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Created December 5, 2020 13:52
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Returns the partial deep diff between two objects
type PartialDeep<T> = {
[P in keyof T]?: PartialDeep<T[P]>;
type objectType = Record<string, any>;
type nonObjectType = number | string | undefined | boolean | null;
const arrayDiff = <T extends nonObjectType | objectType>(
oldArr: T[],
newArr: T[],
_: string,
): Array<PartialDeep<T>> | undefined => {
const finalDiff: T[] = [];
newArr.forEach((item, index) => {
if (typeof oldArr[index] === 'object' && typeof item === 'object') {
const localDiff = objectDiff(
oldArr[index] as objectType,
item as objectType,
if (localDiff !== undefined) {
finalDiff.push(localDiff! as T);
} else if (typeof oldArr[index] !== typeof item) {
} else {
const localDiff = diff(
oldArr[index] as nonObjectType,
item as nonObjectType,
if (localDiff !== undefined) {
finalDiff.push(localDiff! as T);
if (finalDiff.length === 0) {
return undefined;
return finalDiff as Array<PartialDeep<T>>;
export const diff = <T extends nonObjectType>(
oldVal: T,
newVal: T,
): T | undefined => (newVal !== oldVal ? newVal : undefined);
export const objectDiff = <T extends objectType>(
oldObj: T,
newObj: T,
arrayDiffFunc = arrayDiff,
): PartialDeep<T> | undefined => {
// basic checks
if (oldObj === null || newObj === null) {
return newObj;
if (typeof oldObj !== typeof newObj) {
return newObj;
if (typeof oldObj !== 'object') {
return oldObj !== newObj ? newObj : undefined;
const finalDiff: objectType = {};
const keySet = new Set([...Object.keys(oldObj!), ...Object.keys(newObj!)]);
const keys = Array.from(keySet);
keys.forEach(key => {
const newVal = newObj[key];
const oldVal = oldObj[key];
if (typeof newVal !== typeof oldVal) {
// if type is different value from new object
// will considered as changed values
finalDiff[key] = newVal;
} else {
const valType = typeof newVal;
switch (valType) {
case 'string':
case 'boolean':
case 'number':
case 'undefined': {
const localDiff = diff(oldVal, newVal);
if (localDiff !== undefined) {
finalDiff[key] = localDiff;
case 'object': {
if (newVal === null || oldVal === null) {
if (newVal !== oldVal) {
finalDiff[key] = newVal;
} else if (Array.isArray(newVal) && Array.isArray(oldVal)) {
// both is array
const localDiff = arrayDiffFunc(oldVal, newVal, key);
if (localDiff !== undefined) {
finalDiff[key] = localDiff;
} else if (Array.isArray(newVal) || Array.isArray(oldVal)) {
// one is array
finalDiff[key] = newVal;
} else {
// both are plan object
const localDiff = objectDiff(oldVal, newVal);
if (localDiff !== undefined) {
finalDiff[key] = localDiff;
default: {
if (Object.keys(finalDiff).length === 0) {
return undefined;
return finalDiff as PartialDeep<T>;
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