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PostgreSQL - EXPLAIN cheatsheet

PostgreSQL - EXPLAIN cheatsheet

  • -> Marks the start of info on a "plan node"
  • Work from the leaves to the root to understand what happened first
(cost=0.00..5.04 rows=101 width=0)
  • (cost=
    • The cost estimations are in units of arbitrary comptutation; by default the cost of a sequential page fetch. See these variables for how this can be controlled.
    • 0.00.. - estimated start-up cost before output can begin. E.g. the sorting in a Sort node.
    • ..5.04 - estimated total cost assuming the node runs to completion. Includes the start-up cost (as shown by this).
  • rows=101 is the estimated number of rows that will be emitted by this node, assuming the node runs to completion. Maybe reduced if a Filter will be executed.
  • width=0) is the estimated average size in bytes of a row returned by this plan node.


(actual time=0.049..0.049 rows=100 loops=1)

When using EXPLAIN ANALYZE because the query is actually executed.

  • actual time= - is an average of all the loops, multiply by loops to find the total time spent.
    • nnn... - start-up time in ms of real time.
    • ...nnn - total time in ms of real time.
  • rows - how many rows returned, is an average per-execution if there are loops.
  • loops - how many times the operation was executed

Other fields:

  • Filter: unique1 > 100 this means a plan node checks a condition for each row it scans. Will cause a reduction in estimated rows returned, but will increase the cost because it will add (rows * cpu_operator_cost).
  • Join Filter - says this if we're using some kind of OUTER JOIN


When using EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) (see EXPLAIN Parameters):

Helps to identify which parts of the query are the most I/O-intensive.

The unit is blocks, the stats are hit, read, dirtied and written for:

  • shared blocks contain data from regular tables and indexes
  • local blocks contain data from temporary tables and indexes
  • temp blocks contain short-term data for sorts, hashes, Materialize etc.


  • hit - a read was avoided because a block was already found in cache
  • dirtied - the number of previously unmodified blocks changed by this query
  • written - previously dirtied blocks evicted from cache during this query

Parent nodes include the sum of the values for their children.

In text mode assume 0 values if not shown.

Estimating total cost

The following variables are used to estimates query costs. See their defintions on Planner Cost Constants.

Here are the defaults:

var default desc
seq_page_cost 1.0 cost of a disk page fetch
random_page_cost 4.0 cost of a non-sequentially-fetched disk page
cpu_tuple_cost 0.01 cost of processing each row during a query
cpu_index_tuple_cost 0.005 cost of processing each index entry during an index scan
cpu_operator_cost 0.0025 cost of processing each operator or function executed during a query

E.g. find number of pages and rows:

SELECT relpages, reltuples FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'my_table';
 relpages | reltuples
     3920 |     48608
(1 row)

Then plug those into the following for a SELECT * FROM ...:

total_cost = ("disk pages read" * seq_page_cost) + (rows scanned * cpu_tuple_cost)

See full example on Using EXPLAIN.

Node types

Scan nodes

Scan nodes return raw rows from a table:

  • Seq Scan - iterate rows of the table filtering
  • Index Scan - search the index, fetches rows from the table in index order, so may cause random I/O to load pages.
  • Index Only Scan - when all the needed cols are in the index
  • Bitmap Scans - Used to avoid random I/O caused by fetching rows from an index. Table rows are fetched in physical order. Is always structured as a Bitmap Heap Scan with one or more nested Bitmap Index Scans. Multiple Bitmap Index Scans will be combined using BitmapOr or BitmapAnd.
    • Bitmap Index Scan - (inner) using an index, produces a truth table of disk pages that might contain the rows we need.
    • Bitmap Heap Scan - (outer) sorts the row locations into physical order before reading the pages indicated by the truth table into memory. The "bitmap" is what does the sorting.
  • Function Scan - a scan over tuples generated by a function

Join types

  • Hash Join / Hash - A join implemented using a Hash table.
    • Hash first calls a sub-operation to create a hash table keyed by the join condition
    • Hash Join then runs a second sub-operation and filters its results through the hash table
    • Memory Usage is peak used
    • Batches will be 1 if all in memory, > 1 means disk usage was required.
  • Merge Join - Used if joined datasets can be or are already sorted using the join key. Always has two sub-operations Sort and Materialize.
  • Nested Loop Join - A join. Always has two sub-operations: first node produces a list of rows; then for every row that returns, it runs the second operation.
  • Nested Loop Semi Join - Where inner result set data is not returned, only used to filter. Most often seen when using EXISTS.

Aggregate types

  • HashAggregate - aggregate rows by a grouping key then digest them into one row per group by performing AVG, SUM, COUNT etc. Uses work_mem to allocate a Hash table.
  • Unique - uses a HashAggregate if the data is unsorted. If the data is sorted can be perform a memory-cheap if last rows was the same check.
  • GroupAggregate - if the data is sorted skips using a hash map and uses the same check-last-row algorithm Unique uses.

Other types

  • Sort - sorting, either in-memory if work_mem is big enough or on disk
  • Limit - return just the first N rows. Usually stopping sub-operations asap.
  • Materialize - essentially runs an operation then stores its rows in memory for repeat processing.
  • CTE - execution of a CTE
  • CTE Scan - like Materialize, but this time with results returned by a CTE.
  • Append - will be seen with queries that do something like UNION ALL where no duplicate elimation is happening, and we are simply aggregating the results of several sub-operations.
  • Gather - gathers results from a parallel query execution. Will have exactly one child node which is the node that will be executed in parallel. Reads tuples from workers in whatever order they appear, destroying sort order.
  • Gather Merge - same as Gather but used when the child node will return tuples in sorted order, so the leader will perform an order preserving merge.


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