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Created June 19, 2017 00:34
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Panorama to cubemap (Python 3)
# !/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage, misc
import sys, math, os
from PIL import Image
def cubemap(filename):
SIZE = 1024
HSIZE = SIZE / 2.0
im = ndimage.imread(filename)
side_im = np.zeros((SIZE, SIZE), np.uint8)
color_side = np.zeros((SIZE, SIZE, 3), np.uint8)
pids = []
for i in range(0,6):
# Multiple process to go faster!
pid = os.fork()
if pid != 0:
# Keep track of our children
# This is numpy's way of visiting each point in an ndarray, I guess its fast...
it = np.nditer(side_im, flags=['multi_index'], op_flags=['readwrite'])
while not it.finished:
# Axis
axA = it.multi_index[0]
axB = it.multi_index[1]
# Color is an axis, so we visit each point 3 times for R,G,B actually...
# Here for each face we decide what each axis represents, x, y or z.
z = -axA + HSIZE
if i == 0:
y = -axB + HSIZE
elif i == 1:
x = -HSIZE
y = axB - HSIZE
elif i == 2:
x = axB - HSIZE
elif i == 3:
x = -axB + HSIZE
y = -HSIZE
elif i == 4:
x = axB - HSIZE
y = axA - HSIZE
elif i == 5:
z = -HSIZE
x = axB - HSIZE
y = -axA + HSIZE
# Now that we have x,y,z for point on plane, convert to spherical
r = math.sqrt(float(x*x + y*y + z*z))
theta = math.acos(float(z)/r)
phi = -math.atan2(float(y),x)
# Now that we have spherical, decide which pixel from the input image we want.
ix = int((im.shape[1]-1)*phi/(2*math.pi))
iy = int((im.shape[0]-1)*(theta)/math.pi)
# This is faster than accessing the whole tuple! WHY???
r = im[iy, ix, 0]
g = im[iy, ix, 1]
b = im[iy, ix, 2]
color_side[axA, axB, 0] = r
color_side[axA, axB, 1] = g
color_side[axA, axB, 2] = b
# Save output image using prefix, type and index info.
pimg = Image.fromarray(color_side)'.', "%s%d.%s"%('side_',i,'.jpg')), quality=85)
# Children Exit here
# Thise seems to work better than waitpid(-1, 0), in that case sometimes the
# files still don't exist and we get an error.
for pid in pids:
os.waitpid(pid, 0)
from datetime import datetime
filenames = [
'pano1.jpg', 'pano2.jpg',
'pano3.jpg', 'pano4.jpg',
'pano5.jpg', 'pano6.jpg',
'pano7.jpg', 'pano8.jpg',
'pano9.jpg', 'pano10.jpg'
for filename in filenames:
startTime =
print(filename, - startTime)
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