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Created March 7, 2017 20:44
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"Catalog persistence
Catalogs are persisted in a relational database. Roughly speaking,
the schema looks like this:
* resource_parameters are associated 0 to N catalog_resources (they are
deduped across catalogs). It's possible for a resource_param to exist in the
database, yet not be associated with a catalog. This is done as a
performance optimization.
* edges are associated with a single catalog
* catalogs are associated with a single certname
* facts are associated with a single certname
The standard set of operations on information in the database will
likely result in dangling resources and catalogs; to clean these
up, it's important to run `garbage-collect!`."
(:require [puppetlabs.puppetdb.catalogs :as cat]
[puppetlabs.puppetdb.facts :as facts]
[puppetlabs.puppetdb.reports :as reports]
[puppetlabs.puppetdb.facts :as facts :refer [facts-schema]]
[puppetlabs.kitchensink.core :as kitchensink]
[ :as sutils]
[puppetlabs.puppetdb.jdbc :as jdbc]
[com.rpl.specter :as sp]
[ :as sql]
[clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as log]
[ :as data]
[puppetlabs.puppetdb.scf.hash :as shash]
[ :as sutils]
[schema.core :as s]
[puppetlabs.puppetdb.schema :as pls :refer [defn-validated]]
[puppetlabs.puppetdb.utils :as utils]
[clj-time.core :refer [ago now]]
[puppetlabs.puppetdb.metrics.core :as metrics]
[metrics.counters :refer [counter inc! value]]
[metrics.gauges :refer [gauge-fn]]
[metrics.histograms :refer [histogram update!]]
[metrics.timers :refer [timer time!]]
[puppetlabs.puppetdb.jdbc :refer [query-to-vec]]
[puppetlabs.puppetdb.time :refer [to-timestamp]]
[honeysql.core :as hcore])
(:import [org.postgresql.util PGobject]
[org.joda.time Period]))
;;; Schemas
(def resource-ref-schema
{:type String
:title String})
(def json-primitive-schema (s/cond-pre String Number Boolean))
;; the maximum number of parameters pl-jdbc will admit in a prepared statement
;; is 32767. delete-pending-value-id-orphans will create a prepared statement
;; with 5 times the number of invalidated values, so 6000 here keeps us under
;; that and leaves some room.
(def gc-chunksize 6000)
(def resource-schema
(merge resource-ref-schema
{(s/optional-key :exported) Boolean
(s/optional-key :file) String
(s/optional-key :line) s/Int
(s/optional-key :tags) #{String}
(s/optional-key :aliases)#{String}
(s/optional-key :parameters) {s/Any s/Any}}))
(def resource-ref->resource-schema
{resource-ref-schema resource-schema})
(def edge-relationship-schema (s/enum :contains :before :required-by :notifies :subscription-of))
(def edge-schema
{:source resource-ref-schema
:target resource-ref-schema
:relationship edge-relationship-schema})
(def catalog-schema
"This is a bit of a hack to make a more restrictive schema in the storage layer.
Moving the more restrictive resource/edge schemas into puppetdb.catalogs is TODO. Upstream
code needs to assume a map of resources (not a vector) and tests need to be update to adhere
to the new format."
(assoc cat/catalog-wireformat-schema
:resources resource-ref->resource-schema
:edges #{edge-schema}))
(def environments-schema
{:id s/Int
:environment s/Str})
;;; Schemas - Internal
(def resource-ref->hash {resource-ref-schema String})
(def edge-db-schema
#{[(s/one String "source hash")
(s/one String "target hash")
(s/one String "relationship type")]})
(declare add-certname!)
;;; Metrics
(def storage-metrics-registry (get-in metrics/metrics-registries [:storage :registry]))
;; ## Performance metrics
;; ### Timers for catalog storage
;; * `:replace-catalog`: the time it takes to replace the catalog for
;; a host
;; * `:new-catalog`: the time it takes to persist a catalog for a
;; never before seen certname
;; * `:catalog-hash-match`: the time it takes to persist the updates
;; for a catalog with a matches the previously stored hash
;; * `:catalog-hash-miss`: the time it takes to persist the
;; differential updates of the previously stored catalog and this one
;; * `:add-resources`: the time it takes to persist just a catalog's
;; resources
;; * `:add-edges`: the time it takes to persist just a catalog's edges
;; * `:catalog-hash`: the time it takes to compute a catalog's
;; similary hash
;; ### Counters for catalog storage
;; * `:updated-catalog`: how many brand new or updated (non-duplicate)
;; catalogs we've received
;; * `:duplicate-catalog`: how many duplicate catalogs we've received
;; ### Gauges for catalog storage
;; * `:duplicate-pct`: percentage of incoming catalogs determined to
;; be duplicates
;; ### Catalog Histograms
;; * `:catalog-volatility`: number of inserts/updates/deletes required
;; per hash miss
;; ### Timers for garbage collection
;; * `:gc`: the time it takes to collect all database garbage
;; * `:gc-catalogs`: the time it takes to remove all unused catalogs
;; * `:gc-params`: the time it takes to remove all unused resource params
;; ### Timers for fact storage
;; * `:replace-facts`: the time it takes to replace the facts for a
;; host
(def performance-metrics
:add-resources (timer storage-metrics-registry ["add-resources"])
:add-edges (timer storage-metrics-registry ["add-edges"])
:resource-hashes (timer storage-metrics-registry ["resource-hashes"])
:catalog-hash (timer storage-metrics-registry ["catalog-hash"])
:add-new-catalog (timer storage-metrics-registry ["new-catalog-time"])
:catalog-hash-match (timer storage-metrics-registry ["catalog-hash-match-time"])
:catalog-hash-miss (timer storage-metrics-registry ["catalog-hash-miss-time"])
:replace-catalog (timer storage-metrics-registry ["replace-catalog-time"])
:gc (timer storage-metrics-registry ["gc-time"])
:gc-catalogs (timer storage-metrics-registry ["gc-catalogs-time"])
:gc-params (timer storage-metrics-registry ["gc-params-time"])
:gc-environments (timer storage-metrics-registry ["gc-environments-time"])
:gc-report-statuses (timer storage-metrics-registry ["gc-report-statuses"])
:gc-fact-paths (timer storage-metrics-registry ["gc-fact-paths"])
:updated-catalog (counter storage-metrics-registry ["new-catalogs"])
:duplicate-catalog (counter storage-metrics-registry ["duplicate-catalogs"])
:duplicate-pct (gauge-fn storage-metrics-registry ["duplicate-pct"]
(fn []
(let [dupes (value (:duplicate-catalog performance-metrics))
new (value (:updated-catalog performance-metrics))]
(float (kitchensink/quotient dupes (+ dupes new))))))
:catalog-volatility (histogram storage-metrics-registry ["catalog-volitilty"])
:replace-facts (timer storage-metrics-registry ["replace-facts-time"])
:store-report (timer storage-metrics-registry ["store-report-time"])})
;;; Certname querying/deleting
(defn certname-exists?
"Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the given certname exists in the db"
{:pre [certname]}
(not (empty? (jdbc/query ["SELECT 1 FROM certnames WHERE certname=? LIMIT 1"
(defn delete-certname!
"Delete the given host from the db"
{:pre [certname]}
(jdbc/delete! :certnames ["certname=?" certname]))
;;; Node activation/deactivation
(defn node-deactivated-time
"Returns the time the node specified by `certname` was deactivated, or nil if
the node is currently active."
{:pre [(string? certname)]}
["SELECT deactivated FROM certnames WHERE certname=?" certname]
(comp :deactivated first sql/result-set-seq)))
(defn node-expired-time
"Returns the time the node specified by `certname` expired, or nil if
the node is currently active."
{:pre [(string? certname)]}
["SELECT expired FROM certnames WHERE certname=?" certname]
(comp :expired first sql/result-set-seq)))
(defn purge-deactivated-and-expired-nodes!
"Delete nodes from the database which were deactivated before `time`."
{:pre [(kitchensink/datetime? time)]}
(let [ts (to-timestamp time)]
(jdbc/delete! :certnames ["deactivated < ? OR expired < ?" ts ts])))
(defn activate-node!
"Reactivate the given host. Adds the host to the database if it was not
already present."
{:pre [(string? certname)]}
(when-not (certname-exists? certname)
(add-certname! certname))
(jdbc/update! :certnames
{:deactivated nil, :expired nil}
["certname=?" certname]))
(pls/defn-validated create-row :- s/Int
"Creates a row using `row-map` for `table`, returning the PK that was created upon insert"
[table :- s/Keyword
row-map :- {s/Keyword s/Any}]
(:id (first (jdbc/insert! table row-map))))
(pls/defn-validated query-id :- (s/maybe s/Int)
"Returns the id (primary key) from `table` that contain `row-map` values"
[table :- s/Keyword
row-map :- {s/Keyword s/Any}]
(let [cols (keys row-map)
q (format "select id from %s where %s"
(name table)
(str/join " " (map #(str (name %) "=?") cols)))]
(jdbc/query-with-resultset (apply vector q (map row-map cols))
(comp :id first sql/result-set-seq))))
(pls/defn-validated ensure-row :- (s/maybe s/Int)
"Check if the given row (defined by `row-map` exists in `table`, creates it if it does not. Always returns
the id of the row (whether created or existing)"
[table :- s/Keyword
row-map :- {s/Keyword s/Any}]
(when row-map
(if-let [id (query-id table row-map)]
(create-row table row-map))))
;;; Environments querying/updating
(pls/defn-validated environment-id :- (s/maybe s/Int)
"Returns the id (primary key) from the environments table for the given `env-name`"
[env-name :- s/Str]
(query-id :environments {:environment env-name}))
(pls/defn-validated certname-id :- (s/maybe s/Int)
[certname :- s/Str]
(query-id :certnames {:certname certname}))
(pls/defn-validated ensure-environment :- (s/maybe s/Int)
"Check if the given `env-name` exists, creates it if it does not. Always returns
the id of the `env-name` (whether created or existing)"
[env-name :- (s/maybe s/Str)]
(when env-name
(ensure-row :environments {:environment env-name})))
;;; Producers querying/updating
(pls/defn-validated producer-id :- (s/maybe s/Int)
"Returns the id (primary key) from the producers table for the given `prod-name`"
[prod-name :- s/Str]
(query-id :producers {:name prod-name}))
(pls/defn-validated ensure-producer :- (s/maybe s/Int)
"Check if the given `prod-name` exists, creates it if it does not. Always returns
the id of the `prod-name` (whether created or existing)"
[prod-name :- (s/maybe s/Str)]
(when prod-name
(ensure-row :producers {:name prod-name})))
;;; Status querying/updating
(pls/defn-validated status-id :- (s/maybe s/Int)
"Returns the id (primary key) from the result_statuses table for the given `status`"
[status :- s/Str]
(query-id :report_statuses {:status status}))
(pls/defn-validated ensure-status :- (s/maybe s/Int)
"Check if the given `status` exists, creates it if it does not. Always returns
the id of the `status` (whether created or existing)"
[status :- (s/maybe s/Str)]
(when status
(ensure-row :report_statuses {:status status})))
;;; Catalog updates/changes
(defn latest-catalog-metadata
"Returns the id, hash, certname_id and producer_timestamp of certname's
{:pre [certname]}
[(format "select as catalog_id, as certname_id,
%s as catalog_hash, catalogs.producer_timestamp
from certnames
left join catalogs on catalogs.certname=certnames.certname
where certnames.certname=?"
