g ^ m.val :=
intros r r₁ m c₁ c₂ Hc₁ Hc₂, symmetry,
rw [Hc₂, Hc₁], unfold elgamal_reenc elgamal_enc elgamal_dec, simp,
rw [←H₄, tactic.ring.pow_add_rev g (zmod.val r) (zmod.val r₁)],
rw @tactic.ring_exp.pow_e_pf_exp _ _ (g ^ prikey.val) g prikey.val r.val _ rfl rfl,
rw @tactic.ring_exp.pow_e_pf_exp _ _ (g ^ prikey.val) g prikey.val r₁.val _ rfl rfl,
rw @tactic.ring_exp.pow_e_pf_exp _ _ (g ^ (r.val + r₁.val)) g (r.val + r₁.val) prikey.val _ rfl rfl,
have Ha : g ^ m.val * g ^ (prikey.val * r.val) * g ^ (prikey.val * r₁.val) *
(g ^ ((r.val + r₁.val) * prikey.val))⁻¹ = g ^ m.val *
(g ^ (prikey.val * r.val) * g ^ (prikey.val * r₁.val)) * (g ^ ((r.val + r₁.val) * prikey.val))⁻¹, ring,
rw [Ha, tactic.ring.pow_add_rev g (prikey.val * r.val) (prikey.val * r₁.val)], clear Ha,
have Hb : g ^ (prikey.val * r.val + prikey.val * r₁.val) = g ^ (prikey.val * (r.val + r₁.val)), ring,
rw [Hb, mul_comm prikey.val (r.val + r₁.val), mul_assoc, mul_inv_cancel], ring,
apply pow_ne_zero, rw H₃, apply pow_ne_zero, exact H₁,
theorem additive_homomorphic_property : ∀ c d m₁ m₂ r₁ r₂,
c = elgamal_enc p q g pubkey m₁ r₁ ->
d = elgamal_enc p q g pubkey m₂ r₂ ->
(g ^ (r₁.val + r₂.val), g ^ (m₁.val + m₂.val) *
pubkey ^ (r₁.val + r₂.val)) = ciphertext_mult p c d :=
unfold elgamal_enc ciphertext_mult,
intros c d m₁ m₂ r₁ r₂ Hc Hd, rw [Hc, Hd], simp,
have Ht₁ : g ^ (r₁.val + r₂.val) = g ^ r₁.val * g ^ r₂.val :=
pow_add g r₁.val r₂.val,
have Ht₂ : g ^ (m₁.val + m₂.val) * pubkey ^ (r₁.val + r₂.val) =
g ^ m₁.val * pubkey ^ r₁.val * (g ^ m₂.val * pubkey ^ r₂.val) :=
begin rw [pow_add, pow_add], simp, ring end,
exact and.intro Ht₁ Ht₂,
theorem ballot_elgamal_enc_dec_identity : ∀ (ms : list (zmod p)) (rs : list (zmod q)) cs,
list.length ms = list.length rs → cs = elgamal_enc_ballot p q g pubkey ms rs →
elgamal_dec_ballot p q prikey cs = raise_message_to_generator p g ms
| [] [] :=
simp [elgamal_enc_ballot, elgamal_dec_ballot,
| [] (rsh :: rst) := λ cs Hl, begin contradiction, end
| (msh :: mst) [] := λ cs Hl, begin contradiction, end
| (msh :: mst) (rsh :: rst) := λ cs Hl Hcs,
rw Hcs, cases cs with csh cst, contradiction,
simp [elgamal_enc_ballot] at Hcs,
simp [elgamal_enc_ballot, elgamal_dec_ballot,
/- why can't I apply the elgamal_enc_dec_identity -/
apply elgamal_enc_dec_identity,
cases Hcs,
specialize (ballot_elgamal_enc_dec_identity mst rst cst _ Hcs_right),
rw ← Hcs_right, assumption, simp [list.length] at Hl, exact Hl,
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pqk: ℕ
ghpubkey: zmod p
prikey: zmod q
Hp: fact ( p)
Hq: fact ( q)
Hdiv: p = q * k + 1
H₁: h ≠ 0
H₂: h ^ k ≠ 1
H₃: g = h ^ k
H₄: g ^ prikey.val = pubkey
ballot_elgamal_enc_dec_identity: ∀ (ms : list (zmod p)) (rs : list (zmod q)) (cs : list (zmod p × zmod p)), ms.length = rs.length → cs = elgamal_enc_ballot p q g pubkey ms rs → elgamal_dec_ballot p q prikey cs = raise_message_to_generator p g ms
msh: zmod p
mst: list (zmod p)
rsh: zmod q
rst: list (zmod q)
Hl: (msh :: mst).length = (rsh :: rst).length
csh: zmod p × zmod p
cst: list (zmod p × zmod p)
Hcs: csh = elgamal_enc p q g pubkey msh rsh ∧ cst = elgamal_enc_ballot p q g pubkey mst rst
⊢ elgamal_dec p q prikey (elgamal_enc p q g pubkey msh rsh) = g ^ msh.val

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