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Created February 24, 2017 05:45
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a command line interface that can convert PDF to PDF/X-1a via Adobe PostScript with Adobe Acrobat X Pro
set -e
echo usage: $(basename $0) path/to/input.pdf
return 0
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
exit 1
file $1 | grep -q 'PDF document'
if [ ! $? ]; then
exit 1
pdf2psx1a.applescript $(dirname $1)/$(basename $1)
open -a '/Applications/Adobe Acrobat X Pro/Acrobat' $(dirname $1)/$(basename $1 .pdf)
-- This apple script is a command line interface
-- that can convert PDF to PDF/X-1a via Adobe PostScript with Adobe Acrobat X Pro.
on run argv
if (count of argv) < 1 then
-- do shell script "echo " & "\"pdf2pdfx1a.applescript path/to/input.pdf\""
do shell script "echo " & "\"pdf2psx1a.applescript path/to/input.pdf\""
set p to item 1 of argv
set pcurrentFile to do shell script "[[ \"" & p & "\" = /* ]] && echo \"" & p & "\" || echo \"$PWD/\"" & p & "\"\""
set currentFile to POSIX file pcurrentFile as Unicode text
set currentFileName to do shell script "basename \"" & pcurrentFile & "\""
set poutputFolder to do shell script "[[ \"" & pcurrentFile & "\" = /* ]] && dirname \"" & pcurrentFile & "\" || echo \"$PWD/\""
set outputFolder to POSIX path of poutputFolder as Unicode text
set currentFileShortName to text 1 thru -5 of currentFileName
set PSFileName to (currentFileShortName & "") as string
set pPSFilePath to (outputFolder & "/" & PSFileName) as string
set PSFilePath to POSIX file pPSFilePath as Unicode text
-- log currentFile
-- log currentFileShortName
-- log PSFileName
-- log PSFilePath
set PDFFileName to (currentFileShortName & "_x1a.pdf") as string
set pPDFFilePath to (outputFolder & "/" & PDFFileName) as string
set PDFFilePath to POSIX file pPDFFilePath as Unicode text
-- tell application "Acrobat Distiller"
-- launch
-- delay 3
-- end tell
-- PDF -> PostScript via Adobe Acrobat X Pro
tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
log "Converting " & currentFile & "... "
open currentFile
save document currentFileName ¬
to file PSFilePath using PostScript Conversion ¬
with embedded fonts, images, preview, separations and annotation ¬
without binary given postScript level:3
close document currentFileName
log "done: " & PSFilePath
end tell
-- -- PostScript -> PDF/X-1a via Acrobat Distiller
-- -- Requirements: run Acrobat Distiller and set one of PDF/X-1a
-- tell application "Acrobat Distiller"
-- activate
-- delay 3
-- log "Converting " & PSFilePath & "... "
-- open PSFilePath
-- -- Distill sourcePath PSFilePath ¬
-- -- adobePDFSettingsPath POSIX path of ("/Users/munepi/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/EQUIOS X1a 2001_1_J.joboptions")
-- log "done: " & PDFFilePath
-- quit
-- end tell
end if
end run
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