(sutils/sql-hash-as-str "catalogs.hash"))
(comp first sql/result-set-seq)))
(defn munge-edges-for-storage [edges]
(->> edges
(map (fn [{:keys [source target relationship]}]
{:source_type (:type source)
:source_title (:title source)
:target_type (:type target)
:target_title (:title target)
:relationship relationship}))
(defn munge-resources-for-storage [resources]
(->> resources
(map (partial merge {:file nil :line nil}))
(s/defn catalog-row-map
"Creates a row map for the catalogs table, optionally adding envrionment when it was found"
{:keys [edges
producer]} :- catalog-schema
received-timestamp :- pls/Timestamp]
{:hash (sutils/munge-hash-for-storage hash)
:catalog_version version
:transaction_uuid (sutils/munge-uuid-for-storage transaction_uuid)
:catalog_uuid (sutils/munge-uuid-for-storage catalog_uuid)
:timestamp (to-timestamp received-timestamp)
:code_id code_id
:environment_id (ensure-environment environment)
:producer_timestamp (to-timestamp producer_timestamp)
:producer_id (ensure-producer producer)
:api_version 1})
(s/defn update-catalog-metadata!
"Given some catalog metadata, update the db"
[id :- Long
hash :- String
catalog :- catalog-schema
received-timestamp :- pls/Timestamp]
(jdbc/update! :catalogs
(catalog-row-map hash catalog received-timestamp)
["id=?" id]))
(s/defn add-catalog-metadata!
"Given some catalog metadata, persist it in the db. Returns a map of the
inserted data including any autogenerated columns."
[hash :- String
{:keys [certname] :as catalog} :- catalog-schema
received-timestamp :- pls/Timestamp]
{:post [(map? %)]}
(first (jdbc/insert! :catalogs
(assoc (catalog-row-map hash catalog received-timestamp)
:certname certname))))
(s/defn resources-exist? :- #{String}
"Given a collection of resource-hashes, return the subset that
already exist in the database."
[resource-hashes :- #{String}]
(if (seq resource-hashes)
(let [resource-array (->> (vec resource-hashes)
(map sutils/munge-hash-for-storage)
(sutils/array-to-param "bytea" org.postgresql.util.PGobject))
query (format "SELECT DISTINCT %s as resource FROM resource_params_cache WHERE resource=ANY(?)"
(sutils/sql-hash-as-str "resource"))
sql-params [query resource-array]]
(jdbc/query-with-resultset sql-params
#(set (map :resource (sql/result-set-seq %)))))
;;The schema definition of this function should be
;;resource-ref->resource-schema, but there are a lot of tests that
;;have incorrect data. When examples.clj and tests get fixed, this
;;should be changed to the correct schema
(s/defn catalog-resources
"Returns the resource hashes keyed by resource reference"
[certname-id :- Long]
[(format "SELECT type, title, tags, exported, file, line, %s
AS resource
FROM catalog_resources
WHERE certname_id = ?"
(sutils/sql-hash-as-str "resource")) certname-id]
(fn [rs]
(let [rss (sql/result-set-seq rs)]
(zipmap (map #(select-keys % [:type :title]) rss)
(jdbc/convert-result-arrays set rss))))))
(s/defn new-params-only
"Returns a map of not persisted parameters, keyed by hash"
[persisted-params :- #{String}
refs-to-resources :- resource-ref->resource-schema
refs-to-hashes :- resource-ref->hash]
(reduce-kv (fn [acc resource-ref {:keys [parameters]}]
(let [resource-hash (get refs-to-hashes resource-ref)]
(if (contains? persisted-params (refs-to-hashes resource-ref))
(assoc acc resource-hash parameters))))
{} refs-to-resources))
(s/defn insert-records*
"Nil/empty safe insert-records, see java.jdbc's insert-records for more "
[table :- s/Keyword
record-coll :- [{s/Keyword s/Any}]]
(when (seq record-coll)
(apply jdbc/insert! table record-coll)))
(s/defn add-params!
"Persists the new parameters found in `refs-to-resources` and populates the
[refs-to-resources :- resource-ref->resource-schema
refs-to-hashes :- resource-ref->hash]
(let [new-params (new-params-only (resources-exist? (kitchensink/valset refs-to-hashes))
(update! (:catalog-volatility performance-metrics) (* 2 (count new-params)))
(map (fn [[resource-hash params]]
{:resource (sutils/munge-hash-for-storage resource-hash)
:parameters (some-> params sutils/munge-jsonb-for-storage)})
(for [[resource-hash params] new-params
[k v] params]
{:resource (sutils/munge-hash-for-storage resource-hash)
:name (name k)
:value (sutils/db-serialize v)}))))
(def resource-ref?
"Returns true of the map is a resource reference"
(every-pred :type :title))
(defn convert-tags-array
"Converts the given tags (if present) to the format the database expects"
(if (contains? resource :tags)
(update-in resource [:tags] sutils/to-jdbc-varchar-array)
(s/defn insert-catalog-resources!
"Returns a function that accepts a seq of ref keys to insert"
[certname-id :- Long
refs-to-hashes :- {resource-ref-schema String}
refs-to-resources :- resource-ref->resource-schema]
(fn [refs-to-insert]
{:pre [(every? resource-ref? refs-to-insert)]}
(update! (:catalog-volatility performance-metrics) (count refs-to-insert))
(map (fn [resource-ref]
(let [{:keys [type title exported parameters tags file line] :as resource} (get refs-to-resources resource-ref)]
{:certname_id certname-id
:resource (sutils/munge-hash-for-storage (get refs-to-hashes resource-ref))
:type type
:title title
:tags tags
:exported exported
:file file
:line line})))
(s/defn delete-catalog-resources!
"Returns a function accepts old catalog resources that should be deleted."
[certname-id :- Long]
(fn [refs-to-delete]
{:pre [(every? resource-ref? refs-to-delete)]}
(update! (:catalog-volatility performance-metrics) (count refs-to-delete))
(doseq [{:keys [type title]} refs-to-delete]
(jdbc/delete! :catalog_resources
["certname_id = ? and type = ? and title = ?"
certname-id type title]))))
(s/defn basic-diff
"Basic diffing that returns only the keys/values of `right` whose values don't match those of `left`.
