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Last active October 3, 2018 06:52
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(ns cauchy-clojure.core
(:require [clojure.core.match :as cm]
[clojure.math.numeric-tower :refer [abs]]))
(defn rat [x]
[:rat x])
(defn rat-val [x]
(second x))
(defn rat? [x]
(and (vector? x)
(= :rat (first x))))
(defn lim [x]
[:lim x])
(defn lim? [x]
(and (vector? x)
(= :lim (first x))))
(defn real? [x]
(or (rat? x) (lim? x)))
(defn approx [x eps]
[[:rat a]] a
[[:lim f]] (f eps)))
(defn fapprox [x eps]
(float (approx x eps)))
(defn dapprox [x eps]
(double (approx x eps)))
(defn lift-rat-op [op]
(fn [a b]
[a b]
[[:rat x] [:rat y]] (rat (op x y))
[[:lim f] [:rat y]] (lim (fn [eps] (op (f eps) y)))
[[:rat x] [:lim g]] (lim (fn [eps] (op x (g eps))))
[[:lim f] [:lim g]] (lim (fn [eps] (op (f eps) (g eps)))))))
(defn times [a b]
[a b]
[[:rat x] [:rat y]] (rat (* x y))
[[:lim f] [:rat y]] (lim (fn [eps] (* (f (/ eps y)) y)))
[[:rat x] [:lim g]] (lim (fn [eps] (* x (g (/ eps x)))))
[[:lim f] [:lim g]] (lim (fn [eps]
;; This doesn't seem quite right
(let [a (f eps)]
(* a (g (/ eps a))))))))
(def plus (lift-rat-op +))
(def minus (lift-rat-op -))
;; An exponentiation fn that works on rationals
(def leibniz-pi-4
(lim (fn [eps]
;; (println "Effective eps" eps)
(loop [approx 1
denom 1]
(let [t1 (/ -1 (+ denom 2))
t2 (/ 1 (+ denom 4))
new-approx (+ approx t1 t2)
del (abs (- t1 t2))]
;; (println "del: " del)
(if (< del eps )
(recur new-approx (+ denom 4))))))))
(def leibniz-pi (times leibniz-pi-4 (rat 4)))
(fapprox leibniz-pi 1/1000)
;; taylor series expansion of arctan
(defn arctan [x]
(lim (fn [eps]
(println "effective eps" eps)
(loop [approx x
numer x
denom 1]
(let [n1 (* numer x x -1)
d1 (+ denom 2)
t1 (/ n1 d1)
n2 (* n1 x x -1)
d2 (+ d1 2)
t2 (/ n2 d2)
new-approx (+ approx t1 t2)
del (abs (- t1 t2))]
(println "del: " del)
(if (< del eps )
(recur new-approx n2 d2)))))))
(def machin-pi-4
(minus (times (rat 4) (arctan 1/5))
(arctan 1/239)))
(def machin-pi (times machin-pi-4 (rat 4)))
(dapprox machin-pi 1/1000)
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