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Last active May 9, 2016 12:59
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Spree Site Wide Preferences
# ***config/application.rb***
module SpreeDemo
class Application < Rails::Application
# more awesome code here...
config.to_prepare do |config|
# more code here...
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib/spree/)
# ***lib/spree/bucket_configuration.rb***
module Spree
class BucketConfiguration < Spree::Preferences::Configuration
preference :bucket_name, :string, default: "waka"
preference :bucket_url, :string, default: ""
# ***config/initializers/bucket_configuration.rb***
module Spree
SpreeDemo::Config =
SpreeDemo::Config[:bucket_name] = "blue_theme"
SpreeDemo::Config[:bucket_url] = "waka" + SpreeDemo::Config.bucket_name
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Another option is to create app/models/spree/app_configuration_decorator.rb. Inside of it add

Spree::AppConfiguration.class_eval do
  preference :bucket_name, :string, default: "waka"
  preference :bucket_url, :string, default: ""

No other changes or additions should be required. Once you restart the app, you can access the new preferences with Spree::Config.bucket_name and they can be set with Spree::Config.bucket_name = "blue_theme". You can also set these new preference in config/initializers/spree.rb

Depending on what you are wanting to do, messing with Spree::Config instead of creating a custom preferences configuration class isn't always the best of ideas.

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@dfreerksen sorry for bothering, but i was trying to write decorator for app configuration app_configuration_decorator.rb to add some preference and everything works ok, i guess. But if i am trying to set the new preference in config/initializers/spree.rb with Spree::Config[:new_preference] = "new preference value" i am getting
has_preference!': new_preference preference not defined (NoMethodError)
Have you successfuly set the newly created prefence yourself? And if you have, maybe you have any thoughts what am i missing?

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Infigic commented May 9, 2016

@vishelshell spring might be issue. stop spring and than start up.

bin/spring status
bin/spring stop
bin/rails c

and than check

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