This is different from in that it treats non-equal sets as completely different
(rather than returning only the differing items of the set) and only returns differences from `right`."
[left right]
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k right-value]
(let [left-value (get left k)]
(if (= left-value right-value)
(assoc acc k right-value))))
{} right))
(s/defn diff-resources-metadata
"Return resource references with values that are only the key/values that from `right` that
are different from those of the `left`. The keys/values here are suitable for issuing update
statements that will update resources to the correct (new) values."
[left right]
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k right-values]
(let [updated-resource-vals (basic-diff (get left k) right-values)]
(if (seq updated-resource-vals)
(assoc acc k updated-resource-vals)
acc))) {} right))
(defn merge-resource-hash
"Assoc each hash from `refs-to-hashes` as :resource on `refs-to-resources`"
[refs-to-hashes refs-to-resources]
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
(assoc-in acc [k :resource] (get refs-to-hashes k)))
refs-to-resources refs-to-resources))
(s/defn update-catalog-resources!
"Returns a function accepting keys that were the same from the old resources and the new resources."
[certname-id :- Long
refs-to-hashes :- {resource-ref-schema String}
(fn [maybe-updated-refs]
{:pre [(every? resource-ref? maybe-updated-refs)]}
(let [new-resources-with-hash (merge-resource-hash refs-to-hashes (select-keys refs-to-resources maybe-updated-refs))
updated-resources (->> (diff-resources-metadata old-resources new-resources-with-hash)
(kitchensink/mapvals #(utils/update-when % [:resource] sutils/munge-hash-for-storage)))]
(update! (:catalog-volatility performance-metrics) (count updated-resources))
(doseq [[{:keys [type title]} updated-cols] updated-resources]
(jdbc/update! :catalog_resources
(convert-tags-array updated-cols)
["certname_id = ? and type = ? and title = ?"
certname-id type title])))))
(defn strip-params
"Remove params from the resource as it is stored (and hashed) separately
from the resource metadata"
(dissoc resource :parameters))
(s/defn add-resources!
"Persist the given resource and associate it with the given catalog."
[certname-id :- Long
refs-to-resources :- resource-ref->resource-schema
refs-to-hashes :- {resource-ref-schema String}]
(let [old-resources (catalog-resources certname-id)
diffable-resources (kitchensink/mapvals strip-params refs-to-resources)]
(jdbc/with-db-transaction []
(add-params! refs-to-resources refs-to-hashes)
(utils/diff-fn old-resources
(delete-catalog-resources! certname-id)
(insert-catalog-resources! certname-id refs-to-hashes diffable-resources)
(update-catalog-resources! certname-id refs-to-hashes diffable-resources old-resources)))))
(s/defn catalog-edges-map
"Return all edges for a given catalog id as a map"
[certname :- String]
;; Transform the result-set into a map with [source,target,type] as the key
;; and nil as always the value. This just feeds into
;; better this way.
[(format "SELECT %s AS source, %s AS target, type FROM edges
WHERE certname=?"
(sutils/sql-hash-as-str "source")
(sutils/sql-hash-as-str "target"))
#(zipmap (map vals (sql/result-set-seq %))
(repeat nil))))
(s/defn delete-edges!
"Delete edges for a given certname.
Edges must be either nil or a collection of lists containing each element
of an edge, e.g.:
[[<source> <target> <type>] ...]"
[certname :- String
edges :- edge-db-schema]
(update! (:catalog-volatility performance-metrics) (count edges))
(doseq [[source target type] edges]
;; This is relatively inefficient. If we have id's for edges, we could do
;; this in 1 statement.
(jdbc/delete! :edges
[(str "certname=?"
" and source=?::bytea"
" and target=?::bytea"
" and type=?")
(sutils/bytea-escape source)
(sutils/bytea-escape target)
(s/defn insert-edges!
"Insert edges for a given certname.
Edges must be either nil or a collection of lists containing each element
of an edge, eg:
[[<source> <target> <type>] ...]"
[certname :- String
edges :- edge-db-schema]
;; Insert rows will not safely accept a nil, so abandon this operation
;; earlier.
(when (seq edges)
(let [rows (for [[source target type] edges]
{:certname certname
:source (sutils/munge-hash-for-storage source)
:target (sutils/munge-hash-for-storage target)
:type type})]
(update! (:catalog-volatility performance-metrics) (count rows))
(apply jdbc/insert! :edges rows))))
(s/defn replace-edges!
"Persist the given edges in the database
Each edge is looked up in the supplied resources map to find a
resource object that corresponds to the edge. We then use that
resource's hash for persistence purposes.
For example, if the source of an edge is {'type' 'Foo' 'title' 'bar'},
then we'll lookup a resource with that key and use its hash."
[certname :- String
edges :- #{edge-schema}
refs-to-hashes :- {resource-ref-schema String}]
(let [new-edges (zipmap
(for [{:keys [source target relationship]} edges
:let [source-hash (refs-to-hashes source)
target-hash (refs-to-hashes target)
type (name relationship)]]
[source-hash target-hash type])
(repeat nil))]
(utils/diff-fn new-edges
(catalog-edges-map certname)
#(insert-edges! certname %)
#(delete-edges! certname %)
(s/defn update-existing-catalog
"When a new incoming catalog has the same hash as an existing catalog, update
performance-metrics and the transaction id for the new catalog"
[catalog-id :- Long
hash :- String
catalog :- catalog-schema
received-timestamp :- pls/Timestamp]
(inc! (:duplicate-catalog performance-metrics))
(time! (:catalog-hash-match performance-metrics)
(update-catalog-metadata! catalog-id hash catalog received-timestamp)))
(s/defn update-catalog-associations!
