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Last active August 15, 2019 13:06
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Pose estimation using scipy.least_squares()
from scipy.optimize import least_squares as ls
import math
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def huber(r, delta):
if math.sqrt(r) < delta:
return r / (2 * delta)
return sqrt(r) - delta / 2
def convertParamsToPose(eParams):
rotation_x = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, math.cos(eParams[1]), -math.sin(eParams[1])], [0, math.sin(eParams[1]), math.cos(eParams[1])]])
rotation_y = np.array([[math.cos(eParams[2]), 0, math.sin(eParams[2])], [0, 1, 0], [-math.sin(eParams[2]), 0, math.cos(eParams[2])]])
rotation_z = np.array([[math.cos(eParams[3]), -math.sin(eParams[3]), 0], [math.sin(eParams[3]), math.cos(eParams[3]), 0], [0, 0, 1]])
rotation_3d = np.matmul(np.matmul(rotation_x, rotation_y), rotation_z)
translation = np.array([[eParams[4]], [eParams[5]], [eParams[6]]])
pose = np.hstack((eParams[0] * rotation_3d, translation))
pose = np.vstack((pose, [0, 0, 0, 1]))
return pose
def convertPoseToParams(pose):
scale = math.sqrt(pose[0][0] * pose[0][0] + pose[0][1] * pose[0][1] + pose[0][2] * pose[0][2])
rotation = pose[:3, :3] / scale
translation = pose[:3, 3]
rot = np.ndarray((3))
rot[0] = math.atan2(-rotation[1][2], rotation[2][2])
rot[1] = math.asin(rotation[0][2])
rot[2] = math.atan2(-rotation[0][1], rotation[0][0])
final = np.array([scale])
final = np.concatenate((final, rot))
final = np.concatenate((final, translation))
return final
def photometricResidual(u, i_k, dVal, i_t, pose, cameraIntrinsics): #dVal is the depth value of keyframe image at u
intrinsics_inv = np.linalg.inv(cameraIntrinsics)
vertexMap = np.matmul(intrinsics_inv, dVal * cv2.convertPointsToHomogeneous(u))
vertexMap = cv2.convertPointsToHomogeneous(vertexMap)
proj3d = np.matmul(pose, vertexMap)
proj2d = np.matmul(cameraIntrinsics, proj3d)
proj2d = cv2.convertPointsFromHomogeneous(proj2d)
residual = i_k[u[0]][u[1]] - i_t[proj2d[0]][proj2d[1]]
return residual
def variance(u, i_k, dVal, i_t, pose, cameraIntrinsics, invDepthVar):
dr = photometricResidual(u, i_k, dVal + 0.01, i_t, pose, cameraIntrinsics) - photometricResidual(u, i_k, dVal, i_t, pose, cameraIntrinsics)
grad = dr / 0.01
sig_i = 0;
return sig_i * sig_i + grad * grad * invDepthVar
def poseOptimize(initGuess, image1, dMap, image2, intrinsics, accuracy): #accuracy refers to the number of high gradient points for which the residual is to be calculated
laplacian = cv2.Laplacian(image1,cv2.CV_64F)
def costs(x):
result = np.array([[]])
count = 0
while count < accuracy:
u = [math.floor(laplacian.shape[0] * random.random()), math.floor(laplacian.shape[1] * random.random())]
if math.fabs(laplacian[u[0], u[1]]) > 30:
r_2 = math.pow(photometricResidual(u, image1, dMap[u[0]][u[1]], image2, convertParamsToPose(x), cameraIntrinsics), 2)
cost = huber(r_2 / variance(u, image1, dMap[u[0]][u[1]], image2, convertParamsToPose(x), cameraIntrinsics, uncMap[u[0]][u[1]]))
result = np.hstack(result, cost)
return result
res_1 = least_squares(costs, initGuess)
return res_1.x
intrinsicMat = [[525.0, 0, 319.5], [0, 525.0, 239.0], [0, 0, 1]]
kf = cv2.imread('kf.png',0)
kf_d = cv2.imread('kf_d.png',0)
it = cv2.imread('it.png',0)
it_d = cv2.imread('it_d.png',0)
result = poseOptimize([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], kf, kf_d, it, intrinsicMat, 100)
endPose = convertPoseToParams(result)
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