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Created June 19, 2011 08:45
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import actors.Actor
import io.Source
import java.lang.StringBuilder
import scala.util.continuations.{reset, shift}
import scala.actors.Actor.{loop, react}
* {@link Request}を実行し、{@link Response}を返すtrait
trait Http {
def getResponse(req: Request): Response
* {@link}による{@link Http}の実装
trait SourceHttp extends Http {
def getResponse(req: Request) = {
val source = Source.fromURL(req.uri)
val stringBuilder = new StringBuilder()
for (line <- source) {
// Gets the response for the request, calls handler with the response just for once.
* {@link Request}を実行し、{@link Response}を取得してそれを引数に一回だけコールバック関数を呼び出すActor
abstract class HttpClientActor[T](handler: (Response) => T) extends Actor with Http {
def execute(req: Request) {
println("5. Executing a request " + req + "...")
def act() {
loop {
react {
case req: Request => execute(req)
* {@link}で{@link Request}を処理する{@link HttpClientActor}の実装
class SourceHttpClientActor[T](handler: (Response) => T) extends HttpClientActor(handler) with SourceHttp
* 本当に簡単なHTTPリクエスト
case class Request(uri: String)
* 本当に簡単なHTTPレスポンス
case class Response(content: String) {
* バイト数じゃなくて文字数返してるけどドンマイ
def contentSize = content.length()
class AsyncHttpClient {
type ResponseHandler[T] = (Response) => T
def executeRequestWithActor[T](req: Request, handler: ResponseHandler[T]) {
val actor = new SourceHttpClientActor(handler)
actor ! req
* レスポンスを取得してコールバックする。
* よくある非同期処理のパターン
def withResponse[T](req: Request)(handler: ResponseHandler[T]) {
println("2a. Pass the callback function to an actor")
executeRequestWithActor(req, handler)
println("3a. Delegated the execution of the request to the actor\n")
* 指定したRequestを投げてsuspendし、Responseが取得できてから継続する
def awaitResponse[T](req: Request) = {
shift { k: ResponseHandler[T] =>
println("2b. Pass the continuation k to an actor.")
executeRequestWithActor(req, k)
println("3b. Delegated the execution of the request to the actor.\n")
val asyncHttpClient = new AsyncHttpClient
val req = Request("")
def printResponseSize(res: Response) = println("Got " + res.contentSize + " bytes")
// a. 限定継続なし (ブロックにコールバック)
println("1a. Asynchronously execute a block when the response is available.")
asyncHttpClient.withResponse(req) { res1: Response =>
println("6a. The block is called.")
// 後続の非同期処理は、このようにwithResponseをネストして表現する必要がある。
// 処理が複雑になるとネストも深くなる・・・。
println("7a. Asynchronously execute a block on the 2nd response.")
asyncHttpClient.withResponse(req) { res2: Response =>
println("8a. The 2nd block is called.")
// b. 限定継続あり
// resetの中では非同期処理を、コールバックを使わず、同期処理的に書けることに注目
reset {
println("1b. Await a response.")
val res1 = asyncHttpClient.awaitResponse(req)
// レスポンスが取得できたら、ここから継続
println("6b. Continued with the response.")
// 後続の非同期処理も、このようにべたに書ける。
// コールバック方式より、処理順序がより直感的にわかりますね?
println("7b. Await the response for the 2nd request.")
val res2 = asyncHttpClient.awaitResponse(req)
println("8b. Continued with the 2nd response.")
// 6および7が実行される前にが終わる前にここに到達します
// また、Actorが調子のいい時は4より5が先に実行されますw
println("4. End of the script.\n")
scala -Xplugin:continuations -P:continuations:enable example.scala
mumoshu@ubuntu:~/Workspace/delimited-continuation$ ./
1a. Asynchronously execute a block when the response is available.
2a. Pass the callback function to an actor
3a. Delegated the execution of the request to the actor
1b. Await a response.
2b. Pass the continuation k to an actor.
3b. Delegated the execution of the request to the actor.
4. End of the script.
5. Executing a request Request(
5. Executing a request Request(
6a. The block is called.
Got 6487 bytes
7a. Asynchronously execute a block on the 2nd response.
2a. Pass the callback function to an actor
6b. Continued with the response.
Got 6487 bytes
7b. Await the response for the 2nd request.
2b. Pass the continuation k to an actor.
3b. Delegated the execution of the request to the actor.
3a. Delegated the execution of the request to the actor
5. Executing a request Request(
5. Executing a request Request(
8b. Continued with the 2nd response.
Got 6487 bytes
8a. The 2nd block is called.
Got 6487 bytes
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