"Adds/updates/deletes the edges and resources for the given certname"
[certname-id :- Long
{:keys [resources edges certname]} :- catalog-schema
refs-to-hashes :- {resource-ref-schema String}]
(time! (:add-resources performance-metrics)
(add-resources! certname-id resources refs-to-hashes))
(time! (:add-edges performance-metrics)
(replace-edges! certname edges refs-to-hashes)))
(s/defn replace-existing-catalog
"New catalogs for a given certname needs to have their metadata, resources and
edges updated."
[certname-id :- Long
catalog-id :- Long
hash :- String
catalog :- catalog-schema
refs-to-hashes :- {resource-ref-schema String}
received-timestamp :- pls/Timestamp]
(inc! (:updated-catalog performance-metrics))
(time! (:catalog-hash-miss performance-metrics)
(update-catalog-metadata! catalog-id hash catalog received-timestamp)
(update-catalog-associations! certname-id catalog refs-to-hashes)))
(s/defn add-new-catalog
"Creates new catalog metadata and adds the proper associations for the edges and resources"
[certname-id :- Long
hash :- String
catalog :- catalog-schema
refs-to-hashes :- {resource-ref-schema String}
received-timestamp :- pls/Timestamp]
(inc! (:updated-catalog performance-metrics))
(time! (:add-new-catalog performance-metrics)
(let [catalog-id (:id (add-catalog-metadata! hash catalog received-timestamp))]
(update-catalog-associations! certname-id catalog refs-to-hashes))))
(s/defn replace-catalog!
"Persist the supplied catalog in the database, returning its
similarity hash."
([catalog :- catalog-schema]
(replace-catalog! catalog (now)))
([{:keys [producer_timestamp resources certname] :as catalog} :- catalog-schema
received-timestamp :- pls/Timestamp]
(time! (:replace-catalog performance-metrics)
(jdbc/with-db-transaction []
(let [hash (time! (:catalog-hash performance-metrics)
(shash/catalog-similarity-hash catalog))
{catalog-id :catalog_id
stored-hash :catalog_hash
certname-id :certname_id
latest-producer-timestamp :producer_timestamp} (latest-catalog-metadata certname)]
(some-> latest-producer-timestamp
(.after (to-timestamp producer_timestamp)))
(log/warnf "Not replacing catalog for certname %s because local data is newer." certname)
(= stored-hash hash)
(update-existing-catalog catalog-id hash catalog received-timestamp)
(let [refs-to-hashes (time! (:resource-hashes performance-metrics)
(kitchensink/mapvals shash/resource-identity-hash resources))]
(if (nil? catalog-id)
(add-new-catalog certname-id hash catalog refs-to-hashes received-timestamp)
(replace-existing-catalog certname-id catalog-id hash catalog refs-to-hashes received-timestamp))))
(defn catalog-hash-for-certname
"Returns the hash for the `certname` catalog"
["SELECT %s as catalog FROM catalogs WHERE certname=?"
(sutils/sql-hash-as-str "hash") certname]
(comp :catalog first sql/result-set-seq)))
;; ## Database compaction
(defn delete-unassociated-params!
"Remove any resources that aren't associated with a catalog"
(time! (:gc-params performance-metrics)
["NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM catalog_resources cr
WHERE cr.resource=resource_params_cache.resource)"])))
(defn delete-unassociated-environments!
"Remove any environments that aren't associated with a catalog, report or factset"
(:gc-environments performance-metrics)
(SELECT environment_id FROM catalogs WHERE environment_id IS NOT NULL
UNION SELECT environment_id FROM reports
WHERE environment_id IS NOT NULL
UNION SELECT environment_id FROM factsets
WHERE environment_id IS NOT NULL)"])))
;;; Facts
(defn-validated select-pid-vid-pairs-for-factset
:- [(s/pair s/Int "path-id" s/Int "value-id")]
"Return a collection of pairs of [path-id value-id] for the indicated factset."
[factset-id :- s/Int]
(for [{:keys [fact_path_id fact_value_id]}
(query-to-vec "SELECT fact_path_id, fact_value_id FROM facts
WHERE factset_id = ?" factset-id)]
[fact_path_id fact_value_id]))
(defn-validated certname-to-factset-id :- s/Int
"Given a certname, returns the factset id."
[certname :- String]
["SELECT id from factsets WHERE certname = ?" certname]
(comp :id first sql/result-set-seq)))
(defn-validated delete-pending-path-id-orphans!
"Delete paths in dropped-pids that are no longer mentioned
in other factsets."
[factset-id dropped-pids]
(when-let [dropped-pids (seq dropped-pids)]
(let [dropped-chunks (partition-all gc-chunksize dropped-pids)
candidate-chunks (map (partial sutils/array-to-param "bigint" Long)
(map (fn [candidate-paths]
"DELETE FROM fact_paths fp
WHERE f.fact_path_id = ANY(?)
AND f.fact_path_id =
AND f.factset_id <> ?)"
(concat [candidate-paths]
(defn-validated delete-pending-value-id-orphans!
"Delete values in removed-pid-vid-pairs that are no longer mentioned
in facts."
[factset-id removed-pid-vid-pairs]
(when-let [removed-pid-vid-pairs (seq removed-pid-vid-pairs)]
(let [vid-chunks (partition-all gc-chunksize
(map second removed-pid-vid-pairs))
removed-fact-chunks (->> removed-pid-vid-pairs
(map cons (repeat factset-id))
(partition-all gc-chunksize))
vid-in-chunks (map jdbc/in-clause vid-chunks)
removed-facts-in-chunks (map jdbc/in-clause-multi
removed-fact-chunks (repeat 3))]
(map (fn [in-vids in-rm-facts vids rm-facts]
"DELETE FROM fact_values fv
WHERE f.fact_value_id %s
AND f.fact_value_id =
AND (f.factset_id,
f.fact_value_id) NOT %s)"
in-vids in-vids in-rm-facts)
(flatten [vids vids rm-facts])))
(defn-validated delete-orphaned-paths! :- s/Int
"Deletes up to n paths that are no longer mentioned by any factsets,
and returns the number actually deleted. These orphans can be
created by races between parallel updates since (for performance) we
don't serialize those transactions. Via repeatable read, an update
transaction may decide not to delete paths that are only referred to
by other facts that are being changed in parallel transactions to
also not refer to the paths."
