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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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#![allow(unused_mut, non_camel_case_types, dead_code, unused_variables)]
use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
use std::ops::Add;
/*macro_rules! using {
[ $pp:path : ( $($elem:ident),* )
] => [
use $pp :: {self, $(elem),*};
using!{ std::fmt : (Debug) }*/
macro_rules! make_overloadable {
[ fn $fn_name:ident();
] => [
trait $fn_name {
type ReturnType;
fn $fn_name( &self ) -> Self::ReturnType;
fn $fn_name<TType: $fn_name>( tuple: &TType ) -> TType::ReturnType {
/*[ fn $fn_name() -> void;
] => [
trait $fn_name {
type ReturnType;
fn $fn_name( &self );
macro_rules! overload {
( [ $( $t:ident $(:$tr:ident)+ ),* ]
fn $func:ident( $( $arg:ident : $typ:ident ),+ ) $body:block
) => [
impl< $( $t : $( $tr +)+ ),* > $func for ( $( $typ ),+ ) {
type ReturnType = ();
fn $func ( &self )
let & ( $( ref $arg ),+ ) = self;
( //[ $( $t:ident $(:$tr:ident)+ ),* ]
[ $( $T1:ident $(+$tr:ident)* ),* ]
fn $func:ident( $( $arg:ident : $typ:ident ),+ ) -> $ret:ty => $body:block
) => [
impl< $( $t : $( $tr +)+ ),* > $func for ( $( $typ ),+ ) {
type ReturnType = $ret;
fn $func ( &self ) -> $ret
let & ( $( ref $arg ),+ ) = self;
fn $func:ident( $( $arg:ident : $typ:ty ),+ )
[ $( $T1:ident ($($positive_tr:ident),* $(!$negative_tr:ident),*) )* ]
// older syntax
/*[ $($T0:ident.)* ] [ $( #$T1:ident $(+$tr:ident)* );* ]*/
) => [
$( $T1 : $( $tr +)* ),*
> $func for ( $( $typ ),+ ) {
type ReturnType = ();
fn $func ( &self )
let & ( $( ref $arg ),+ ) = self;
fn $func:ident( $( $arg:ident : $typ:ty ),+ ) -> $ret:ty
/*[ $($T0:ident.)* ]*/ //[ $( $T1:ident ($($positive_tr:ident),* $(!$negative_tr:ident),*) )* ]
//[ $($tyt:tt)* ]
//[ $( $t00:ident $(: $( +$tr00:ident )* $(. $(!$trc:ident),+ )* )* );* ] //SPECIAL Version XZ
//[ $( $t00:ident $(: $($tr00:ident)* )* ),* ]
//[ $( $t00:ident $(: $( $tr00:ident ),* $(! $($trc:ident),+ )* )* );* ]
[ $( $t00:ident ($( $tree0:ident )*) )* ]
) => [
$( $t00 : $($tree0+)* /*$($($trc+)*)*/ ),* // negative bounds not yet supported
//$( $T1 : $( $positive_tr+ )* $(!$negative_tr +)* ),*
> $func for ( $( $typ ),+ ) {
type ReturnType = $ret;
fn $func ( &self ) -> $ret
let &( $( ref $arg ),+ ) = self;
make_overloadable! {
fn mk();
//#[cfg( pretty_expanded )]
overload! {
fn mk( s: (H, T), g: G ) -> (bool, u8)
//[ H() T(Debug) G(Debug, Copy, Clone) ]
//[ H, T: Debug, G: Debug + Copy + Clone ] // NOT WORKING
//[ H: Debug ! Sized, Clone; T: Debug, Add; G: Debug, Copy, Clone ]
[ H(Debug Sized Clone) T(Debug Add) G(Debug Copy Clone) ]
'pkp | {:?}", s, g);
(false, 9)
macro_rules! mkfun {
[ ($($func:tt)*) => [$($gen:tt)*] $body:block
] => [
//impl< /*$($gen)*/ > create for (i32) {
where $($gen:tt)*
(fn create(_: i32)) => [T: Copy] {
let g = 3 + 3;
haskell! {
mk :: U: Debug, Copy => () -> () {
overload! {
[]fn mk( s: char, g: i32, c: char )
println!("{}; {:?}", s, g);
fn mkee<U>(s: i32, g: U) -> bool
where U: fmt::Debug + Copy
println!("{}; {:?}", s, g);
fn mkmee<T: mk>(tuple: &T) -> T::ReturnType {
fn void() -> Result<i8, u8> {
fn none() {
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
//mk(32, 'a');
((true, 43), 'Z').mk();
//('F', 63, 'x').mk();
mk(&((true, 43), 'Z'));
let vvv = void();
let nnn = none();
println!("{:?}; {:?}", vvv, nnn);
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