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Last active July 17, 2018 03:13
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  • Save mulderu/fccbf997552ff3fd660d11dbd954e62e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mulderu/fccbf997552ff3fd660d11dbd954e62e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
bash util
# locale setup
sudo locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"
sudo locale-gen "ko_KR.UTF-8"
export LANG="ko_KR.UTF-8"
export LC_ALL="ko_KR.UTF-8"
# multiple fname pattern find
find /home/mulder/Downloads/phone_0 -name "*.jpg" -o -name "*.png"
# Cleans directory from cvs dir/files.
# kill process by grep
ps -ef | grep skess | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
find "$1" -name 'CVS' -exec rm -rf '{}' \; -print
# Generate fake file with a specific size (useful for uploads)
head -c 3000000 /dev/urandom >
# Extracts count per page name in an access_log Apache file
awk -F'[ "]+' '{ pagecount[$7]++ } END { for (i in pagecount) { printf "%d - %15s\n", pagecount[i], i } }' access_log
# Get only response headers of a webpage.
curl -s -D- -onul ""
# Fetch a webpage, returning only its body.
wget -qO- ""
# Search files modified on the latest 2 days
find . -mtime -2
# Copy last command with its output.
# Usage:
# $ <COMMAND> | pbcopy
# $ pbcopylast
function pbcopylast {
last=$(history 2 | head -1)
echo -n $last | sed "s/^[ ]*[0-9]*[ ]*/\$ /g" | sed "s/[ ]*\|[ ]*pbcopy$//g"
echo ""
) | pbcopy
# make last 500 files
ls -tlr *.{jpg,png} | tail -500 > ls.txt
rm -rf updated
mkdir -p updated
cut -c47-80 ls.txt | awk '{print "cp " $1 " updated" }' > cp-shell
sh cp-shell
tar czf updated.tgz updated
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mulderu commented Aug 21, 2017

make tar ball last 500 files in directory
use ls -tlr, tail, cut and awk

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mulderu commented Sep 8, 2017

sudo useradd -m -c "goodUser" mulder -s /bin/bash
sudo passwd mulder

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mulderu commented Sep 8, 2017


run user level program

su - mulder -s /bin/sh -c "cd /opt/jarvis/webapp && nohup sh run > /opt/jarvis/webapp/jv.log 2>&1 &"

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mulderu commented Oct 21, 2017


make new label files from source label-list

mkdir -p label2
while IFS= read -r var
echo "$var"
cat "$var" | awk '{print 0 " " $2 " " $3 " " $4 " " $5}' > label2/$var
(( k = k + 1 ))
done < "list-01"

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mulderu commented Oct 21, 2017


make new label files from source label-list (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) => (0,1)

mkdir -p label2
while IFS= read -r var
echo "$var"
cat "$var" | sed s/^0/0/ | sed s/^1/0/ | sed s/^2/0/ | sed s/^3/0/ | sed s/^4/0/
| sed s/^5/1/ | sed s/^6/1/ | sed s/^7/1/ | sed s/^8/1/ | sed s/^9/1/ > label2/$var
(( k = k + 1 ))
done < "img.zzz"

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mulderu commented Dec 20, 2017

file copy in text files to dest folder

cat /zzz/ | xargs cp -t dest_folder/test_files

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mulderu commented Jul 3, 2018


DATE=date +%Y-%m-%d
DATE=date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

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