[n :- (s/constrained s/Int (complement neg?))]
(if (zero? n)
(jdbc/with-db-transaction []
"DELETE FROM fact_paths
WHERE id IN (SELECT FROM fact_paths fp
FROM facts f
WHERE = f.fact_path_id)
(defn-validated delete-orphaned-values! :- s/Int
"Deletes up to n values that are no longer mentioned by any
factsets, and returns the number actually deleted. These orphans
can be created by races between parallel updates since (for
performance) we don't serialize those transactions. Via repeatable
read, an update transaction may decide not to delete values that are
only referred to by other facts that are being changed in parallel
transactions to also not refer to the values."
[n :- (s/constrained s/Int (complement neg?))]
(if (zero? n)
(jdbc/with-db-transaction []
"DELETE FROM fact_values
FROM fact_values fv
FROM facts f
WHERE = f.fact_value_id)
;; NOTE: now only used in tests.
(defn-validated delete-certname-facts!
"Delete all the facts for certname."
[certname :- String]
(jdbc/with-db-transaction []
(let [factset-id (certname-to-factset-id certname)
dead-pairs (select-pid-vid-pairs-for-factset factset-id)]
(jdbc/do-commands (format "DELETE FROM facts WHERE factset_id = %s"
(delete-pending-path-id-orphans! factset-id (set (map first dead-pairs)))
(delete-pending-value-id-orphans! factset-id dead-pairs)
(jdbc/delete! :factsets ["id=?" factset-id]))))
(defn-validated insert-facts-pv-pairs!
[factset-id :- s/Int
pairs :- (s/cond-pre [(s/pair s/Int "path-id" s/Int "value-id")]
#{(s/pair s/Int "path-id" s/Int "value-id")})]
(when-let [rows (seq (for [[pid vid] pairs]
{:factset_id factset-id
:fact_path_id pid
:fact_value_id vid}))]
(apply jdbc/insert! :facts rows)))
(defn existing-row-ids
"Returns a map from value to id for each value that's already in the
named database column."
[table column values]
(into {}
(for [{:keys [value id]}
"WITH values AS (SELECT unnest(?) as vals)
SELECT %s AS value, id FROM %s
INNER JOIN values ON values.vals = %s"
column table column)
(sutils/array-to-param "text" String values))]
[value id])))
(defn realize-records!
"Inserts the records (maps) into the named table and returns them
with their new :id values."
[table munge-fn records]
(when (seq records)
(map #(assoc %1 :id %2)
(->> records
(map munge-fn)
(apply jdbc/insert! table)
(map :id)))))
(defn realize-paths!
"Ensures that all paths exist in the database and returns a map of
paths to ids."
(if-let [pathstrs (seq pathstrs)]
(let [existing-path-ids (existing-row-ids "fact_paths"
"path" pathstrs)
missing-db-paths (set/difference (set pathstrs)
(set (keys existing-path-ids)))]
(into existing-path-ids
(->> missing-db-paths
(map (comp facts/path->pathmap facts/string-to-factpath))
(realize-records! :fact_paths identity)
(map #(vector (:path %) (:id %))))))
(defn realize-values!
"Ensures that all valuemaps exist in the database and returns a
map of value hashes to ids."
(if-let [valuemaps (seq valuemaps)]
(let [vhashes (map :value_hash valuemaps)
existing-vhash-ids (existing-row-ids "fact_values"
(sutils/sql-hash-as-str "value_hash") vhashes)
missing-vhashes (set/difference (set vhashes)
(set (keys existing-vhash-ids)))]
(into existing-vhash-ids
(->> valuemaps
(filter (comp missing-vhashes :value_hash))
(realize-records! :fact_values #(update % :value_hash sutils/munge-hash-for-storage))
(map #(vector (:value_hash %) (:id %))))))
(pls/defn-validated add-facts!
"Given a certname and a map of fact names to values, store records for those
facts associated with the certname."
([fact-data] (add-facts! fact-data true))
([{:keys [certname values environment timestamp producer_timestamp producer]
:as fact-data} :- facts-schema
include-hash? :- s/Bool]
(jdbc/with-db-transaction []
{:certname certname
:timestamp (to-timestamp timestamp)
:environment_id (ensure-environment environment)
:producer_timestamp (to-timestamp producer_timestamp)
:producer_id (ensure-producer producer)}
(when include-hash?
{:hash (sutils/munge-hash-for-storage
(shash/fact-identity-hash fact-data))})))
;; Ensure that all the required paths and values exist, and then
;; insert the new facts.
(let [paths-and-valuemaps (facts/facts->paths-and-valuemaps values)
pathstrs (map (comp facts/factpath-to-string first) paths-and-valuemaps)
valuemaps (map second paths-and-valuemaps)
vhashes (map :value_hash valuemaps)
paths-to-ids (realize-paths! pathstrs)
vhashes-to-ids (realize-values! valuemaps)]
(insert-facts-pv-pairs! (certname-to-factset-id certname)
(map #(vector (get paths-to-ids %1)
(get vhashes-to-ids %2))
pathstrs vhashes))))))
(defn-validated update-facts!
"Given a certname, querys the DB for existing facts for that
certname and will update, delete or insert the facts as necessary
to match the facts argument. (cf. add-facts!)"
[{:keys [certname values environment timestamp producer_timestamp producer] :as fact-data}
:- facts-schema]
(jdbc/with-db-transaction []
(let [factset-id (certname-to-factset-id certname)
(format "SELECT fp.path, %s AS value_hash FROM facts f
INNER JOIN fact_paths fp ON f.fact_path_id =
INNER JOIN fact_values fv ON f.fact_value_id =
WHERE factset_id = ?"
(sutils/sql-hash-as-str "fv.value_hash"))
;; Ensure that all the required paths and values exist.
paths-and-valuemaps (facts/facts->paths-and-valuemaps values)
pathstrs (map (comp facts/factpath-to-string first) paths-and-valuemaps)
valuemaps (map second paths-and-valuemaps)
vhashes (map :value_hash valuemaps)
paths-to-ids (realize-paths! pathstrs)
vhashes-to-ids (realize-values! valuemaps)
;; Add new facts and remove obsolete facts.
replacement-pv-pairs (set (map #(vector (paths-to-ids %1)
(vhashes-to-ids %2))
pathstrs vhashes))
current-pairs (set (select-pid-vid-pairs-for-factset factset-id))
[new-pairs rm-pairs] (data/diff replacement-pv-pairs current-pairs)]
;; Paths are unique per factset so we can delete solely based on pid.
(when rm-pairs
(let [rm-pids (set (map first rm-pairs))]
(format "DELETE FROM facts WHERE factset_id = ? AND fact_path_id %s"
(jdbc/in-clause rm-pids))
(cons factset-id rm-pids))))
(insert-facts-pv-pairs! factset-id new-pairs)
(when rm-pairs
(delete-pending-path-id-orphans! factset-id
(set (map first rm-pairs))
(set (map first new-pairs))))
(delete-pending-value-id-orphans! factset-id rm-pairs))
(jdbc/update! :factsets
{:timestamp (to-timestamp timestamp)
:environment_id (ensure-environment environment)
:producer_timestamp (to-timestamp producer_timestamp)
:hash (-> fact-data
["id=?" factset-id]))))
;;; Reports
(defn update-latest-report!
"Given a node name, updates the `certnames` table to ensure that it indicates the
most recent report for the node."
{:pre [(string? node)]}
(let [latest-report (:id (first (query-to-vec
["SELECT id FROM reports
WHERE certname = ?
ORDER BY end_time DESC
LIMIT 1" node])))]
(jdbc/update! :certnames
{:latest_report_id latest-report}
["certname = ?" node])))
(defn find-containing-class
"Given a containment path from Puppet, find the outermost 'class'."
{:pre [(or
(nil? containment-path)
(and (coll? containment-path) (every? string? containment-path)))]
:post [((some-fn nil? string?) %)]}
(when-not ((some-fn nil? empty?) containment-path)
;; This is a little wonky. Puppet only gives us an array of Strings
;; to represent the containment path. Classes can be differentiated
;; from types because types have square brackets and a title; so, e.g.,
;; "Foo" is a class, but "Foo[Bar]" is a type with a title.
#(not (or (empty? %) (kitchensink/string-contains? "[" %)))
(reverse containment-path)))))
(def store-resources-column? (atom false))
(defn maybe-resources
(if @store-resources-column?
(dissoc row-map :resources)))
(def store-corrective-change? (atom false))
(defn maybe-corrective-change
(if @store-corrective-change?
(dissoc row-map :corrective_change)))
(defn maybe-environment
"This fn is most to help in testing, instead of persisting a value of
nil, just omit it from the row map. For tests that are running older versions
of migrations, this function prevents a failure"
(if (nil? (:environment_id row-map))
(dissoc row-map :environment_id)
(defn normalize-resource-event
"Prep `event` for comparison/computation of a hash"
(-> event
(update :timestamp to-timestamp)
(update :old_value sutils/db-serialize)
(update :new_value sutils/db-serialize)
(assoc :containing_class (find-containing-class (:containment_path event)))))
(defn normalize-report
"Prep the report for comparison/computation of a hash"
[{:keys [resources] :as report}]
(-> report
(update :start_time to-timestamp)
(update :end_time to-timestamp)
(update :producer_timestamp to-timestamp)
(assoc :resource_events (->> resources
(map normalize-resource-event)))))
(s/defn add-report!*
"Helper function for adding a report. Accepts an extra parameter, `update-latest-report?`, which
is used to determine whether or not the `update-latest-report!` function will be called as part of
the transaction. This should always be set to `true`, except during some very specific testing
[orig-report :- reports/report-wireformat-schema
received-timestamp :- pls/Timestamp
update-latest-report? :- s/Bool]
(time! (:store-report performance-metrics)
(let [{:keys [puppet_version certname report_format configuration_version producer
producer_timestamp start_time end_time transaction_uuid environment
status noop metrics logs resources resource_events catalog_uuid
code_id cached_catalog_status noop_pending corrective_change]
:as report} (normalize-report orig-report)
report-hash (shash/report-identity-hash report)]
(jdbc/with-db-transaction []
(let [shash (sutils/munge-hash-for-storage report-hash)]
(when-not (-> "select 1 from reports where hash = ? limit 1"
(query-to-vec shash)
(let [certname-id (certname-id certname)
row-map {:hash shash
:transaction_uuid (sutils/munge-uuid-for-storage transaction_uuid)
:catalog_uuid (sutils/munge-uuid-for-storage catalog_uuid)
:code_id code_id
:cached_catalog_status cached_catalog_status
:metrics (sutils/munge-jsonb-for-storage metrics)
:logs (sutils/munge-jsonb-for-storage logs)
:resources (sutils/munge-jsonb-for-storage resources)
:corrective_change corrective_change
:noop noop
:noop_pending noop_pending
:puppet_version puppet_version
:certname certname
:report_format report_format
:configuration_version configuration_version
:producer_id (ensure-producer producer)
:producer_timestamp producer_timestamp
:start_time start_time
:end_time end_time
:receive_time (to-timestamp received-timestamp)
:environment_id (ensure-environment environment)
:status_id (ensure-status status)}
[{report-id :id}] (->> row-map
(jdbc/insert! :reports))
adjust-event-metadata #(-> %
(assoc :report_id report-id
:certname_id certname-id)
(when-not (empty? resource_events)
(->> resource_events
(sp/transform [sp/ALL :containment_path] #(some-> % sutils/to-jdbc-varchar-array))
(map adjust-event-metadata)
(apply jdbc/insert! :resource_events)))
(when update-latest-report?
(update-latest-report! certname)))))))))
(defn delete-reports-older-than!
"Delete all reports in the database which have an `producer-timestamp` that is prior to
the specified date/time."
{:pre [(kitchensink/datetime? time)]}
(jdbc/delete! :reports ["producer_timestamp < ?" (to-timestamp time)]))
;;; Database support/deprecation
(defn db-unsupported-msg
"Returns a string with an unsupported message if the DB is not supported,
nil otherwise."
(when (sutils/db-version-older-than? [9 4])
(str "PostgreSQL DB versions older than 9.4 are no longer supported."
" Please upgrade Postgres and restart PuppetDB.")))
;;; Public
(pls/defn-validated add-certname!
"Add the given host to the db"
[certname :- String]
(jdbc/insert! :certnames {:certname certname}))
(defn timestamp-of-newest-record [entity certname]
(let [query {:select [:producer_timestamp]
:from [entity]
:where [:= :certname certname]
:order-by [[:producer_timestamp :desc]]
:limit 1}]
(:producer_timestamp (first (jdbc/query (hcore/format query))))))
(pls/defn-validated have-record-produced-after?
[entity :- s/Keyword
certname :- String
time :- pls/Timestamp]
(let [time (to-timestamp time)]
(some-> entity
(timestamp-of-newest-record certname)
(.after time)))))
(pls/defn-validated have-newer-record-for-certname?
[certname :- String
timestamp :- pls/Timestamp]
"Returns a truthy value indicating whether a record exists that has
a producer_timestamp newer than the given timestamp."
(some (fn [entity]
(have-record-produced-after? entity certname timestamp))
[:catalogs :factsets :reports]))
(pls/defn-validated maybe-activate-node!
"Reactivate the given host, only if it was deactivated or expired before
`time`. Returns true if the node is activated, or if it was already active.
Adds the host to the database if it was not already present."
[certname :- String
time :- pls/Timestamp]
(when-not (certname-exists? certname)
(add-certname! certname))
(let [timestamp (to-timestamp time)
replaced (jdbc/update! :certnames
{:deactivated nil, :expired nil}
["certname=? AND (deactivated<? OR expired<?)"
certname timestamp timestamp])]
(pos? (first replaced))))
(pls/defn-validated deactivate-node!
"Deactivate the given host, recording the current time. If the node is
currently inactive, no change is made."
([certname :- String]
(deactivate-node! certname (now)))
([certname :- String timestamp :- pls/Timestamp]
(if (have-newer-record-for-certname? certname timestamp)
(log/warnf "Not deactivating node %s because local data is newer than %s."
certname timestamp)
(let [sql-timestamp (to-timestamp timestamp)]
(jdbc/do-prepared "UPDATE certnames SET deactivated = ?
WHERE certname=?
AND (deactivated IS NULL OR deactivated < ?)"
[sql-timestamp certname sql-timestamp])))))
(pls/defn-validated expire-stale-nodes [horizon :- Period]
"Expires nodes with no activity within the provided horizon (prior
to now) and returns a collection of the affected certnames."
(let [stale-start-ts (to-timestamp (ago horizon))
expired-ts (to-timestamp (now))]
(map :certname
"update certnames set expired = ?"
" where id in"
" (select from certnames c
left outer join catalogs cats on cats.certname = c.certname
left outer join factsets fs on c.certname = fs.certname
left outer join reports r on c.latest_report_id =
where c.deactivated is null
and c.expired is null
and (cats.producer_timestamp is null
or cats.producer_timestamp < ?)
and (fs.producer_timestamp is null
or fs.producer_timestamp < ?)
and (r.producer_timestamp is null
or r.producer_timestamp < ?))"
" returning certname")
expired-ts stale-start-ts stale-start-ts stale-start-ts))))
(pls/defn-validated replace-facts!
"Updates the facts of an existing node, if the facts are newer than the current set of facts.
Adds all new facts if no existing facts are found. Invoking this function under the umbrella of
a repeatable read or serializable transaction enforces only one update to the facts of a certname
can happen at a time. The first to start the transaction wins. Subsequent transactions will fail
as the factsets will have changed while the transaction was in-flight."
[{:keys [certname producer_timestamp] :as fact-data} :- facts-schema]
(time! (:replace-facts performance-metrics)
(if-let [local-factset-producer-ts (timestamp-of-newest-record :factsets certname)]
(if-not (.after local-factset-producer-ts (to-timestamp producer_timestamp))
(update-facts! fact-data)
(log/warnf "Not updating facts for certname %s because local data is newer." certname))
(add-facts! fact-data))))
(s/defn add-report!
"Add a report and all of the associated events to the database."
[report :- reports/report-wireformat-schema
received-timestamp :- pls/Timestamp]
(add-report!* report received-timestamp true))
(defn validate-database-version
"Check the currently configured database and if it isn't supported,
notify the user and call fail-fn. Then (if fail-fn returns) notify
the user if the database is deprecated."
(when-let [msg (db-unsupported-msg)]
(let [msg (utils/attention-msg msg)]
(utils/println-err msg)
(log/error msg)
(def ^:dynamic *orphaned-path-gc-limit* 200)
(def ^:dynamic *orphaned-value-gc-limit* 200)
(defn garbage-collect!
"Delete any lingering, unassociated data in the database"
(:gc performance-metrics)
(jdbc/with-transacted-connection db
;; These require serializable because they make the decision to
;; delete based on row counts in another table.
(jdbc/with-transacted-connection' db :serializable
(delete-orphaned-paths! *orphaned-path-gc-limit*))
(jdbc/with-transacted-connection' db :serializable
(delete-orphaned-values! *orphaned-value-gc-limit*))))
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